%general-entities; ]> Rebooting the System Now that all of the software has been installed, it is time to reboot your computer. However, there are still a few things to check. Here are some suggestions: Install any firmware needed if the kernel driver for your hardware requires some firmware files to function properly. Ensure a password is set for the &root; user. A review of the following configuration files is also appropriate at this point. /etc/bashrc /etc/dircolors /etc/fstab /etc/hosts /etc/inputrc /etc/profile /etc/resolv.conf /etc/vimrc /root/.bash_profile /root/.bashrc /etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0 Now that we have said that, let's move on to booting our shiny new LFS installation for the first time! Unmount the boot partition: umount /boot Synchronize cached writes to prevent data loss on reboot without a fully functional init process: sync Now, reboot the system: reboot -ff -ff option allows to reboot the system without support from the init process. Assuming the GRUB boot loader was set up as outlined earlier, the menu is set to boot LFS &version; automatically. When the reboot is complete, the LFS system is ready for use. What you will see is a simple login: prompt. At this point, you can proceed to the BLFS Book where you can add more software to suit your needs. If your reboot is not successful, it is time to troubleshoot. For hints on solving initial booting problems, see .