Installing Texinfo-&texinfo-version; The Texinfo package contains programs for reading, writing, and converting Info documents. Estimated build time: &texinfo-time; Estimated required disk space: &texinfo-compsize; &aa-texinfo-down; &aa-texinfo-dep;    Installation of Texinfo Prepare Texinfo for compilation: ./configure --prefix=/usr Compile the package: make This package has a test suite available which can perform a number of checks to ensure it built correctly. Should you choose to run it, the following command will do so: make check Install the package: make install And optionally install the components belonging in a TeX installation: make TEXMF=/usr/share/texmf install-tex The meaning of the make parameter: TEXMF=/usr/share/texmf: The TEXMF makefile variable holds the location of the root of your TeX tree if, for example, you plan to install a TeX package later on. The Info documentation system uses a plain text file to hold its list of menu entries. The file is located at /usr/share/info/dir. Unfortunately, due to occasional problems in the Makefiles of various packages, it can sometimes get out of step with the Info manuals actually installed on the system. If ever you need to recreate the /usr/share/info/dir file, the following optional commands will accomplish the task: cd /usr/share/info rm dir for f in * do install-info $f dir 2>/dev/null done &aa-texinfo-shortdesc; &aa-texinfo-desc;