Changes in / [c6df98a1:f4facc4]

1 added
60 edited


  • Makefile

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    2727  PDF_OUTPUT      ?= LFS-BOOK.pdf
    2828  NOCHUNKS_OUTPUT ?= LFS-BOOK.html
    29   DUMPDIR         ?= ~/cross-lfs-commands
     29  DUMPDIR         ?= ~/lfs-commands
    3131  BASEDIR         ?= ~/lfs-systemd
    137137               --noent                      \
    138138               --postvalid                  \
    139                     -o $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-full.xml \
     139               -o $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-full.xml \
    140140               $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-html2.xml
    148148        $(Q)xsltproc --nonet                              \
    149149                --stringparam profile.condition html \
    150                      --output $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-html.xml   \
     150                --output $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-html.xml   \
    151151                stylesheets/lfs-xsl/profile.xsl      \
    152                      $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-full.xml
     152                $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-full.xml
    154154wget-list: $(BASEDIR)/wget-list $(BASEDIR)/wget-list-$(REV)
    159159        $(Q)xsltproc --xinclude --nonet            \
    160160                --output $(BASEDIR)/wget-list \
    161                      stylesheets/wget-list.xsl     \
     161                stylesheets/wget-list.xsl     \
    162162                chapter03/chapter03.xml
    198198        $(Q)./ $(REV)
    200 #dump-commands: validate
    201 #       @echo "Dumping book commands..."
    202 #       $(Q)xsltproc --nonet                     \
    203 #      --output $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-html.xml    \
    204 #      --stringparam profile.revision $(REV) \
    205 #      stylesheets/lfs-xsl/profile.xsl       \
    206 #      $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-full.xml
    208 #       $(Q)rm -rf $(DUMPDIR)
    210 #       $(Q)xsltproc --output $(DUMPDIR)/          \
    211 #                stylesheets/dump-commands.xsl \
    212 #                $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-html.xml
    213 #       @echo "Dumping book commands complete in $(DUMPDIR)"
    215 all: book nochunks pdf # dump-commands
     200dump-commands: validate
     201        @echo "Dumping book commands..."
     203        $(Q)rm -rf $(DUMPDIR)
     205        $(Q)xsltproc --output $(DUMPDIR)/          \
     206                stylesheets/dump-commands.xsl \
     207                $(RENDERTMP)/lfs-full.xml
     208        @echo "Dumping book commands complete in $(DUMPDIR)"
     210all: book nochunks pdf dump-commands
    217212.PHONY : all book dump-commands nochunks pdf profile-html tmpdir validate md5sums wget-list version
  • appendices/acknowledgments.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    248248      &lt;; &ndash; mirror</para>
    249249    </listitem>
     250<!-- domain name can't be resolved on Sept 5, 2022
    251251    <listitem>
    252252      <para><ulink url="">Init World</ulink>
    253253      &lt;; &ndash; mirror</para>
    254254    </listitem>
    256256  </itemizedlist>
  • appendices/dependencies.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    949949        <seglistitem>
    950950          <seg>
    951              <ulink url="">GNAT</ulink>
     951             <ulink url="">GNAT</ulink>
    952952             and
    953953             <ulink url="">ISL</ulink>
    11871187        <seglistitem>
    11881188          <seg>
    1189             <ulink url="&blfs-book;general/pcre.html">PCRE</ulink>
     1189            <ulink url="&blfs-book;general/pcre2.html">PCRE2</ulink>
    11901190            and
    11911191            <ulink url="&blfs-book;general/libsigsegv.html">libsigsegv</ulink>
    23572357        <segtitle>&runtime;</segtitle>
    23582358        <seglistitem>
    2359           <seg>Glibc and Patch</seg>
     2359          <seg>Glibc</seg>
    23602360        </seglistitem>
    23612361      </segmentedlist>
    28142814            <ulink
    28152815              url="&blfs-book;general/python-modules.html#lxml">lxml</ulink>,
    2816             <ulink url="">LZ4</ulink>,
     2816            <ulink url="">LZ4</ulink>,
    28172817            <ulink url="&blfs-book;postlfs/make-ca.html">make-ca</ulink>,
    28182818            <ulink url="&blfs-book;postlfs/p11-kit.html">p11-kit</ulink>,
    32673267        <seglistitem>
    32683268          <seg>
    3269             <ulink url="">LZ4</ulink>
     3269            <ulink url="">LZ4</ulink>
    32703270          </seg>
    32713271        </seglistitem>
  • bootscripts/ChangeLog

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
     12022-09-30 Bruce Dubbs <>
     2   * Mount /dev/shm as a tmpfs.
    142022-07-23 Thomas Trepl <>
    25   * Mark an raid array clean when root (/) has been remounted
  • bootscripts/lfs/init.d/mountvirtfs

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    3939      fi
    41       mkdir -p /run/lock /run/shm
    42       chmod 1777 /run/shm /run/lock
     41      mkdir -p   /run/lock
     42      chmod 1777 /run/lock
    4444      log_info_msg "Mounting virtual file systems: ${INFO}/run"
    5959      fi
    61       ln -sfn /run/shm /dev/shm
     61      mkdir -p /dev/shm
     62      log_info_msg2 " ${INFO}/dev/shm"
     63      mount -o nosuid,nodev /dev/shm || failed=1
    6365      (exit ${failed})
  • bootscripts/lfs/sysconfig/createfiles

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1010# Notes       : The syntax of this file is as follows:
    11 #               if type is equal to "file" or "dir"
    12              <filename> <type> <permissions> <user> <group>
    13 #               if type is equal to "dev"
    14              <filename> <type> <permissions> <user> <group> <devtype>
     11#               if type is equal to "file" or "dir"
     12              <filename> <type> <permissions> <user> <group>
     13#               if type is equal to "dev"
     14              <filename> <type> <permissions> <user> <group> <devtype>
    1515#             <major> <minor>
    17 #               <filename> is the name of the file which is to be created
    18 #               <type> is either file, dir, or dev.
    19 #                       file creates a new file
    20 #                       dir creates a new directory
    21 #                       dev creates a new device
    22 #               <devtype> is either block, char or pipe
    23 #                       block creates a block device
    24 #                       char creates a character deivce
    25 #                       pipe creates a pipe, this will ignore the <major> and
     17#               <filename> is the name of the file which is to be created
     18#               <type> is either file, dir, or dev.
     19#                       file creates a new file
     20#                       dir creates a new directory
     21#                       dev creates a new device
     22#               <devtype> is either block, char or pipe
     23#                       block creates a block device
     24#                       char creates a character deivce
     25#                       pipe creates a pipe, this will ignore the <major> and
    2626#           <minor> fields
    27 #               <major> and <minor> are the major and minor numbers used for
     27#               <major> and <minor> are the major and minor numbers used for
    2828#     the device.
  • bootscripts/lfs/sysconfig/modules

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1010# Notes       : The syntax of this file is as follows:
    11              <module> [<arg1> <arg2> ...]
     11             <module> [<arg1> <arg2> ...]
