Changeset 78349b7

08/08/2004 02:10:22 AM (20 years ago)
Gerard Beekmans <gerard@…>

Completed global edits for upcoming 6.0 release

git-svn-id: 4aa44e1e-78dd-0310-a6d2-fbcd4c07a689

6 edited


  • chapter04/aboutlfs.xml

    r843710f r78349b7  
    88<?dbhtml filename="aboutlfs.html"?>
    10 <para>Throughout this book the environment variable LFS will be used several
    11 times. It is paramount that this variable is always defined. It should be set
    12 to the mount point you chose for your LFS partition. Check that your LFS
    13 variable is set up properly with:</para>
     10<para>Throughout this book, the environment variable LFS will be used
     11several times. It is paramount that this variable is always defined.
     12It should be set to the mount point chosen for the LFS partition.
     13Check that the LFS variable is set up properly with:</para>
    1515<screen><userinput>echo $LFS</userinput></screen>
    17 <para>Make sure the output shows the path to your LFS partition's mount
    18 point, which is <filename class="directory">/mnt/lfs</filename> if you
    19 followed our example. If the output is wrong, you can always set the variable
    20 with:</para>
     17<para>Make sure the output shows the path to the LFS partition's mount
     18point, which is <filename class="directory">/mnt/lfs</filename> if the
     19provided example was followed. If the output is incorrect, the
     20variable can be set with:</para>
    2222<screen><userinput>export LFS=/mnt/lfs</userinput></screen>
    24 <para>Having this variable set means that if you are told to run a command like
    25 <command>mkdir $LFS/tools</command>, you can type it literally. Your shell
    26 will replace <quote>$LFS</quote> with <quote>/mnt/lfs</quote> (or whatever
    27 you set the variable to) when it processes the command line.</para>
     24<para>Having this variable set is beneficial in that commands such as
     25<command>mkdir $LFS/tools</command> can be typed literally. The shell
     26will automatically replace <quote>$LFS</quote> with
     27<quote>/mnt/lfs</quote> (or whatever the variable was set to) when it
     28processes the command line.</para>
    29 <para>Don't forget to check that <quote>$LFS</quote> is set whenever you leave and
    30 reenter the environment (as when doing a <quote>su</quote> to root or another user).
    31 </para>
     30<para>Don't forget to check that <quote>$LFS</quote> is set whenever
     31you leave and reenter the current working environment (as when doing a
     32<quote>su</quote> to <emphasis>root</emphasis> or another user).</para>
  • chapter04/aboutsbus.xml

