Installing Gettext-&gettext-version; The Gettext package contains utilities for internationalization and localization. These allow programs to be compiled with Native Language Support (NLS), enabling them to output messages in the user's native language. &buildtime; &gettext-time; &diskspace; &gettext-compsize; &aa-gettext-down; &aa-gettext-dep;    Installation of Gettext Prepare Gettext for compilation: ./configure --prefix=/usr Compile the package: make This package has a test suite available which performs a number of checks to ensure it will function correctly. It's worth noting that Gettext does not play a critical role in the overall operation of an LFS system. In addition, the Gettext test suite runs for quite a long period of time. Accordingly, the running of the test suite here is not crucial. Should you choose to run the Gettext test suite, the following command will do so: make check And install the package: make install &aa-gettext-shortdesc; &aa-gettext-desc;