    1313# Each module should be on its own line, and any options that you want
  • chapter01/changelog.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    4343    <listitem>
     44      <para>2022-09-22</para>
     45      <itemizedlist>
     46        <listitem>
     47          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to expat-2.4.9 (Security Update). Fixes
     48          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5117">#5117</ulink>.</para>
     49        </listitem>
     50      </itemizedlist>
     51    </listitem>
     53    <listitem>
     54      <para>2022-09-20</para>
     55      <itemizedlist>
     56        <listitem>
     57          <para>[bdubbs] - Adapt instructions depending on
     58          host setup of /dev/shm when creating virtual filesystems
     59          for chroot.</para>
     60        </listitem>
     61      </itemizedlist>
     62    </listitem>
     64    <listitem>
     65      <para>2022-09-15</para>
     66      <itemizedlist>
     67        <listitem>
     68          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to file-5.43. Fixes
     69          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5113">#5113</ulink>.</para>
     70        </listitem>
     71        <listitem>
     72          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to linux-5.19.8. Fixes
     73          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5111">#5111</ulink>.</para>
     74        </listitem>
     75        <listitem>
     76          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to gawk-5.2.0. Fixes
     77          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5108">#5108</ulink>.</para>
     78        </listitem>
     79        <listitem>
     80          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to meson-0.63.2. Fixes
     81          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5106">#5106</ulink>.</para>
     82        </listitem>
     83        <listitem>
     84          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to ninja-1.11.1. Fixes
     85          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5103">#5103</ulink>.</para>
     86        </listitem>
     87        <listitem>
     88          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to bc-6.0.2. Fixes
     89          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5102">#5102</ulink>.</para>
     90        </listitem>
     91        <listitem revision="sysv">
     92          <para>[bdubbs] - Fix the location of udev rules in eudev.  Fixes
     93          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5112">#5112</ulink>.</para>
     94        </listitem>
     95        <listitem>
     96           <para>[bdubbs] - Remove a warning for egrep and fgrep that
     97           makes tests for some packages fail.</para>
     98        </listitem>
     99        <listitem>
     100          <para>[bdubbs] - Delete an empty binutils man page.  Fixes
     101          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5100">#5100</ulink>.</para>
     102        </listitem>
     103      </itemizedlist>
     104    </listitem>
     106    <listitem>
     107      <para>2022-09-10</para>
     108      <itemizedlist>
     109        <listitem>
     110          <para>[pierre] - Add <option>--enable-default-pie</option> and
     111          <option>--enable-default-ssp</option> to GCC build. Rationale
     112          and some reports at
     113          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5107">#5107</ulink>.</para>
     114        </listitem>
     115      </itemizedlist>
     116    </listitem>
     118    <listitem>
     119      <para>2022-09-07</para>
     120      <itemizedlist>
     121        <listitem>
     122          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to shadow-4.12.3. Fixes
     123          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5101">#5101</ulink>.</para>
     124        </listitem>
     125        <listitem>
     126          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to Python3-3.10.7. Fixes
     127          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5109">#5109</ulink>.</para>
     128        </listitem>
     129        <listitem>
     130          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to linux-5.19.7. Fixes
     131          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5099">#5099</ulink>.</para>
     132        </listitem>
     133        <listitem>
     134          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to less-608. Fixes
     135          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5104">#5104</ulink>.</para>
     136        </listitem>
     137        <listitem>
     138          <para>[bdubbs] - Update to grep-3.8. Fixes
     139          <ulink url="&lfs-ticket-root;5105">#5105</ulink>.</para>
     140        </listitem>
     141      </itemizedlist>
     142    </listitem>
     144    <listitem>
    44145      <para>2022-09-01</para>
    45146      <itemizedlist>
  • chapter01/how.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    4747  work your way through <xref linkend="chapter-cross-tools"/> and beyond.</para>
    49   <para><xref linkend="chapter-cross-tools"/>,  explains the installation of
     49  <para><xref linkend="chapter-cross-tools"/>  explains the installation of
    5050  the initial tool chain, (binutils, gcc, and glibc) using cross compilation
    5151  techniques to isolate the new tools from the host system.</para>
    6262  provided in <xref linkend="ch-tools-toolchaintechnotes"/>.</para>
    64   <para>In <xref linkend="chapter-building-system"/>, The
     64  <para>In <xref linkend="chapter-building-system"/> the
    6565  full LFS system is built. Another advantage provided by the chroot
    6666  environment is that it allows you to continue using the host system
  • chapter01/whatsnew.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    4545      <para>Bc &bc-version;</para>
    4646    </listitem>
    47     <listitem>
     47    <!--<listitem>
    4848      <para>Binutils-&binutils-version;</para>
    49     </listitem>
     49    </listitem>-->
    5050    <!--<listitem>
    5151      <para>Bison-&bison-version;</para>
    5757      <para>Check-&check-version;</para>
    5858    </listitem>-->
    59     <listitem>
     59    <!--<listitem>
    6060      <para>Coreutils-&coreutils-version;</para>
    61     </listitem>
     61    </listitem>-->
    6262    <!--<listitem>
    6363      <para>DejaGNU-&dejagnu-version;</para>
    6464    </listitem>-->
    65     <listitem revision="systemd">
     65    <!--<listitem revision="systemd">
    6666      <para>D-Bus-&dbus-version;</para>
    67     </listitem>
     67    </listitem>-->
    6868    <!--<listitem>
    6969      <para>Diffutils-&diffutils-version;</para>
    7070    </listitem>-->
    71     <listitem>
     71    <!--<listitem>
    7272       <para>E2fsprogs-&e2fsprogs-version;</para>
    73     </listitem>
     73    </listitem>-->
    7474    <!--<listitem revision="sysv">
    7575       <para>Eudev-&eudev-version;</para>
    9090      <para>Flex-&flex-version;</para>
    9191    </listitem>-->
    92     <!--<listitem>
     92    <listitem>
    9393      <para>Gawk-&gawk-version;</para>
    94     </listitem>-->
    95     <listitem>
     94    </listitem>
     95    <!--<listitem>
    9696       <para>GCC-&gcc-version;</para>
    97     </listitem>
     97    </listitem>-->
    9898    <!--<listitem>
    9999       <para>GDBM-&gdbm-version;</para>
    102102      <para>Gettext-&gettext-version;</para>
    103103    </listitem>-->
    104     <listitem>
     104    <!--<listitem>
    105105      <para>Glibc-&glibc-version;</para>
    106     </listitem>
     106    </listitem>-->
    107107    <!--<listitem>
    108108      <para>GMP-&gmp-version;</para>
    111111      <para>Gperf-&gperf-version;</para>
    112112    </listitem>-->
    113     <!--<listitem>
     113    <listitem>
    114114      <para>Grep-&grep-version;</para>
    115     </listitem>-->
     115    </listitem>
    116116    <!--<listitem>
    117117      <para>Groff-&groff-version;</para>
    120120      <para>GRUB-&grub-version;</para>
    121121    </listitem>-->
    122     <listitem>
     122    <!--<listitem>
    123123      <para>Gzip-&gzip-version;</para>
    124     </listitem>
    125     <listitem>
     124    </listitem>-->
     125    <!--<listitem>
    126126      <para>IANA-Etc-&iana-etc-version;</para>
    127     </listitem>
    128     <listitem>
     127   </listitem>-->
     128    <!--<listitem>
    129129      <para>Inetutils-&inetutils-version;</para>
    130     </listitem>
     130    </listitem>-->
    131131    <!--<listitem>
    132132      <para>Intltool-&intltool-version;</para>
    133133    </listitem>-->
    134     <listitem>
     134    <!--<listitem>
    135135      <para>IPRoute2-&iproute2-version;</para>
    136     </listitem>
    137     <listitem revision="systemd">
     136    </listitem>-->
     137    <!--<listitem revision="systemd">
    138138      <para>Jinja2-&jinja2-version;</para>
    139     </listitem>
    140     <listitem>
     139    </listitem>-->
     140    <!--<listitem>
    141141      <para>Kbd-&kbd-version;</para>
    142     </listitem>
    143     <listitem>
     142    </listitem>-->
     143    <!--<listitem>
    144144      <para>Kmod-&kmod-version;</para>
    145     </listitem>
    146     <!--<listitem>
     145    </listitem>-->
     146    <listitem>
    147147      <para>Less-&less-version;</para>
    148     </listitem>-->
     148    </listitem>
    149149    <!--<listitem>
    150150      <para>LFS-Bootscripts-&lfs-bootscripts-version;</para>
    151151    </listitem>-->
    152     <listitem>
     152    <!--<listitem>
    153153      <para>Libcap-&libcap-version;</para>
    154     </listitem>
    155     <listitem>
     154    </listitem>-->
     155    <!--<listitem>
    156156      <para>Libelf-&elfutils-version; (from elfutils)</para>
    157     </listitem>
     157    </listitem>-->
    158158    <!--<listitem>
    159159      <para>Libffi-&libffi-version;</para>
    160160    </listitem>-->
    161     <listitem>
     161    <!--<listitem>
    162162      <para>Libpipeline-&libpipeline-version;</para>