    r843710f r78349b7  
    88<?dbhtml filename="aboutsbus.html"?>
    10 <para>Most people would like to know beforehand approximately how long it
    11 takes to compile and install each package. But <quote>Linux from Scratch</quote> is built
    12 on so many different systems, it is not possible to give actual times that are
    13 anywhere near accurate: the biggest package (Glibc) won't take more than
    14 twenty minutes on the fastest systems, but will take something like three days
    15 on the slowest -- no kidding. So instead of giving actual times, we've come up
    16 with the idea of using the <emphasis>Static Binutils Unit</emphasis>
    17 (abbreviated to <emphasis>SBU</emphasis>).</para>
     10<para>Most people would like to know beforehand approximately how long
     11it takes to compile and install each package. Because Linux From
     12Scratch can be built on many different systems, it is impossible to
     13provide accurate time estimates.  The biggest package (Glibc) will
     14take approximately 20 minutes on the fastest systems, but could take
     15up to three days on slower systems! Instead of providing actual times,
     16the <emphasis>Static Binutils Unit</emphasis> (SBU) measure will be
     17used instead.</para>
    19 <para>It works like this: the first package you compile in this book is the
    20 statically linked Binutils in <xref linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/>, and the time it
    21 takes to compile this package is what we call the <quote>Static Binutils
    22 Unit</quote> or <quote>SBU</quote>. All other compile times will be expressed
    23 relative to this time.</para>
     19<para>The SBU measure works like this?the first package to be compiled
     20from this book is the statically-linked Binutils in <xref
     21linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/>.  The time it takes to compile
     22this package is what will be referred to as the Static Binutils Unit
     23or SBU. All other compile times will be expressed relative to this
    25 <para>For example, consider a particular package whose compilation time is 4.5
    26 SBUs. This means that if on your system it took 10 minutes to compile and
    27 install the static Binutils, then you know it will take
    28 <emphasis>approximately</emphasis> 45 minutes to build this package.
    29 Fortunately, most build times are much shorter than the one of Binutils.</para>
     26<para>For example, consider a package whose compilation time is 4.5
     27SBUs. This means that if a system took 10 minutes to compile and
     28install the static Binutils, it will take
     29<emphasis>approximately</emphasis> 45 minutes to build this example
     30package. Fortunately, most build times are much shorter than the one
     31for Binutils.</para>
    31 <para>Note that if the system compiler on your host is GCC-2 based, the SBUs
    32 listed may end up being somewhat understated. This is because the SBU is based
    33 on the very first package, compiled with the old GCC, while the rest of the
    34 system is compiled with the newer GCC-&gcc-version; which is known to be
    35 approximately 30% slower.</para>
     33<para>Please note that if the system compiler on the host is GCC-2 based, the
     34SBUs listed may be somewhat understated. This is because the SBU is
     35based on the very first package, compiled with the old GCC, while the
     36rest of the system is compiled with the newer GCC-&gcc-version; (which is
     37known to be approximately 30 percent slower). SBUs are also not
     38highly accurate for SMP-based machines.</para>
    37 <para>Also note that SBUs don't work well for SMP-based machines. But if you're
    38 so lucky as to have multiple processors, chances are that your system is so fast
    39 that you won't mind.</para>
    41 <para>If you wish to see actual timings for specific machines, have a look at
     40<para>To view actual timings for specific machines, we recommend
    4241<ulink url="&lfs-root;~bdubbs/"/>.</para>
     43<para>In general, SBUs are inaccurate because they depend on many
     44factors, not just the GCC version. The only reason they are provided
     45is to give some kind of indication of how long it might take to
     46install a package, but the numbers can be off by as much as dozens of
     47minutes in some cases.</para>
  • chapter04/abouttestsuites.xml

