%general-entities; ]> xz &xz-version;
Xz-&xz-version; Xz <para>The Xz package contains programs for compressing and decompressing files. It provides capabilities for the lzma and the newer xz compression formats. Compressing text files with <command>xz</command> yields a better compression percentage than with the traditional <command>gzip</command> or <command>bzip2</command> commands.</para> <segmentedlist> <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle> <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle> <seglistitem> <seg>&xz-ch6-sbu;</seg> <seg>&xz-ch6-du;</seg> </seglistitem> </segmentedlist> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of Xz First, fix an internal problem: sed -e '/mf\.buffer = NULL/a next->coder->mf.size = 0;' \ -i src/liblzma/lz/lz_encoder.c Prepare Xz for compilation with: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/xz-&xz-version; Compile the package: make To test the results, issue: make check Install the package and make sure that all essential files are in the correct directory: make install mv -v /usr/bin/{lzma,unlzma,lzcat,xz,unxz,xzcat} /bin mv -v /usr/lib/liblzma.so.* /lib ln -svf ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/liblzma.so) /usr/lib/liblzma.so Contents of Xz Installed programs Installed libraries Installed directories lzcat (link to xz), lzcmp (link to xzdiff), lzdiff (link to xzdiff), lzegrep (link to xzgrep), lzfgrep (link to xzgrep), lzgrep (link to xzgrep), lzless (link to xzless), lzma (link to xz), lzmadec, lzmainfo, lzmore (link to xzmore), unlzma (link to xz), unxz (link to xz), xz, xzcat (link to xz), xzcmp (link to xzdiff), xzdec, xzdiff, xzegrep (link to xzgrep), xzfgrep (link to xzgrep), xzgrep, xzless, and xzmore liblzma.so /usr/include/lzma and /usr/share/doc/xz-&xz-version; Short Descriptions lzcat Decompresses to standard output lzcat lzcmp Runs cmp on LZMA compressed files lzcmp lzdiff Runs diff on LZMA compressed files lzdiff lzegrep Runs egrep on LZMA compressed files lzegrep lzfgrep Runs fgrep on LZMA compressed files lzfgrep lzgrep Runs grep on LZMA compressed files lzgrep lzless Runs less on LZMA compressed files lzless lzma Compresses or decompresses files using the LZMA format lzma lzmadec A small and fast decoder for LZMA compressed files lzmadec lzmainfo Shows information stored in the LZMA compressed file header lzmainfo lzmore Runs more on LZMA compressed files lzmore unlzma Decompresses files using the LZMA format unlzma unxz Decompresses files using the XZ format unxz xz Compresses or decompresses files using the XZ format xz xzcat Decompresses to standard output xzcat xzcmp Runs cmp on XZ compressed files xzcmp xzdec A small and fast decoder for XZ compressed files xzdec xzdiff Runs diff on XZ compressed files xzdiff xzegrep Runs egrep on XZ compressed files files xzegrep xzfgrep Runs fgrep on XZ compressed files xzfgrep xzgrep Runs grep on XZ compressed files xzgrep xzless Runs less on XZ compressed files xzless xzmore Runs more on XZ compressed files xzmore liblzma The library implementing lossless, block-sorting data compression, using the Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain algorithm liblzma