%general-entities; ]> The Bash Shell Startup Files /etc/profile The shell program /bin/bash (hereafter referred to as the shell) uses a collection of startup files to help create an environment to run in. Each file has a specific use and may affect login and interactive environments differently. The files in the /etc directory provide global settings. If an equivalent file exists in the home directory, it may override the global settings. An interactive login shell is started after a successful login, using /bin/login, by reading the /etc/passwd file. An interactive non-login shell is started at the command-line (e.g., [prompt]$/bin/bash). A non-interactive shell is usually present when a shell script is running. It is non-interactive because it is processing a script and not waiting for user input between commands. For more information, see info bash -- Nodes: Bash Startup Files and Interactive Shells. The files /etc/profile and ~/.bash_profile are read when the shell is invoked as an interactive login shell. A base /etc/profile below sets some environment variables necessary for native language support. Setting them properly results in: the output of programs translated into your native language; correct classification of characters into letters, digits and other classes. This is necessary for Bash to properly accept non-ASCII characters in command lines in non-English locales; the correct alphabetical sorting order for the country; appropriate default paper size; correct formatting of monetary, time and date values. This script also sets the INPUTRC environment variable that makes Bash and Readline use the /etc/inputrc file created earlier. Replace [ll] below with the two-letter code for the desired language (e.g., en) and [CC] with the two-letter code for the appropriate country (e.g., GB). It may also be necessary to specify (and this is actually the preferred form) the character encoding (e.g. iso8859-1) after a dot (so that the result is en_GB.iso8859-1). Issue the following command for more information: man 3 setlocale The list of all locales supported by Glibc can be obtained by running the following command: locale -a Once the proper locale settings have been determined, create the /etc/profile file: cat > /etc/profile << "EOF" # Begin /etc/profile export LC_ALL=[ll]_[CC] export LANG=[ll]_[CC] export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc # End /etc/profile EOF The C (default) and en_US (the recommended one for United States English users) locales are different. Setting the keyboard layout, the screen font, and the locale-related environment variables are the only internationalization steps needed to support locales that use ordinary single-byte encodings and left-to-right writing direction. More complex cases (including UTF-8 based locales) require additional steps and additional patches because many applications tend to not work properly under such conditions. These steps and patches are not included in the LFS book and such locales are not supported by LFS in any way.