    r843710f r78349b7  
    66<sect1 id="prepare-abouttestsuites">
    7 <title>About the test suites</title>
     7<title>About the Test Suites</title>
    88<?dbhtml filename="abouttestsuites.html"?>
    10 <para>Most packages provide a test suite. Running the test suite for a newly
    11 built package is generally a good idea, as it can provide a nice sanity check
    12 that everything compiled correctly. A test suite that passes its set of checks
    13 usually proves that the package is functioning as the developer intended. It
    14 does not, however, guarantee that the package is totally bug free.</para>
     10<para>Most packages provide a test suite. Running the test suite for a
     11newly built package is a good idea because it can provide a ?sanity
     12check? indicating that everything compiled correctly. A test suite
     13that passes its set of checks usually proves that the package is
     14functioning as the developer intended. It does not, however, guarantee
     15that the package is totally bug free.</para>
    16 <para>Some test suites are more important than others. For example, the test
    17 suites for the core toolchain packages -- GCC, Binutils, and Glibc -- are of
    18 the utmost importance due to their central role in a properly functioning
    19 system. But be warned, the test suites for GCC and Glibc can take a very long
    20 time to complete, especially on slower hardware.</para>
     17<para>Some test suites are more important than others. For example,
     18the test suites for the core toolchain packages?GCC, Binutils, and
     19Glibc?are of the utmost importance due to their central role in a
     20properly functioning system. The test suites for GCC and Glibc can
     21take a very long time to complete, especially on slower hardware, but
     22are strongly recommended.</para>
    22 <note><para>Experience has shown us that there is little to be gained from running
    23 the test suites in <xref linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/>. There can be no
    24 escaping the fact that the host system always exerts some influence on the
    25 tests in that chapter, often causing weird and inexplicable failures. Not only
    26 that, the tools built in <xref linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/> are
    27 temporary and eventually discarded. For the average reader of this book we
    28 recommend <emphasis>not</emphasis> to run the test suites in
    29 <xref linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/>. The instructions for running those test
    30 suites are still provided for the benefit of testers and developers, but they
    31 are strictly optional for everyone else.</para></note>
     24<note><para>Experience has shown that there is little to be gained
     25from running the test suites in <xref
     26linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/>. There can be no escaping the fact
     27that the host system always exerts some influence on the tests in that
     28chapter, often causing inexplicable failures. Because the tools built
     29in <xref linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/> are temporary and
     30eventually discarded, we do not recommend running the test suites in
     31<xref linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/> for the average reader. The
     32instructions for running those test suites are provided for the
     33benefit of testers and developers, but they are strictly
    33 <para>A common problem when running the test suites for Binutils and GCC is
    34 running out of pseudo terminals (PTYs for short). The symptom is a very high
    35 number of failing tests. This can happen for several reasons, but the most
    36 likely cause is that the host system doesn't have the
    37 <emphasis>devpts</emphasis> file system set up correctly. We'll discuss this in
    38 more detail later on in <xref linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/>.</para>
     36<para>A common issue with running the test suites for Binutils and GCC
     37is running out of pseudo terminals (PTYs). This can result in a high
     38number of failing tests. This may happen for several reasons, but the
     39most likely cause is that the host system does not have the
     40<emphasis>devpts</emphasis> file system set up correctly. This issue
     41is discussed in greater detail in <xref
    40 <para>Sometimes package test suites will give false failures. You can
    41 consult the LFS Wiki at <ulink url="&wiki-root;"/> to verify that these
    42 failures are normal. This applies to all tests throughout the book.</para>
     44<para>Sometimes package test suites will give false failures. Consult
     45the LFS Wiki at <ulink url="&wiki-root;"/> to verify that these
     46failures are normal. This site is valid for all tests throughout this
  • chapter04/addinguser.xml

