%general-entities; ]> Iproute2-&iproute2-version; iproute2 <segmentedlist> <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle> <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle> <seglistitem> <seg>0.1 SBU</seg> <seg>.6 MB</seg> </seglistitem> </segmentedlist> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of iproute2 Apply a patch patch -Np1 -i ../iproute2-&iproute2-patch-version;-remove_db-1.patch The patch below fixes the issue with the newer versions of findutils, the issue will give an error message it options are not in the proper order. This patch corrects this issue for IPRoute2. patch -Np1 -i ../iproute2-&iproute2-patch-version;-find_update-1.patch Prepare iproute2 for compilation: ./configure Compile the package: make SBINDIR=/sbin Now install it: make install SBINDIR=/sbin Contents of iproute2 See testing