    163     </listitem>
    164     <listitem>
     163    </listitem>-->
     164    <!--<listitem>
    165165      <para>Libtool-&libtool-version;</para>
    166     </listitem>
     166    </listitem>-->
    167167    <listitem>
    168168      <para>Linux-&linux-version;</para>
    174174      <para>Make-&make-version;</para>
    175175    </listitem>-->
    176     <listitem>
     176    <!--<listitem>
    177177      <para>Man-DB-&man-db-version;</para>
    178     </listitem>
     178    </listitem>-->
    179179    <!--<listitem>
    180180      <para>Man-pages-&man-pages-version;</para>
    181181    </listitem>-->
    182     <listitem revision="systemd">
     182    <!--<listitem revision="systemd">
    183183      <para>MarkupSafe-&markupsafe-version;</para>
    184     </listitem>
     184    </listitem>-->
    185185    <listitem>
    186186      <para>Meson-&meson-version;</para>
    198198      <para>Ninja-&ninja-version;</para>
    199199    </listitem>
    200     <listitem>
     200    <!--<listitem>
    201201      <para>Openssl-&openssl-version;</para>
    202     </listitem>
     202    </listitem>-->
    203203    <!--<listitem>
    204204      <para>Patch-&patch-version;</para>
    205205    </listitem>-->
    206     <listitem>
     206    <!--<listitem>
    207207      <para>Perl-&perl-version;</para>
    208     </listitem>
     208    </listitem>-->
    209209    <!--<listitem>
    210210      <para>Pkg-config-&pkgconfig-version;</para>
    211211    </listitem>-->
    212     <listitem>
     212    <!--<listitem>
    213213      <para>Procps-ng-&procps-ng-version;</para>
    214     </listitem>
    215     <listitem>
     214    </listitem>-->
     215    <!--<listitem>
    216216      <para>Psmisc-&psmisc-version;</para>
    217     </listitem>
     217    </listitem>-->
    218218    <listitem>
    219219      <para>Python-&python-version;</para>
    231231      <para>Sysklogd-&sysklogd-version;</para>
    232232    </listitem>-->
    233     <listitem revision="systemd">
     233    <!--<listitem revision="systemd">
    234234      <para>Systemd-&systemd-version;</para>
    235     </listitem>
    236     <listitem revision="sysv">
     235    </listitem>-->
     236    <!--<listitem revision="sysv">
    237237      <para>SysVinit-&sysvinit-version;</para>
    238     </listitem>
     238    </listitem>-->
    239239    <!--<listitem>
    240240      <para>Tar-&tar-version;</para>
    246246      <para>Texinfo-&texinfo-version;</para>
    247247    </listitem>-->
    248     <listitem>
     248    <!--<listitem>
    249249      <para>Tzdata-&tzdata-version;</para>
    250     </listitem>
    251     <listitem>
     250    </listitem>-->
     251    <!--<listitem>
    252252      <para>Util-Linux-&util-linux-version;</para>
    253     </listitem>
    254     <listitem>
     253    </listitem>-->
     254    <!--<listitem>
    255255      <para>Vim-&vim-version;</para>
    256     </listitem>
     256    </listitem>-->
    257257    <!--<listitem>
    258258      <para>XML-Parser-&xml-parser-version;</para>
    259259    </listitem>-->
    260     <listitem>
     260    <!--<listitem>
    261261      <para>XZ-Utils-&xz-version;</para>
    262     </listitem>
    263     <listitem>
     262    </listitem>-->
     263    <!--<listitem>
    264264      <para>Zlib-&zlib-version;</para>
    265     </listitem>
     265    </listitem>-->
    266266    <!--<listitem>
    267267      <para>Zstd-&zstd-version;</para>
    281281    <title>Added:</title>
    282282    <listitem><para></para></listitem>  <!-- satisfy build -->
    283     <listitem>
    284       <para>Wheel-&wheel-version;</para>
    285     </listitem>
    286 <!--
    287     <listitem>
     284    <!--<listitem>
    288285      <para>&xz-upstream-fix-patch;</para>
    289     </listitem>
    290 -->
    291     <listitem>
    292       <para>&zstd-upstream-fixes-patch;</para>
    293    </listitem>
     286    </listitem>-->
    294287  </itemizedlist>
    298291    <listitem><para></para></listitem>  <!-- satisfy build -->
    300     <listitem>
     293    <!--<listitem>
    301294      <para>perl-5.34.0-upstream_fixes-1.patch</para>
    302     </listitem>
    303     <listitem>
    304       <para>systemd-250-kernel_5.17_fixes-1.patch</para>
    305     </listitem>
    306     <listitem>
    307       <para>systemd-250-upstream_fixes-1.patch</para>
    308     </listitem>
     295    </listitem>-->
    310296  </itemizedlist>
  • chapter02/creatingfilesystem.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1111  <title>Creating a File System on the Partition</title>
    13   <para>Now that a blank partition has been set up, the file system can be
    14   created.  LFS can use any file system recognized by the Linux kernel, but the
    15   most common types are ext3 and ext4.  The choice of file system can be
    16   complex and depends on the characteristics of the files and the size of
     13  <para>A partition is just a range of sectors on a disk drive, delimited by
     14  boundaries set in a partition table. Before the operating system can use
     15  a blank partition, the partition must be formatted to contain a file
     16  system, typically consisting of a label, directory blocks, data blocks, and
     17  an indexing scheme to locate a particular file on demand. The file system
     18  also helps the OS keep track of free space on the partition, reserve the
     19  needed sectors when a new file is created or an existing file is extended,
     20  and recycle the free data segments created when files are deleted. It may
     21  also provide support for data redundancy, and for error recovery.</para>
     23  <para>LFS can use any file system recognized by the Linux kernel, but the
     24  most common types are ext3 and ext4.  The choice of the right file system can be
     25  complex; it depends on the characteristics of the files and the size of
    1726  the partition.  For example:</para>
    3443    <varlistentry>
    3544      <term>ext4</term>
    36       <listitem><para>is the latest version of the ext file system family of
    37       partition types.  It provides several new capabilities including
    38       nano-second timestamps, creation and use of very large files (16 TB), and
    39       speed improvements.</para>
     45      <listitem><para>is the latest version of the ext family of
     46      file systems.  It provides several new capabilities including
     47      nano-second timestamps, creation and use of very large files
     48      (up to 16 TB), and speed improvements.</para>
    4049      </listitem>
    4150    </varlistentry>
    4453  <para>Other file systems, including FAT32, NTFS, ReiserFS, JFS, and XFS are
    45   useful for specialized purposes.  More information about these file systems
    46   can be found at <ulink
    47   url=""/>.</para>
     54  useful for specialized purposes. More information about these file systems,
     55  and many others, can be found at <ulink
     56  url=""/>.</para>
    49   <para>LFS assumes that the root file system (/) is of type ext4.  To create
     58  <para>LFS assumes that the root file system (/) is of type ext4. To create
    5059  an <systemitem class="filesystem">ext4</systemitem> file system on the LFS
    51   partition, run the following:</para>
     60  partition, issue the following command:</para>
    5362<screen role="nodump"><userinput>mkfs -v -t ext4 /dev/<replaceable>&lt;xxx&gt;</replaceable></userinput></screen>
  • chapter02/creatingpartition.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    9595    <para>Swapping is never good. For mechanical hard drives you can generally
    9696    tell if a system is swapping by just listening to disk activity and
    97     observing how the system reacts to commands.  For an SSD drive you will not
    98     be able to hear swapping but you can tell how much swap space is being used
    99     by the <command>top</command> or <command>free</command> programs.  Use of
    100     an SSD drive for a swap partition should be avoided if possible.  The first
     97    observing how the system reacts to commands. With an SSD you will not
     98    be able to hear swapping, but you can tell how much swap space is being used
     99    by running the <command>top</command> or <command>free</command> programs.  Use of
     100    an SSD for a swap partition should be avoided if possible.  The first
    101101    reaction to swapping should be to check for an unreasonable command such as
    102102    trying to edit a five gigabyte file. If swapping becomes a normal
    113113    loader. This partition will normally be labeled 'BIOS Boot' if using
    114114    <command>fdisk</command> or have a code of <emphasis>EF02</emphasis> if
    115     using <command>gdisk</command>.</para>
     115    using the <command>gdisk</command> command.</para>
    117117    <note><para>The Grub Bios partition must be on the drive that the BIOS
    118     uses to boot the system.  This is not necessarily the same drive where the
    119     LFS root partition is located. Disks on a system may use different
    120     partition table types.  The requirement for this partition depends
     118    uses to boot the system.  This is not necessarily the drive that holds
     119    the LFS root partition. The disks on a system may use different
     120    partition table types. The necessity of the Grub Bios partition depends
    121121    only on the partition table type of the boot disk.</para></note>
    122122    </sect3>
    134134      store kernels and other booting information.  To minimize potential boot
    135135      problems with larger disks, make this the first physical partition on
    136       your first disk drive.  A partition size of 200 megabytes is quite
     136      your first disk drive.  A partition size of 200 megabytes is
    137137      adequate.</para></listitem>
    151151      <filename class="directory">/lib</filename>, and
    152152      <filename class="directory">/sbin</filename> are symlinks to their
    153       counterpart in <filename class="directory">/usr</filename>.
    154       So <filename class="directory">/usr</filename> contains all binaries
     153      counterparts in <filename class="directory">/usr</filename>.
