Rebooting the system Now that all of the software has been installed, it's time to exit the chroot environment and reboot the computer. Before we exit the chroot environment, let's unmount any mounted virtual file systems by running: umount /proc umount /dev/pts Exit the chroot environment: logout Additionally, now that all software has been installed, there is no longer a need for the /tools directory. You may delete it. As this will also remove the temporary copies of Tcl, Expect and DejaGnu, which were used for running the toolchain tests, you will need to recompile and re-install them on your LFS system if you want to use these programs later. Also you may now want to move the contents of /sources to /usr/src/packages or something similar (or simply delete them if you've burned them on a CD) and delete the directory. Before we reboot, let's unmount the LFS partition itself: umount $LFS If you earlier decided to create multiple partitions, you'll need to unmount the other partitions before you unmount $LFS, like this: umount $LFS/usr umount $LFS/home umount $LFS And now you can reboot your system by running something like: /sbin/shutdown -r now Assuming the Grub boot loader was set up as outlined earlier, the default menu should be set to boot LFS &milestone; automatically. After you have rebooted, your LFS system is ready for use and you can start adding your own software.