Changes in / [4809582:0bf23c8]

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    r4809582 r0bf23c8  
    2020<!ENTITY copyrightdate   "1999-2021">
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  • part3intro/toolchaintechnotes.xml

    r4809582 r0bf23c8  
    4040    <para>Cross-compilation involves some concepts that deserve a section on
    41     their own. Although this section may be omitted in a first reading, it
    42     is strongly suggested to come back to it later in order to get a full
    43     grasp of the build process.</para>
     41    their own. Although this section may be omitted in a first reading,
     42    coming back to it later will be beneficial to your full understanding of
     43    the process.</para>
    4545    <para>Let us first define some terms used in this context:</para>
    6868    <para>As an example, let us imagine the following scenario (sometimes
    6969    referred to as <quote>Canadian Cross</quote>): we may have a
    70     compiler on a slow machine only, let's call the machine A, and the compiler
     70    compiler on a slow machine only, let's call it machine A, and the compiler
    7171    ccA. We may have also a fast machine (B), but with no compiler, and we may
    7272    want to produce code for another slow machine (C). To build a
    142142      reader may wonder why a <quote>triplet</quote> refers to a four component
    143143      name. The reason is history: initially, three component names were enough
    144       to designate unambiguously a machine, but with new machines and systems
     144      to designate a machine unambiguously, but with new machines and systems
    145145      appearing, that proved insufficient. The word <quote>triplet</quote>
    146146      remained. A simple way to determine your machine triplet is to run
    157157      provided by Glibc finds and loads the shared libraries needed by a
    158158      program, prepares the program to run, and then runs it. The name of the
    159       dynamic linker for a 32-bit Intel machine will be <filename
    160       class="libraryfile"></filename> (<filename
    161       class="libraryfile"></filename> for 64-bit systems). A
     159      dynamic linker for a 32-bit Intel machine is <filename
     160      class="libraryfile"></filename> and is<filename
     161      class="libraryfile"></filename> for 64-bit systems. A
    162162      sure-fire way to determine the name of the dynamic linker is to inspect a
    163163      random binary from the host system by running: <userinput>readelf -l
    168168    </note>
    170     <para>In order to fake a cross compilation, the name of the host triplet
     170    <para>In order to fake a cross compilation in LFS, the name of the host triplet
    171171    is slightly adjusted by changing the &quot;vendor&quot; field in the
    172172    <envar>LFS_TGT</envar> variable. We also use the
    296296    parameter passed to its configure script; e.g. in our case, the compiler
    297297    will be <command>$LFS_TGT-gcc</command>. The binary tools and kernel
    298     headers can be a bit more complicated. Therefore, take no risks and use
     298    headers can be a bit more complicated. Therefore, we take no risks and use
    299299    the available configure switches to enforce the correct selections. After
    300300    the run of <command>configure</command>, check the contents of the
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