     154      So <filename class="directory">/usr</filename> contains all the binaries
    155155      needed for the system to run.  For LFS a separate partition for
    156156      <filename class="directory">/usr</filename> is normally not needed.
    157       If you need it anyway, you should make a partition large enough to
    158       fit all programs and libraries in the system. The root partition can be
     157      If you create it anyway, you should make a partition large enough to
     158      fit all the programs and libraries in the system. The root partition can be
    159159      very small (maybe just one gigabyte) in this configuration, so it's
    160160      suitable for a thin client or diskless workstation (where
    161161      <filename class="directory">/usr</filename> is mounted from a remote
    162       server).  However you should take care that an initramfs (not covered by
    163       LFS) will be needed to boot a system with separate
     162      server). However, you should be aware that an initramfs (not covered by
     163      LFS) will be needed to boot a system with a separate
    164164      <filename class="directory">/usr</filename> partition.</para></listitem>
    166166      <listitem><para>/opt &ndash; This directory is most useful for
    167       BLFS where multiple installations of large packages like Gnome or KDE can
     167      BLFS, where multiple large packages like KDE or Texlive can
    168168      be installed without embedding the files in the /usr hierarchy.  If
    169169      used, 5 to 10 gigabytes is generally adequate.</para>
    170170      </listitem>
    172       <listitem><para>/tmp &ndash; A separate /tmp directory is rare, but
    173       useful if configuring a thin client.  This partition, if used, will
    174       usually not need to exceed a couple of gigabytes.</para></listitem>
     172      <listitem revision='sysv'><para>/tmp &ndash; A separate /tmp directory
     173      is rare, but useful if configuring a thin client.  This partition, if
     174      used, will usually not need to exceed a couple of
     175      gigabytes.  If you have enough RAM, you can mount a
     176      <systemitem class='filesystem'>tmpfs</systemitem> on /tmp to make
     177      access to temporary files faster.</para></listitem>
     179      <listitem revision='systemd'><para>/tmp &ndash; By default, systemd
     180      mounts a <systemitem class='filesystem'>tmpfs</systemitem> here.
     181      If you want to override that behavior, follow
     182      <xref linkend='systemd-no-tmpfs'/> when configuring the LFS
     183      system.</para></listitem>
    176185      <listitem><para>/usr/src &ndash; This partition is very
    177186      useful for providing a location to store BLFS source files and
    178       share them across LFS builds.  It can also be used as a location
    179       for building BLFS packages.  A reasonably large partition of 30-50
    180       gigabytes allows plenty of room.</para></listitem>
     187      share them across LFS builds. It can also be used as a location
     188      for building BLFS packages. A reasonably large partition of 30-50
     189      gigabytes provides plenty of room.</para></listitem>
    182191    </itemizedlist>
    184     <para>Any separate partition that you want automatically mounted upon boot
    185     needs to be specified in the <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>.  Details
    186     about how to specify partitions will be discussed in <xref
    187     linkend="ch-bootable-fstab"/>.  </para>
     193    <para>Any separate partition that you want automatically mounted when the
     194    system starts must be specified in the <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> file.
     195    Details about how to specify partitions will be discussed in <xref
     196    linkend="ch-bootable-fstab"/>.</para>
    189198    </sect3>
  • chapter02/hostreqs.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    3737    <listitem>
    3838      <para><emphasis role="strong">Bison-2.7</emphasis> (/usr/bin/yacc
    39       should be a link to bison or small script that executes bison)</para>
     39      should be a link to bison or a small script that executes bison)</para>
    4040    </listitem>
  • chapter02/mounting.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1111  <title>Mounting the New Partition</title>
    13   <para>Now that a file system has been created, the partition needs to
    14   be made accessible. In order to do this, the partition needs to be
    15   mounted at a chosen mount point. For the purposes of this book, it is
    16   assumed that the file system is mounted under the directory specified by the
    17   <envar>LFS</envar> environment variable as described in the previous section.
     13  <para>Now that a file system has been created, the partition must
     14  be mounted so the host system can access it. This book assumes that
     15  the file system is mounted at the directory specified by the
     16  <envar>LFS</envar> environment variable described in the previous section.
    1817  </para>
    20   <para>Create the mount point and mount the LFS file system by running:</para>
     19  <para>Create the mount point and mount the LFS file system with these commands:</para>
    2221<screen role="nodump"><userinput>mkdir -pv $LFS
    2322mount -v -t ext4 /dev/<replaceable>&lt;xxx&gt;</replaceable> $LFS</userinput></screen>
    25   <para>Replace <replaceable>&lt;xxx&gt;</replaceable> with the designation of the LFS
     24  <para>Replace <replaceable>&lt;xxx&gt;</replaceable> with the name of the LFS
    2625  partition.</para>
    28   <para>If using multiple partitions for LFS (e.g., one for <filename
    29   class="directory">/</filename> and another for <filename
    30   class="directory">/home</filename>), mount them using:</para>
     27  <para>If you are using multiple partitions for LFS (e.g., one for
     28  <filename class="directory">/</filename> and another for <filename
     29  class="directory">/home</filename>), mount them like this:</para>
    3231<screen role="nodump"><userinput>mkdir -pv $LFS
    4443  without any parameters to see what options are set for the mounted LFS
    4544  partition. If <option>nosuid</option> and/or <option>nodev</option> are set,
    46   the partition will need to be remounted.</para>
     45  the partition must be remounted.</para>
    48   <warning><para>The above instructions assume that you will not be restarting
     47  <warning><para>The above instructions assume that you will not restart
    4948  your computer throughout the LFS process.  If you shut down your system,
    5049  you will either need to remount the LFS partition each time you restart
    51   the build process or modify your host system's /etc/fstab file to automatically
    52   remount it upon boot.  For example:
     50  the build process, or modify the host system's /etc/fstab file to automatically
     51  remount it when you reboot. For example, you might add this line to your
     52  /etc/fstab file:
    5454<screen role="nodump">/dev/<replaceable>&lt;xxx&gt;</replaceable>  /mnt/lfs ext4   defaults      1     1</screen>
    6868  <systemitem class="filesystem">swap</systemitem> partition.</para>
    70   <para>Now that there is an established place to work, it is time to
     70  <para>Now that the new LFS partition is open for business, it's time to
    7171  download the packages.</para>
  • chapter02/stages.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    3636  <sect2>
    37   <title>Chapter&nbsp;5&ndash;6</title>
     37  <title>Chapters&nbsp;5&ndash;6</title>
    3939    <itemizedlist>
    4545        <para>These two chapters <emphasis>must</emphasis> be done as user
    4646        <systemitem class="username">lfs</systemitem>.
    47         A <command>su - lfs</command> needs to be done before any task in these
    48         chapters. Failing to do that, you are at risk of installing packages to the
     47        A <command>su - lfs</command> command must be issued before any task in these
     48        chapters. If you don't do that, you are at risk of installing packages to the
    4949        host, and potentially rendering it unusable.</para>
    5050      </listitem>
    5555         doubt about installing a package, ensure any previously expanded
    5656         tarballs are removed, then re-extract the package files, and complete all
    57          instructions in that section.</para>
     57         the instructions in that section.</para>
    5858      </listitem>
    5959    </itemizedlist>
    6262  <sect2>
    63   <title>Chapter&nbsp;7&ndash;10</title>
     63  <title>Chapters&nbsp;7&ndash;10</title>
    6565    <itemizedlist>
    7070      <listitem>
    7171        <para>A few operations, from <quote>Changing Ownership</quote> to
    72         <quote>Entering the Chroot Environment</quote> must be done as the
     72        <quote>Entering the Chroot Environment</quote>, must be done as the
    7373        <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user, with the LFS
    7474        environment variable set for the &root; user.</para>
    7878         <para> When entering chroot, the LFS environment variable must be set
    7979         for <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>. The LFS
    80          variable is not used afterwards.</para>
     80         variable is not used after entering the chroot environment.</para>
    8181      </listitem>
  • chapter03/introduction.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1414  order to build a basic Linux system. The listed version numbers correspond to
    1515  versions of the software that are known to work, and this book is based on
    16   their use. We highly recommend against using different versions because the build
     16  their use. We highly recommend against using different versions, because the build
    1717  commands for one version may not work with a different version, unless the
    18   different version is specified by a LFS errata or security advisory.
     18  different version is specified by an LFS erratum or security advisory.