    r843710f r78349b7  
    66<sect1 id="ch-tools-addinguser">
    7 <title>Adding the user lfs</title>
     7<title>Adding the lfs User</title>
    88<?dbhtml filename="addinguser.html"?>
    10 <para>When logged in as <emphasis>root</emphasis>, making a single mistake
    11 can damage or even wreck your system. Therefore we recommend that you
    12 build the packages in this chapter as an unprivileged user. You could
    13 of course use your own user name, but to make it easier to set up a clean
    14 work environment we'll create a new user <emphasis>lfs</emphasis> as a
    15 member of a new group (also named <emphasis>lfs</emphasis>) and
    16 use this one during the installation process. As <emphasis>root</emphasis>,
    17 issue the following commands to add the new user:</para>
     10<para>When logged in as user <emphasis>root</emphasis>, making a
     11single mistake can damage or destroy a system. Therefore, we recommend
     12building the packages in this chapter as an unprivileged user. You
     13could use your own user name, but to make it easier to set up a clean
     14work environment, create a new user called <emphasis>lfs</emphasis> as
     15a member of a new group (also named <emphasis>lfs</emphasis>) and use
     16this user during the installation process. As
     17<emphasis>root</emphasis>, issue the following commands to add the new
    1920<screen><userinput>groupadd lfs
    2021useradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m -k /dev/null lfs</userinput></screen>
    22 <para>The meaning of the switches:</para>
     23<para>The meaning of the command line options:</para>
    4950the special null device.</para></listitem>
     55<listitem><para>The actual name for the created group and
    53 <para>If you want to be able to log in as <emphasis>lfs</emphasis>, then give
    54 <emphasis>lfs</emphasis> a password:</para>
     60<para>To log in as <emphasis>lfs</emphasis> (as opposed to switching
     61to user <emphasis>lfs</emphasis> when
     62logged in as <emphasis>root</emphasis> -- which does not require the
     63<emphasis>lfs</emphasis> user to have a
     64password in that case), give <emphasis>lfs</emphasis> a password:</para>
    5666<screen><userinput>passwd lfs</userinput></screen>
    58 <para>and grant <emphasis>lfs</emphasis> full access to
     68<para>Grant <emphasis>lfs</emphasis> full access to
    5969<filename class="directory">$LFS/tools</filename> by making
    6070<emphasis>lfs</emphasis> the directory owner:</para>
    6272<screen><userinput>chown lfs $LFS/tools</userinput></screen>
    64 <para>If you made a separate working directory as suggested, give user
    65 <emphasis>lfs</emphasis> ownership of this directory too:</para>
     74<para>If a separate working directory was created as suggested, give
     75user lfs ownership of this directory too:</para>
    6777<screen><userinput>chown lfs $LFS/sources</userinput></screen>
    69 <para>Next, login as user <emphasis>lfs</emphasis>. This can be done via a
    70 virtual console, through a display manager, or with the following substitute
    71 user command:</para>
     79<para>Next, login as user <emphasis>lfs</emphasis>. This can be done
     80via a virtual console, through a display manager, or with the
     81following substitute user command:</para>
    7383<screen><userinput>su - lfs</userinput></screen>
    75 <para>The <quote><parameter>-</parameter></quote> instructs <command>su</command> to
    76 start a <emphasis>login</emphasis> shell.</para>
     85<para>The <quote><parameter>-</parameter></quote> instructs
     86<command>su</command> to start a login shell as opposed to a non-login
     87shell. The difference between these two types of shells can be found
     88in detail in the Bash man and info pages.</para>
  • chapter04/creatingtoolsdir.xml

    r843710f r78349b7  
    66<sect1 id="ch-tools-creatingtoolsdir">
    7 <title>Creating the $LFS/tools directory</title>
