Changes in / [400f700:9113316]

2 edited


  • appendices/dependencies.xml

    r400f700 r9113316  
    936936        <seglistitem>
    937937          <seg>Bash, Binutils, Coreutils, Diffutils, Findutils, Gawk, GCC,
    938           Gettext, Glibc, GMP, Grep, Libxcrypt, M4, Make, MPC, MPFR, Patch,
     938          Gettext, Glibc, GMP, Grep, M4, Make, MPC, MPFR, Patch,
    939939          Perl, Sed, Tar, Texinfo, and Zstd</seg>
    940940        </seglistitem>
    18881888        <segtitle>&before;</segtitle>
    18891889        <seglistitem>
    1890           <seg>GCC, Perl, Python, Shadow, and &systemd-udev;</seg>
     1890          <seg>Perl, Python, Shadow, and &systemd-udev;</seg>
    18911891        </seglistitem>
    18921892      </segmentedlist>
  • chapter06/gcc-pass2.xml

    r400f700 r9113316  
    180180        <listitem>
    181181          <para>Disable GCC sanitizer runtime libraries.  They are not
    182           needed for the temporary installation.  This switch is necessary
    183           to build GCC without
    184           <systemitem class='library'>libcrypt</systemitem> installed for
    185           the target.  In <xref linkend='ch-tools-gcc-pass1'/> it was
    186           implied by <parameter>--disable-libstdcxx</parameter>, but now we
    187           have to explicitly pass it.</para>
     182          needed for the temporary installation.  In
     183          <xref linkend='ch-tools-gcc-pass1'/> it was implied by
     184          <parameter>--disable-libstdcxx</parameter>, and now we can
     185          explicitly pass it.</para>
    188186        </listitem>
    189187      </varlistentry>
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