    1919  The newest package versions may also have problems that require
    2020  work-arounds. These work-arounds will be developed and stabilized in the
    2323  <para>For some packages, the release tarball and the (Git or SVN)
    24   repository snapshot tarball for this release may be published with
    25   similar file name.  A release tarball contains generated files (for
    26   example, <command>configure</command> script generated by
     24  repository snapshot tarball for that release may be published with
     25  similar file names.  A release tarball contains generated files (for
     26  example, a <command>configure</command> script generated by
    2727  <command>autoconf</command>), in addition to the contents of the
    2828  corresponding repository snapshot.  The book uses release tarballs
    3232  <para>Download locations may not always be accessible. If a download
    3333  location has changed since this book was published, Google (<ulink
    34   url=""/>) provides a useful search engine for
     34  url=""/>) provides a useful search engine for
    3535  most packages. If this search is unsuccessful, try one of the
    3636  alternative means of downloading at <ulink
    7070    <listitem>
    7171      <para>For stable versions of the book, a tarball of all the needed files
    72       can be downloaded from one of the LFS files mirrors listed at
     72      can be downloaded from one of the mirror sites listed at
    7373      <ulink url=""/>.</para>
    7474    </listitem>
  • chapter03/packages.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    2121    if a newer version (with the vulnerability fixed) should be used.  If
    2222    not, try to download the removed package from a mirror.  Although it's
    23         possible to download an old release from a mirror even if this release
    24         has been removed because of a vulnerability, it's not recommended to
    25         use a release known to be vulnerable for building your system.</para>
     23    possible to download an old release from a mirror even if this release
     24    has been removed because of a vulnerability, it's not recommended to
     25    use a release known to be vulnerable for building your system.</para>
    2626  </note>
  • chapter04/settingenviron.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    187187     user is finished at the beginning of <xref
    188188     linkend="chapter-chroot-temporary-tools"/>, you can restore
    189         <filename>/etc/bash.bashrc</filename> (if desired).</para>
     189    <filename>/etc/bash.bashrc</filename> (if desired).</para>
    191191     <para>Note that the LFS Bash package we will build in
  • chapter05/gcc-pass1.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    8484    --with-newlib             \
    8585    --without-headers         \
     86    --enable-default-pie      \
     87    --enable-default-ssp      \
    8688    --disable-nls             \
    8789    --disable-shared          \
    131133      <varlistentry>
     134      <term><parameter>--enable-default-pie and
     135      --enable-default-ssp</parameter></term>
     136        <listitem>
     137          <para>Those switches allow GCC to compile programs with
     138           some hardening security features (more information on those in
     139           the <xref linkend="pie-ssp-info"/> in chapter 8) by default. The
     140           are not strictly needed at this stage, since the compiler will
     141           only produce temporary executables. But it is cleaner to have the
     142           temporary packages be as close as possible to the final ones.
     143          </para>
     144        </listitem>
     145      </varlistentry>
     147      <varlistentry>
    132148        <term><parameter>--disable-shared</parameter></term>
    133149        <listitem>
  • chapter06/gcc-pass2.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    8888    --prefix=/usr                                  \
    8989    --with-build-sysroot=$LFS                      \
     90    --enable-default-pie                           \
     91    --enable-default-ssp                           \
    9092    --disable-nls                                  \
    9193    --disable-multilib                             \
  • chapter07/cleanup.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1919<screen><userinput>rm -rf /usr/share/{info,man,doc}/*</userinput></screen>
    21     <para>Second, the libtool .la files are only useful when linking with static
    22     libraries. They are unneeded and potentially harmful when using dynamic
    23     shared libraries, especially when using non-autotools build systems.
    24     While still in chroot, remove those files now:</para>
     21    <para>Second, on a modern Linux system, the libtool .la files are only
     22    useful for libltdl.  No libraries in LFS are expected to be loaded by
     23    libltdl, and it's known that some .la files can cause BLFS packages
     24    fail to build.  Remove those files now:</para>
    2626<screen><userinput>find /usr/{lib,libexec} -name \*.la -delete</userinput></screen>
    9696    <para>Before making a backup, unmount the virtual file systems:</para>
    98 <screen role="nodump"><userinput>umount $LFS/dev/pts
     98<screen role="nodump"><userinput>mountpoint -q $LFS/dev/shm &amp;&amp; umount $LFS/dev/shm
     99umount $LFS/dev/pts
    99100umount $LFS/{sys,proc,run,dev}</userinput></screen>
  • chapter07/createfiles.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    5050<screen><userinput>cat &gt; /etc/hosts &lt;&lt; EOF
    51  localhost $(hostname)
    52 ::1        localhost
     51<literal>  localhost $(hostname)
     52::1        localhost</literal>
    163163  distributions. In addition, some test suites rely on specific users or
    164164  groups.  The Linux Standard Base (LSB, available at <ulink
    165   url=""/>) only recommends that,
     165  url=""/>) only recommends that,
    166166  besides the group <systemitem class="groupname">root</systemitem> with a
    167167  Group ID (GID) of 0, a group <systemitem class="groupname">bin</systemitem>
  • chapter07/kernfs.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    9090      directory needs to be created.</para>
     92      <para>In other cases <filename>/dev/shm</filename> is a mountpoint
     93      for a tmpfs. In that case the mount of /dev above will only create
     94      /dev/shm in the chroot environment as a directory. In this situation
     95      we explicitly mount a tmpfs,</para>
    9297<screen><userinput>if [ -h $LFS/dev/shm ]; then
    9398  mkdir -pv $LFS/$(readlink $LFS/dev/shm)
     100  mount -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev tmpfs $LFS/dev/shm
  • chapter08/binutils.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    168168    </para>
     170    <para>Twelve tests fail in the <command>gold</command> testsuite when the
     171    <option>--enable-default-pie</option> and
     172    <option>--enable-default-ssp</option> options are passed to GCC.
     173    <!-- Caused by egrep deprecation.  Note that we don't "patch" temp grep.
     174         And it seems unworthy to add a sed into temp grep just for one test
     175         failure.  (I don't really agree to "patch" grep in the first place,
     176         anyway.) -->
     177    The test named <filename>ar with versioned solib</filename> is also
     178    known to fail.</para>
    170180    <para>Install the package:</para>
    172182<screen><userinput remap="install">make tooldir=/usr install</userinput></screen>
    174     <para>Remove useless static libraries:</para>
    176 <screen><userinput remap="install">rm -fv /usr/lib/lib{bfd,ctf,ctf-nobfd,opcodes}.a</userinput></screen>
     184    <para>Remove useless static libraries and an empty man page:</para>
     186<screen><userinput remap="install">rm -fv /usr/lib/lib{bfd,ctf,ctf-nobfd,opcodes}.a
     187rm -fv /usr/share/man/man1/gprofng.1</userinput></screen>
    178189  </sect2>
  • chapter08/cleanup.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1717  <para>There are also several files installed in the /usr/lib and /usr/libexec
    1818  directories with a file name extension of .la. These are "libtool archive"
    19   files. As already said, they are only useful when linking with static
    20   libraries. They are unneeded, and potentially harmful, when using dynamic
    21   shared libraries, specially when using also non-autotools build systems.
    22   To remove them, run:</para>
     19  files. As already said, on a modern Linux system the libtool .la files are
     20  only useful for libltdl.  No libraries in LFS are expected to be loaded
     21  by libltdl, and it's known that some .la files can cause BLFS packages
     22  fail to build.  Remove those files now:</para>
    2424<screen><userinput>find /usr/lib /usr/libexec -name \*.la -delete</userinput></screen>
  • chapter08/eudev.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    4040  <sect2 role="installation">
    4141    <title>Installation of Eudev</title>
    42 <!--
    43     <para>First, fix a test script:</para>
    45 <screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -r -i 's|/usr(/bin/test)|\1|' test/</userinput></screen>
    46 -->
    47 <!--
    48     <para>Next, remove an unneeded line that causes a build failure:</para>
    50 <screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i '/keyboard_lookup_key/d' src/udev/udev-builtin-keyboard.c</userinput></screen>
    51 -->
     45    <para>First fix the location of udev rules in the .pc file:</para>
     47<screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i '/udevdir/a udev_dir=${udevdir}' src/udev/</userinput></screen>
    5349    <para>Prepare Eudev for compilation:</para>
  • chapter08/gawk.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    4545<screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i 's/extras//'</userinput></screen>
     47    <para>Now fix a programming error identified upstream:</para>
     49<screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i '241i UPREF(m);' interpret.h</userinput></screen>
    4751    <para>Prepare Gawk for compilation:</para>
  • chapter08/gcc.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    7171             LD=ld                    \
    7272             --enable-languages=c,c++ \
     73             --enable-default-pie     \
     74             --enable-default-ssp     \
    7375             --disable-multilib       \
    7476             --disable-bootstrap      \
    101103    </variablelist>
     105    <note>
     106      <anchor id="pie-ssp-info" xreflabel="note on PIE and SSP"/>
     107      <para>
     108        PIE (position-independent executable) is a technique to produce
     109        binary programs that can be loaded anywhere in memory.  Without PIE,
     110        the security feature named ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization)
     111        can be applied for the shared libraries, but not the executable
     112        itself.  Enabling PIE allows ASLR for the executables in addition to
     113        the shared libraries, and mitigates some attacks based on fixed
     114        addresses of sensitive code or data in the executables.