     7<title>Creating the $LFS/tools Directory</title>
    88<?dbhtml filename="creatingtoolsdir.html"?>
    10 <para>All programs compiled in <xref linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/> will be installed under <filename
     10<para>All programs compiled in <xref
     11linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/> will be installed under <filename
    1112class="directory">$LFS/tools</filename> to keep them separate from the
    12 programs compiled in <xref linkend="chapter-building-system"/>. The programs compiled here are only
    13 temporary tools and won't be a part of the final LFS system and by keeping them
    14 in a separate directory, we can later easily throw them away. This also
    15 helps prevent them from ending up in your host's production directories
    16 (easy to do in <xref linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/>), which could be a very bad thing.</para>
     13programs compiled in <xref linkend="chapter-building-system"/>. The
     14programs compiled here are temporary tools and will not be a part of
     15the final LFS system.  By keeping these programs in a separate
     16directory, they can easily be discarded later after their use. This
     17also prevents these programs from ending up in the host production
     18directories (easy to do by accident in <xref
     19linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/>), which could be a very bad
    18 <para>Later on you might wish to search through the binaries of your system to
    19 see what files they make use of or link against. To make this searching easier
    20 you may want to choose a unique name for the directory in which the temporary
    21 tools are stored. Instead of the simple <quote>tools</quote> you could use
    22 something like <quote>tools-for-lfs</quote>. However, you'll need to be careful
    23 to adjust all references to <quote>tools</quote> throughout the book --
    24 including those in any patches, notably the GCC Specs Patch.</para>
    26 <para>Create the required directory by running the following:</para>
     22<para>Create the required directory by running the following as
    2825<screen><userinput>mkdir $LFS/tools</userinput></screen>
    30 <para>The next step is to create a <filename>/tools</filename> symlink on
    31 your <emphasis>host</emphasis> system. It will point to the directory we just created on the LFS
    32 partition:</para>
     27<para>The next step is to create a <filename>/tools</filename> symlink
     28on the host system.  This will point to the newly-created directory on
     29the LFS partition. Run this command as <emphasis>root</emphasis> as
    3432<screen><userinput>ln -s $LFS/tools /</userinput></screen>
    36 <note><para>The above command is correct. The <command>ln</command> command
    37 has a few syntactic variations, so be sure to check the info page before
    38 reporting what you may think is an error.</para></note>
     34<note><para>The above command is correct. The <command>ln</command>
     35command has a few syntactic variations, so be sure to check the info
     36and man pages before reporting what you may think is an
    40 <para>The created symlink enables us to compile our toolchain so that it always
    41 refers to <filename class="directory">/tools</filename>, meaning that the compiler, assembler
    42 and linker will work both in this chapter (when we are still using some tools
    43 from the host) <emphasis>and</emphasis> in the next (when we are <quote>chrooted</quote> to
    44 the LFS partition).</para>
     39<para>The created symlink enables the toolchain to be compiled so that
     40it always refers to <filename class="directory">/tools</filename>,
     41meaning that the compiler, assembler, and linker will work both in
     42this chapter (when we are still using some tools from the host) and in
     43the next (when we are <quote>chrooted</quote> to the LFS
  • chapter04/settingenviron.xml

