%general-entities; ]> Tar-&tar-version; Tar <para>The Tar package contains an archiving program.</para> <segmentedlist> <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle> <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle> <seglistitem> <seg>&tar-ch6-sbu;</seg> <seg>&tar-ch6-du;</seg> </seglistitem> </segmentedlist> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of Tar One of the tests in the testsuite (number 12, exclude) fails, at least on recent linux systems, because the output needs to be sorted before it is diffed. If you are going to run the testsuite, fix this by applying the following patch before you configure: patch -Np1 -i ../&tar-sort-exclude-test-patch; Prepare Tar for compilation: ./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin --libexecdir=/usr/sbin Compile the package: make To test the results, issue: make check. Install the package: make install Contents of Tar Installed programs rmt and tar Short Descriptions rmt Remotely manipulates a magnetic tape drive through an interprocess communication connection rmt tar Creates, extracts files from, and lists the contents of archives, also known as tarballs tar