     115      </para>
     116      <para>
     117        SSP (Stack Smashing Protection) is a technique to ensure
     118        that the parameter stack is not corrupted. Stack corruption can
     119        for example alter the return address of a subroutine,
     120        which would allow transferring control to some dangerous code
     121        (existing in the program or shared libraries, or injected by the
     122        attacker somehow) instead of the original one.
     123      </para>
     124    </note>
    103126    <para>Compile the package:</para>
    107130    <important>
    108131      <para>In this section, the test suite for GCC is considered
    109       important, but it takes a long time. First time builders are 
     132      important, but it takes a long time. First time builders are
    110133      encouraged to not skip it.  The time to run the tests can be
    111134      reduced significantly by adding -jx to the make command below
    133156    url="&test-results;"/> and
    134157    <ulink url=""/>.</para>
     159    <para>In gcc, eleven tests, in the i386 test suite are known to FAIL.
     160    It's because the test files do not account for the
     161    <parameter>--enable-default-pie</parameter> option.</para>
    136163    <para>In g++, four tests related to PR100400 are known to be reported
    211238  <para>Now make sure that we're setup to use the correct start files:</para>
    213 <screen><userinput>grep -o '/usr/lib.*/crt[1in].*succeeded' dummy.log</userinput></screen>
     240<screen><userinput>grep -E -o '/usr/lib.*/S?crt[1in].*succeeded' dummy.log</userinput></screen>
    215242  <para>The output of the last command should be:</para>
    217 <screen><computeroutput>/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/&gcc-version;/../../../../lib/crt1.o succeeded
     244<screen><computeroutput>/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/&gcc-version;/../../../../lib/Scrt1.o succeeded
    218245/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/&gcc-version;/../../../../lib/crti.o succeeded
    219246/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/&gcc-version;/../../../../lib/crtn.o succeeded</computeroutput></screen>
    573600        <listitem>
    574601          <para>Contains routines supporting GCC's stack-smashing protection
    575           functionality</para>
     602          functionality.  Normally it's unused because glibc also provides
     603          those routines</para>
    576604          <indexterm zone="ch-system-gcc libssp">
    577605            <primary sortas="c-libssp">libssp</primary>
  • chapter08/gettext.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    6363          <para>Since bison is not yet installed in /usr, configure hardcodes
    6464          the directory containing translations for the bison program (the
    65           "locale" directory) as /tools/share/locale. Passing this variable
     65          "locale" directory) as /tools/share/locale. Passing this variable
    6666           to make allows overriding the choice made by configure.</para>
    6767        </listitem>
  • chapter08/grep.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    4040  <sect2 role="installation">
    4141    <title>Installation of Grep</title>
     43    <para>
     44       First, remove a warning about using egrep and fgrep that makes
     45       tests on some packages fail:
     46    </para>
     48<screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i "s/echo/#echo/" src/</userinput></screen>
    4350    <para>Prepare Grep for compilation:</para>
  • chapter08/groff.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    5454<screen><userinput remap="configure">PAGE=<replaceable>&lt;paper_size&gt;</replaceable> ./configure --prefix=/usr</userinput></screen>
     56    <para>Build the package:</para>
    5658<screen><userinput remap="make">make</userinput></screen>
  • chapter08/libtool.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    5353<para>To test the results<!--(about 11.0 SBU)-->, issue:</para>
    55 <screen><userinput remap="test">make check</userinput></screen>
     55<screen><userinput remap="test">make -k check</userinput></screen>
    5757    <note><para>The test time for libtool can be reduced significantly on a
    6363    <para>Five tests are known to fail in the LFS build environment due
    64     to a circular dependency, but all tests pass if rechecked after
    65     automake is installed.</para>
     64    to a circular dependency, but these tests pass if rechecked after
     65    automake is installed.  Additionally, with grep-3.8, two tests will
     66    trigger a warning for non-POSIX regular expressions and fail.</para>
    6768    <para>Install the package:</para>
  • chapter08/meson.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    9797        <seg>meson</seg>
    9898        <seg>
    99            /usr/lib/python&python-minor;/site-packages/meson-&meson-version;.dist-info and 
     99           /usr/lib/python&python-minor;/site-packages/meson-&meson-version;.dist-info and
    100100           /usr/lib/python&python-minor;/site-packages/mesonbuild
    101101        </seg>
    110110      <varlistentry id="meson">
    111                 <term><command>meson</command></term>
     111        <term><command>meson</command></term>
    112112        <listitem>
    113113          <para>A high productivity build system</para>
  • chapter08/ncurses.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    124124    <!-- To editors: crash of shell process was very rare but really
    125          observed.  We can't simply remove /usr/lib/ like 
     125         observed.  We can't simply remove /usr/lib/ like
    126126         how we handle in BLFS because bash needs it, and
    127127         make will spawn new shell processes during "make install".  -->
    132132    from the library file.  Install the package with
    133133    <literal>DESTDIR</literal>, and replace the library file correctly using
    134     <command>install</command> command.  A useless static archive which is
    135     not handled by <command>configure</command> is also removed:</para>
     134    <command>install</command> command:</para>
    137136<screen><userinput remap="install">make DESTDIR=$PWD/dest install
    213212 ,
    214213 ,
     214 ,
    215215 , and their non-wide-character counterparts without "w"
    216216              in the library names.</seg>
    367367      </varlistentry>
     369      <varlistentry id="libncurses__w">
     370        <term><filename class="libraryfile">libncurses++w</filename></term>
     371        <listitem>
     372          <para>Contains C++ binding for other libraries in this package</para>
     373          <indexterm zone="ch-system-ncurses libncurses__w">
     374            <primary sortas="c-libncurses++w">libncurses++w</primary>
     375          </indexterm>
     376        </listitem>
     377      </varlistentry>
    369379      <varlistentry id="libformw">
    370380        <term><filename class="libraryfile">libformw</filename></term>
  • chapter08/openssl.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    4444    <title>Installation of OpenSSL</title>
    46     <para>First fix a problem with some advanced arcitectures with avx512
     46    <para>First fix a problem with some advanced architectures with avx512
    4747    capability:</para>
  • chapter08/pkgmgt.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    284284      commercial distributions. Examples of package managers that follow this
    285285      approach are RPM (which, incidentally, is required by the <ulink
    286       url="">Linux
     286      url="">Linux
    287287      Standard Base Specification</ulink>), pkg-utils, Debian's apt, and
    288288      Gentoo's Portage system.  A hint describing how to adopt this style of
    297297      as more complex package managers do.  For details of Slackware package
    298298      management, see <ulink
    299       url=""/>.</para>
     299      url=""/>.</para>
    300300    </sect3>
  • chapter08/python.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    117117    commands:</para>
    119  <screen><userinput remap="install">cat &gt; /etc/pip.conf &lt;&lt; EOF
    120 [global]
     119<screen><userinput remap="install">cat &gt; /etc/pip.conf &lt;&lt; EOF
    121121root-user-action = ignore
    122 disable-pip-version-check = true
     122disable-pip-version-check = true</literal>
  • chapter08/readline.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    6464        <listitem>
    6565          <para>This option tells Readline that it can find the termcap
    66                library functions in the curses library, rather than a separate
    67                termcap library. It allows generating a correct
    68                <filename>readline.pc</filename> file.</para>
     66          library functions in the curses library, rather than a separate
     67          termcap library. It allows generating a correct
     68          <filename>readline.pc</filename> file.</para>
    6969        </listitem>
    7070      </varlistentry>
  • chapter08/util-linux.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    101101su tester -c "make -k check"</userinput></screen>
    103     <para>The <emphasis>hardlink</emphasis> tests will fail if the host's kernel 
     103    <para>The <emphasis>hardlink</emphasis> tests will fail if the host's kernel
    104104    does not have the option CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_HASH set.</para>
  • chapter08/vim.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    168168    <note>
    169169      <para>By default, vim only installs spell files for the English language.