    r843710f r78349b7  
    88<?dbhtml filename="settingenvironment.html"?>
    10 <para>We're going to set up a good working environment by creating two new
    11 startup files for the <command>bash</command> shell. While logged in as
    12 user <emphasis>lfs</emphasis>, issue the following command to create a new
    13 <filename>.bash_profile</filename>:</para>
     10<para>Set up a good working environment by creating two new startup
     11files for the <command>bash</command> shell. While logged in as user
     12<emphasis>lfs</emphasis>, issue the
     13following command to create a new <filename>.bash_profile</filename>:</para>
    1515<screen><userinput>cat &gt; ~/.bash_profile &lt;&lt; "EOF"
    19 <para>Normally, when you log on as user <emphasis>lfs</emphasis>,
    20 the initial shell is a <emphasis>login</emphasis> shell which reads the
    21 <filename>/etc/profile</filename> of your host (probably containing some
    22 settings of environment variables) and then <filename>.bash_profile</filename>.
    23 The <command>exec env -i ... /bin/bash</command> command in the latter file
    24 replaces the running shell with a new one with a completely empty environment,
    25 except for the HOME, TERM and PS1 variables. This ensures that no unwanted and
    26 potentially hazardous environment variables from the host system leak into our
    27 build environment. The technique used here is a little strange, but it achieves
    28 the goal of enforcing a clean environment.</para>
     19<para>Normally when logged on as user <emphasis>lfs</emphasis>, the
     20initial shell is a <emphasis>login</emphasis> shell which reads the
     21<filename>/etc/profile</filename> of your host (probably containing
     22some settings and environment variables) and then
     23<filename>.bash_profile</filename>. The <command>exec env
     24-i.../bin/bash</command> command in the
     25<filename>.bash_profile</filename> file replaces the running shell
     26with a new one with a completely empty environment, except for the
     27<emphasis>HOME</emphasis>, <emphasis>TERM</emphasis>, and
     28<emphasis>PS1</emphasis> variables. This ensures that no unwanted and
     29potentially hazardous environment variables from the host system leak
     30into the build environment. The technique used here achieves the goal
     31of enforcing a clean environment.</para>
    30 <para>The new instance of the shell is a <emphasis>non-login</emphasis> shell,
    31 which doesn't read the <filename>/etc/profile</filename> or
    32 <filename>.bash_profile</filename> files, but reads the
    33 <filename>.bashrc</filename> file instead. Create this latter file now:</para>
     33<para>The new instance of the shell is a <emphasis>non-login</emphasis>
     34shell, which does not read the <filename>/etc/profile</filename> or
     35<filename>.bash_profile</filename> files, but rather reads the
     36<filename>.bashrc</filename> file instead. Create the
     37<filename>.bashrc</filename> file now:</para>
    3539<screen><userinput>cat &gt; ~/.bashrc &lt;&lt; "EOF"
    4448<para>The <command>set +h</command> command turns off
    45 <command>bash</command>'s hash function. Normally hashing is a useful
    46 feature: <command>bash</command> uses a hash table to remember the
    47 full pathnames of executable files to avoid searching the PATH time and time
    48 again to find the same executable. However, we'd like the new tools to be
    49 used as soon as they are installed. By switching off the hash function, our
    50 <quote>interactive</quote> commands (<command>make</command>,
    51 <command>patch</command>, <command>sed</command>,
    52 <command>cp</command> and so forth) will always use
    53 the newest available version during the build process.</para>
     49<command>bash</command>'s hash function. Hashing is
     50ordinarily a useful feature -- bash uses a hash table to remember the
     51full pathnames of executable files to avoid searching the PATH time
     52and time again to find the same executable. However, the new tools
     53should be used as soon as they are installed. By switching off the
     54hash function, the shell will always search the PATH when a program is
     55requested to be run. As such, the shell will find our newly compiled
     56tools in <filename class="directory">$LFS/tools</filename> as soon as
     57they are available without remembering a previous version of the same
     58program (name wise) in a different location.</para>
    55 <para>Setting the user file-creation mask to 022 ensures that newly created
    56 files and directories are only writable for their owner, but readable and
    57 executable for anyone.</para>
     60<para>Setting the user file-creation mask (umask) to 022 ensures that newly
     61created files and directories are only writable by their owner, but
     62are readable and executable by anyone (assuming default modes are used
     63by the open(2) system call, new files will end up with permission mode
     64644 and directories with mode 755).</para>
    59 <para>The LFS variable should of course be set to the mount point you
    60 chose.</para>
     66<para>The <emphasis>LFS</emphasis> variable should be set to the
     67chosen mount point.</para>
    62 <para>The LC_ALL variable controls the localization of certain programs,
    63 making their messages follow the conventions of a specified country. If your
    64 host system uses a version of Glibc older than 2.2.4,
    65 having LC_ALL set to something other than <quote>POSIX</quote> or
    66 <quote>C</quote> during this chapter may cause trouble if you exit the chroot
    67 environment and wish to return later.  By setting LC_ALL to <quote>POSIX</quote>
    68 (or <quote>C</quote>, the two are equivalent) we ensure that
     69<para>The <emphasis>LC_ALL</emphasis> variable controls the
     70localization of certain programs, making their messages follow the
     71conventions of a specified country.  If the host system uses a version
     72of Glibc older than 2.2.4, having LC_ALL set to something other than
     73<quote>POSIX</quote> or <quote>C</quote> (during this chapter) may
     74cause issues if you exit the chroot environment and wish to return
     75later. By setting <emphasis>LC_ALL</emphasis> to <quote>POSIX</quote>
     76or <quote>C</quote> (the two are equivalent), we ensure that
    6977everything will work as expected in the chroot environment.</para>
    71 <para>We prepend <filename class="directory">/tools/bin</filename> to the standard PATH so
    72 that, as we move along through this chapter, the tools we build will get used
    73 during the rest of the building process.</para>
     79<para>By putting <filename class="directory">/tools/bin</filename>
     80ahead of the standard PATH, all the programs installed in <xref
     81linkend="chapter-temporary-tools"/> are picked up by the shell
     82imemdiately after their installation. This coupled with the fact that
     83hashing has been turned off, there is no risk that old programs from
     84the host are being used when they should not be used any
    75 <para>Finally, to have our environment fully prepared for building the
    76 temporary tools, source the just-created profile:</para>
     87<para>Finally, to have the environment fully prepared for building the
     88temporary tools, source the just-created user profile:</para>
    7890<screen><userinput>source ~/.bash_profile</userinput></screen>
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