%general-entities; ]> Udev-&udev-version; Udev tools <!-- <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude" href="../chapter06/udev.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/sect1/sect2[1]/para[1])"/> --> <segmentedlist> <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle> <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle> <seglistitem><seg>0.2 SBU</seg><seg>5.2 MB</seg></seglistitem> </segmentedlist> <!-- <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude" href="../chapter06/udev.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/sect1/sect2[1]/segmentedlist[2])"/> --> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of Udev The udevstart program hardcodes the path to the udev program in itself, which is bad since we install udev in a non-standard location. Fix this by running the following: sed -i 's@/sbin/udev@/tools/sbin/udev@g' udevstart.c Also assure that udev knows the correct location to look for its configuration files: sed -i 's@/etc@/tools/etc@g' etc/udev/udev.conf.in Now compile Udev: make prefix=/tools etcdir=/tools/etc Install it: make DESTDIR=/tools udevdir=/dev install Udev's configuration is far from ideal by default, so we install our own configuration files here: cp ../udev-config-1.permissions /tools/etc/udev/permissions.d/00-lfs.permissions cp ../udev-config-1.rules /tools/etc/udev/rules.d/00-lfs.rules <para>The details on this package are found in <xref linkend="contents-udev"/>.</para> </sect2> </sect1>