    170       To install spell files for your preferred language, download the
    171       <filename>*.spl</filename> and optionally, the <filename>*.sug</filename>
    172       files for your language and character encoding from <ulink
    173       url=""/> and save them to
    174       <filename class='directory'>/usr/share/&vim-docdir;/spell/</filename>.</para>
     170      To install spell files for your preferred language, copy the
     171      <filename class='extension'>.spl</filename> and optionally, the
     172      <filename class='extension'>.sug</filename> files for your language
     173      and character encoding from
     174      <filename class='directory'>runtime/spell</filename> into
     175      <filename class='directory'>
     176        /usr/share/&vim-docdir;/spell/</filename>.</para>
    176178      <para>To use these spell files, some configuration in
    180182set spell</literal></screen>
    182       <para>For more information, see the appropriate README file located
    183       at the URL above.</para>
     184      <para>For more information, see
     185      <filename>runtime/spell/README.txt</filename>.</para>
    184186    </note>
  • chapter09/consoled.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    2424  information. Decide which keymap and screen font will be used. Various
    2525  language-specific HOWTOs can also help with this, see <ulink
    26   url=""/>.
     26  url=""/>.
    2727  Examine the output of <command>localectl list-keymaps</command> for a list of
    2828  valid console keymaps. Look in the
  • chapter09/systemd-custom.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    4747  </sect2>
    49   <sect2>
     49  <sect2 id='systemd-no-tmpfs'>
    5050    <title>Disabling tmpfs for /tmp</title>
  • chapter09/udev.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    326326      <listitem>
    327327        <para>The <systemitem class="filesystem">sysfs</systemitem> Filesystem
    328         <ulink url=""/></para>
     328        <ulink url=""/></para>
    329329      </listitem>
  • chapter09/usage.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    4444    <note>
    4545       <para>
    46           Classically, run level 2 above was defined as 
    47           "multi-user mode without networking", but this was only the case 
     46          Classically, run level 2 above was defined as
     47          "multi-user mode without networking", but this was only the case
    4848          many years ago when multiple users could log into a system connected via
    4949          serial ports.  In today's environment it makes no sense and
    167167  is that when a user is going to reboot or halt the system, nothing
    168168  needs to be started, but the order of shutdown needs to be controlled.
    169   For these run levels, all <emphasis>K</emphasis> prefixed scripts will be 
     169  For these run levels, all <emphasis>K</emphasis> prefixed scripts will be
    170170  run before any <emphasis>S</emphasis> prefixed scripts are run with the
    171171  <parameter>stop</parameter> parameter.
    335335  information.  Decide which keymap and screen font will be used. Various
    336336  language-specific HOWTOs can also help with this, see <ulink
    337   url=""/>. If still in
     337  url=""/>. If still in
    338338  doubt, look in the <filename class="directory">/usr/share/keymaps</filename>
    339339  and <filename class="directory">/usr/share/consolefonts</filename> directories
  • chapter10/fstab.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    3333tmpfs          /run         tmpfs    defaults            0     0
    3434devtmpfs       /dev         devtmpfs mode=0755,nosuid    0     0
     35tmpfs          /dev/shm     tmpfs    nosuid,nodev        0     0
    3637# End /etc/fstab</literal>
  • chapter10/kernel.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    106106      not work correctly or boot at all:</para>
    108       <screen role="nodump" revision="sysv">General setup -->
     108      <screen role="nodump" revision="sysv">Processor type and features ---&gt;
     109   [*] Build a relocatable kernel [CONFIG_RELOCATABLE]
     110   [*]   Randomize the address of the kernel image (KASLR) [CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE]
     111General setup ---&gt;
    109112   [ ] Compile the kernel with warnings as errors [CONFIG_WERROR]
    110113   &lt; &gt; Enable kernel headers through /sys/kernel/kheaders.tar.xz [CONFIG_IKHEADERS]
     114General architecture-dependent options  ---&gt;
     115   [*] Stack Protector buffer overflow detection [CONFIG_STACKPROTECTOR]
     116   [*]   Strong Stack Protector [CONFIG_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG]
    111117Device Drivers  ---&gt;
    112118  Graphics support ---&gt;
    113119   Frame buffer Devices ---&gt;
    114       [*] Support for frame buffer devices ----
     120      &lt;*&gt; Support for frame buffer devices ---&gt;
     121   Console display driver support ---&gt;
     122      [*] Framebuffer Console support [CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE]
    115123  Generic Driver Options  ---&gt;
    116124   [ ] Support for uevent helper [CONFIG_UEVENT_HELPER]
    118126   [*]   Automount devtmpfs at /dev, after the kernel mounted the rootfs [CONFIG_DEVTMPFS_MOUNT]</screen>
    120       <screen role="nodump" revision="systemd">General setup -->
     128      <screen role="nodump" revision="systemd">Processor type and features ---&gt;
     129   [*] Build a relocatable kernel [CONFIG_RELOCATABLE]
     130   [*]   Randomize the address of the kernel image (KASLR) [CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE]
     131General setup ---&gt;
    121132   [ ] Compile the kernel with warnings as errors [CONFIG_WERROR]
    122133   [ ] Auditing Support [CONFIG_AUDIT]
    131142General architecture-dependent options  ---&gt;
    132143   [*] Enable seccomp to safely compute untrusted bytecode [CONFIG_SECCOMP]
     144   [*] Stack Protector buffer overflow detection [CONFIG_STACKPROTECTOR]
     145   [*]   Strong Stack Protector [CONFIG_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG]
    133146Networking support  ---&gt;
    134147  Networking options  ---&gt;
    146159   Frame buffer Devices ---&gt;
    147160      &lt;*&gt; Support for frame buffer devices ---&gt;
     161   Console display driver support ---&gt;
     162      [*] Framebuffer Console support [CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE]
    148163File systems  ---&gt;
    149164   [*] Inotify support for userspace [CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER]
    150165       Pseudo filesystems  ---&gt;
    151166        [*] Tmpfs POSIX Access Control Lists [CONFIG_TMPFS_POSIX_ACL]</screen>
    153       <para>Disable a feature which is security compromised in this kernel
    154       release:</para>
    156       <screen role="nodump">Memory Management options  ---&gt;
    157   [ ] Enable userfaultfd() system call [CONFIG_USERFAULTFD]</screen>
    158167    </note>
    182191      <varlistentry>
     192        <term><parameter>Randomize the address of the kernel image (KASLR)</parameter></term>
     193        <listitem>
     194          <para>Enable ASLR for kernel image, to mitigate some attacks based
     195          on fixed addresses of sensitive data or code in the kernel.</para>
     196        </listitem>
     197      </varlistentry>
     199      <varlistentry>
    183200        <term>
    184201          <parameter>
    207224      <varlistentry>
     225        <term><parameter>Strong Stack Protector</parameter></term>
     226        <listitem>
     227          <para>Enable SSP for the kernel.  We've enabled it for the entire
     228          userspace with <parameter>--enable-default-ssp</parameter>
     229          configuring GCC, but the kernel does not use GCC default setting
     230          for SSP.  We enable it explicitly here.</para>
     231        </listitem>
     232      </varlistentry>
     234      <varlistentry>
    208235        <term><parameter>Support for uevent helper</parameter></term>
    209236        <listitem>
    234261      <varlistentry>
    235         <term><parameter>Enable userfaultfd() system call</parameter></term>
    236         <listitem>
    237           <para>If this option is enabled, a security vulnerability not
    238           resolved in Linux-&linux-version; yet will be exploitable.
    239           Disable this option to avoid the vulnerability.  This system call
    240           is not used by any part of LFS or BLFS.</para>
     262        <term><parameter>Framebuffer Console support</parameter></term>
     263        <listitem>
     264          <para>This is needed to display the Linux console on a frame
     265          buffer device.  To allow the kernel to print debug messages at an
     266          early boot stage, it shouldn't be built as a kernel module
     267          unless an initramfs will be used. And, if
     268          <option>CONFIG_DRM</option> (Direct Rendering Manager) is enabled,
     269          it's likely <option>CONFIG_DRM_FBDEV_EMULATION</option> (Enable
     270          legacy fbdev support for your modesetting driver) should be
     271          enabled as well.</para>
    241272        </listitem>
    242273      </varlistentry>
  • chapter11/chapter11.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1616  <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="reboot.xml"/>
    1717  <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="whatnow.xml"/>
     18  <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="afterlfs.xml"/>
  • chapter11/reboot.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1111  <title>Rebooting the System</title>
     12  <para>
     13    Now that all of the software has been installed, it is time to reboot
     14    your computer. However, there are still a few things to check.
