Installing Gzip-&gzip-version; The Gzip package contains programs for compressing and decompressing files. &buildtime; &gzip-time; &diskspace; &gzip-compsize; &aa-gzip-down; &aa-gzip-dep;    Installation of Gzip Prepare Gzip for compilation: ./configure --prefix=/usr The gzexe script has the location of the gzip binary hard-wired into it. Because we later change the location of the binary, the following command assures that the new location gets placed into the script: cp{,.backup} sed 's%"BINDIR"%/bin%' > Compile the package: make Install the package: make install And move the programs to the /bin directory: mv /usr/bin/gzip /bin rm /usr/bin/{gunzip,zcat} ln -s gzip /bin/gunzip ln -s gzip /bin/zcat ln -s gunzip /bin/uncompress &aa-gzip-shortdesc; &aa-gzip-desc;