Changes in / [d2eb97b:3eb188e]

3 edited


  • chapter04/aboutsbus.xml

    rd2eb97b r3eb188e  
    2828  <para>For example, consider a package whose compilation time is 4.5
    29   SBUs. This means that if your system took 4 minutes to compile and
     29  SBUs. This means that if your system took 10 minutes to compile and
    3030  install the first pass of binutils, it will take
    31   <emphasis>approximately</emphasis> 18 minutes to build the example package.
     31  <emphasis>approximately</emphasis> 45 minutes to build the example package.
    3232  Fortunately, most build times are shorter than one SBU.</para>
    3737  numbers can vary by as much as dozens of minutes in some cases.</para>
    39   <para>On some newer systems, the motherboard is capable of contolling
    40   the system clock speed. This can be controlled with a command such as
    41   <command>powerprofilesctl</command>. This is not available in LFS, but
    42   may be available on the host distro. After LFS is complete, it can be
    43   added to a system with the procedures at the
    44   <ulink url='&blfs-book;sysutils/power-profiles-daemon.html'>
    45   BLFS power-profiles-daemon</ulink> page.
     39  <para>Before measuring the build time of any package (no matter Binutils
     40  pass 1 or a package of which the SBU is being measured), make sure a
     41  system power profile suitable to make the system running with the
     42  maximum performance (and the maximum power consumption) is selected.  Or
     43  the measured SBU value may be severly inaccurate because the system may be
     44  operated differently building Binutils pass 1 and the other package.
     45  Be aware that a significant inaccuracy can still show up even if the same
     46  profile (except one maximizing the performance) is used for both packages:
     47  the system may respond slower for <quote>saving the power</quote> building
     48  Binutils pass 1, because the system load seems only about 25% of the load
     49  building the other package (with <parameter>-j4</parameter>).</para>
    47   Before measuring the build time of any package it is advisable to use a
    48   system power profile set for maximum performance (and maximum power
    49   consumption).
     51  <para>On most distros the power profile can be managed with either
     52  <command>power-profiles-daemon</command> or <command>tuned</command>.
     53  If the distro runs <command>power-profiles-daemon</command>, issue the
     54  <command>powerprofilesctl set performance</command> command to select
     55  the <literal>performance</literal> profile.  If the distro runs
     56  <command>tuned</command>, issue the <command>tuned-adm profile
     57  throughput-performance</command> command to select the
     58  <literal>throughput-performance</literal> profile.</para>
    51   Otherwise the measured SBU value may be inaccurate because the
    52   system may react differently when building <xref linkend='ch-tools-binutils-pass1'/>
    53   or other packages.
    55   Be aware that a significant inaccuracy can still show up even if the same
    56   profile is used for both packages because the system may respond slower if
    57   the system is idle when starting the build procedure. Setting the power
    58   profile to <quote>performance</quote> will minimize this problem.  And
    59   obviously doing so will also make the system build LFS faster.</para>
    61   <para>If <command>powerprofilesctl</command> is available, issue the
    62   <command>powerprofilesctl set performance</command> command to select
    63   the <literal>performance</literal> profile.  Some distros provides the
    64   <command>tuned-adm</command> command for managing the profiles instead of
    65   <command>powerprofilesctl</command>, on these distros issue the
    66   <command>tuned-adm profile throughput-performance</command> command to
    67   select the <literal>throughput-performance</literal> profile.</para>
     60  <para>Even if you are not measuring the SBU values, it's still better to
     61  select the power profile for maximum performance before building LFS, as
     62  doing so can (obviously) make the system faster to build LFS
     63  packages.</para>
    6965  <note>
    7571    single processor build to properly analyze the error messages.</para>
    77     <para>The times presented here for all packages
    78     (except <xref linkend='ch-tools-binutils-pass1'/> which is based on one core)
    79     are based upon using four cores (-j4). The
     73    <para>The times presented here are based upon using four cores (-j4). The
    8074    times in Chapter 8 also include the time to run the regression tests for
    8175    the package unless specified otherwise.</para>
  • chapter05/binutils-pass1.xml

    rd2eb97b r3eb188e  
    8 <sect1 id="ch-tools-binutils-pass1" role="wrap" xreflabel="binutils-pass1">
     8<sect1 id="ch-tools-binutils-pass1" role="wrap">
    99  <?dbhtml filename="binutils-pass1.html"?>
  • chapter08/gcc.xml

    rd2eb97b r3eb188e  
    162162    </important>
    164     <para>GCC may need more stack space compiling some extremely complex
    165     code patterns.  As a precaution for the host distros with a tight stack
    166     limit, explicitly set the stack size hard limit to infinite.
    167     On most host distros (and the final LFS system) the hard limit is
    168     infinite by default, but there is no harm done by setting it explicitly.
    169     It's not necessary to change the stack size soft limit because GCC will
    170     automatically set it to an appropriate value, as long as the value does
    171     not exceed the hard limit:</para>
    173 <screen><userinput remap="test">ulimit -s -H unlimited</userinput></screen>
     164   <para>One set of tests in the GCC test suite is known to exhaust the default
     165   stack, so increase the stack size prior to running the tests:</para>
     167<screen><userinput remap="test">ulimit -s 32768</userinput></screen>
    175169    <para>Now remove/fix several known test failures:</para>
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