%general-entities; ]> S6 Usage and Configuration Some information about S6 in general and in detail... Terminology S6 does not look that trivial on the first view. Some clarification on the terminology of S6 might help to understand what is talked about. service directory A directory, where your service definitions are stored. That is the direcory where all the directories containing type, up, down and dependencies resides in. In the service directory can be much more service definitions be stored than you might actually are going to use. scan directory Pretty much same structure as a service directory but it contains only that services which are used on your system. The scandir can contain symbolic links to services in the service directory. The boot scripts Now setup some essential scripts for booting. After init has been started, the s6 rc.init file is read. The file can be found in /etc/s6-linux-init/skel. This file can be used to start the S6 service manager as well as optionally other service managers. To enable s6-rc, execute following command to uncomment the respective line: sed -e "s/^# s6-rc-init/s6-rc-init/" \ -i /etc/s6-linux-init/skel/rc.init Whenever you change files in the skel directory, it is required to reinstall them using the s6-linux-init-maker script. Execute the following commands to rebuild the files. Make sure that the configuration directory exists: mkdir -p /etc/s6-linux-init Setup a temporary directory name (the directory itself must not exist): tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -u) Create essential programs and move them to a directory representing the current setup: s6-linux-init-maker -1 -G "/sbin/agetty -J 38400 tty1" $tmpdir mv $tmpdir /etc/s6-linux-init/current Install the essential programs in the file system: cp -av /etc/s6-linux-init/current/bin/* /sbin/