%general-entities; ]> wheel &wheel-version;
Wheel-&wheel-version; wheel <para>Wheel is a Python library that is the reference implementation of the Python wheel packaging standard.</para> <segmentedlist> <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle> <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle> <seglistitem> <seg>&wheel-fin-sbu;</seg> <seg>&wheel-fin-du;</seg> </seglistitem> </segmentedlist> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of Wheel Compile wheel with the following command: PYTHONPATH=src pip3 wheel -w dist --no-build-isolation --no-deps $PWD Install wheel with the following command: pip3 install --no-index --find-links=dist wheel The meaning of the pip3 commands: PYTHONPATH=src Allow using this package (not installed yet) to build a wheel archive for itself, to avoid a chicken-or-egg problem. wheel Build wheel archive for this package. -w dist Put the created wheels into the dist directory. install Install the package. --no-build-isolation, --no-deps, and --no-index Prevent pip from fetching files from the online package repository (PyPI). If packages are installed in the correct order, then it won't need to fetch any files in the first place, but these options add some safety in case of user error. --find-links dist Search wheel archives from the dist directory. Contents of Wheel Installed program Installed directories wheel /usr/lib/python&python-minor;/site-packages/wheel and /usr/lib/python&python-minor;/site-packages/wheel-&wheel-version;.dist-info Short Descriptions wheel is an utility to unpack, pack, or convert wheel packages wheel