     15    Here are some suggestions:</para>
    13   <para>Now that all of the software has been installed, it is time to reboot
    14   your computer. However, you should be aware of a few things. The system you
     19  The system you
    1520  have created in this book is quite minimal, and most likely will not have
    1621  the functionality you would need to be able to continue forward. By installing
    1823  environment, you can leave yourself in a much better position to continue on
    1924  once you reboot into your new LFS installation. Here are some suggestions:</para>
    2126  <itemizedlist>
    2328    <listitem><para>A text mode browser such as <ulink
    2429    url='&blfs-book;basicnet/lynx.html'>Lynx</ulink>
    6166    url='&blfs-book;basicnet/wpa_supplicant.html'>wpa_supplicant</ulink>.
    6267    </para></listitem>
     69    <listitem>
     70      <para>
     71        Install any <ulink
     72        url='&blfs-book;postlfs/firmware.html'>firmware</ulink> needed if the
     73        kernel driver for your hardware requires some firmware files to function
     74        properly.
     75      </para>
     76    </listitem>
    64     <listitem><para>Install <ulink
    65     url='&blfs-book;postlfs/firmware.html'>firmwares</ulink> if the kernel
    66     driver for your hardware require some firmware to function properly.
    67     </para></listitem>
    69     <listitem><para>Finally, a review of the following configuration files
    70     is also appropriate at this point.</para>
     78    <listitem>
     79      <para>
     80        A review of the following configuration files
     81        is also appropriate at this point.
     82      </para>
    7284      <itemizedlist>
    88100  <para>Now that we have said that, let's move on to booting our shiny new LFS
    89   installation for the first time! First exit from the chroot environment:</para>
     101  installation for the first time! <emphasis>First exit from the chroot
     102  environment</emphasis>:</para>
    92 <!-- We need to show the user the details...
    93   <para>Unmount the LFS file system hierarchy:</para>
    95 <screen><userinput>umount -Rv $LFS</userinput></screen>
    96 -->
     105<!-- We need to show the user the details...-->
    98107  <para>Then unmount the virtual file systems:</para>
    107116  partitions before unmounting the main one, like this:</para>
    109 <screen role="nodump"><userinput>umount -v $LFS/usr
    110 umount -v $LFS/home
     118<screen role="nodump"><userinput>umount -v $LFS/home
    111119umount -v $LFS</userinput></screen>
    115123<screen role="nodump"><userinput>umount -v $LFS</userinput></screen>
    117   <para>Now, reboot the system with:</para>
     125  <para>Now, reboot the system.</para>
    119 <screen role="nodump"><userinput>shutdown -r now</userinput></screen>
     127<!-- Commented out because we don't have a host system requirement on
     128     its init, and different init system may recommend different commands
     129     for reboot.  -->
     130<!--<screen role="nodump"><userinput>shutdown -r now</userinput></screen>-->
    121132  <para>Assuming the GRUB boot loader was set up as outlined earlier, the menu
  • chapter11/theend.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    63   <para>Be sure to put some sort of customization for the fields
    64   'DISTRIB_CODENAME' and 'VERSION_CODENAME' to make the system uniquely
    65   yours.</para>
     63  <para>Be sure to customize the fields 'DISTRIB_CODENAME' and
     64  'VERSION_CODENAME' to make the system uniquely yours.</para>
  • chapter11/whatnow.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    99  <?dbhtml filename="whatnow.html"?>
    11   <title>What Now?</title>
     11  <title>Additional Resources</title>
    1313  <para>Thank you for reading this LFS book. We hope that you have
    3333        <listitem>
    34           <para><ulink url="">CERT</ulink> (Computer
    35           Emergency Response Team)</para>
     34          <para><ulink url="&lfs-root;lfs/advisories/">LFS Security Advisories</ulink></para>
    37           <para>CERT has a mailing list that publishes security alerts concerning
    38           various operating systems and applications. Subscription information is
    39           available at <ulink
    40           url=""/>.</para>
     36          <para>This is a list of security vulnerabilities discovered in the
     37          LFS book after it's published.</para>
    4138        </listitem>
    4340        <listitem>
    44           <para>Bugtraq</para>
     41          <para><ulink url="">Open Source Security
     42          Mailing List</ulink></para>
    46           <para>Bugtraq is a full-disclosure computer security mailing list. It
    47           publishes newly discovered security issues, and occasionally potential
    48           fixes for them. Subscription information is available at <ulink
    49           url=""/>.</para>
     44          <para>This is a mailing list for discussion of security flaws,
     45          concepts, and practices in the Open Source community.</para>
    5046        </listitem>
    5248      </itemizedlist>
    5349    </listitem>
    5551    <listitem>
    5652      <para>Beyond Linux From Scratch</para>
    6157      </para>
    6258    </listitem>
    6460    <listitem>
    6561      <para>LFS Hints</para>
    8682      collaborate on all of the issues of Linux documentation. The TLDP features
    8783      a large collection of HOWTOs, guides, and man pages.  It is located at
    88       <ulink url=""/>.</para>
     84      <ulink url=""/>.</para>
    8985    </listitem>

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    33if [ "$1" = sysv ]; then
    4         SYSV="INCLUDE"
    5         SYSTEMD="IGNORE "
     4    SYSV="INCLUDE"
     5    SYSTEMD="IGNORE "
    66elif [ "$1" = systemd ]; then
    7         SYSV="IGNORE "
    8         SYSTEMD="INCLUDE"
     7    SYSV="IGNORE "
    10         echo You must provide either \"sysv\" or \"systemd\" as argument
    11         exit 1
     10    echo You must provide either \"sysv\" or \"systemd\" as argument
     11    exit 1
    1717if ! git status > /dev/null; then
    18         # Either it's not a git repository, or git is unavaliable.
    19         # Just workaround.
    20         echo "<![ %sysv; ["                                    >  version.ent
    21         echo "<!ENTITY version           \"unknown\">"         >> version.ent
    22         echo "]]>"                                             >> version.ent
    23         echo "<![ %systemd; ["                                 >> version.ent
    24         echo "<!ENTITY version           \"unknown-systemd\">" >> version.ent
    25         echo "]]>"                                             >> version.ent
    26         echo "<!ENTITY releasedate       \"unknown\">"         >> version.ent
    27         echo "<!ENTITY copyrightdate     \"1999-2022\">"       >> version.ent
    28         exit 0
     18    # Either it's not a git repository, or git is unavaliable.
     19    # Just workaround.
     20    echo "<![ %sysv; ["                                    >  version.ent
     21    echo "<!ENTITY version           \"unknown\">"         >> version.ent
     22    echo "]]>"                                             >> version.ent
     23    echo "<![ %systemd; ["                                 >> version.ent
     24    echo "<!ENTITY version           \"unknown-systemd\">" >> version.ent
     25    echo "]]>"                                             >> version.ent
     26    echo "<!ENTITY releasedate       \"unknown\">"         >> version.ent
     27    echo "<!ENTITY copyrightdate     \"1999-2022\">"       >> version.ent
     28    exit 0
    4141case $day in
    42         "1" | "21" | "31" ) suffix="st";;
    43         "2" | "22" ) suffix="nd";;
    44         "3" | "23" ) suffix="rd";;
    45         * ) suffix="th";;
     42    "1" | "21" | "31" ) suffix="st";;
     43    "2" | "22" ) suffix="nd";;
     44    "3" | "23" ) suffix="rd";;
     45    * ) suffix="th";;
    5555if [ "$(git diff HEAD | wc -l)" != "0" ]; then
    56         version="$version+"
    57         versiond="$versiond+"
     56    version="$version+"
     57    versiond="$versiond+"
  • lfs-latest-git.php

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    3535     // Isolate the version and put in an array
    3636     $slice = preg_replace( $regex_replace, "$1", $line );
    37      if ( $slice == $line ) continue;
     37     if ( strcmp( $slice, $line ) == 0 ) continue;
    3939     array_push( $a, $slice );
    267267     return find_max( $lines, "/^\d/", "/^(\d[\d\.]+\d)\/.*$/" );
     269  if ( $package == "iana-etc" )
     270     return find_max( $lines, "/^\s*20\d\d/", "/^\s+(\d+).*$/" );
     272  if ( $package == "meson" )
     273     return find_max( $lines, "/^\s+\d\./", "/^\s+([\d\.]+)$/" );
     275  if ( $package == "shadow" )
     276     return find_max( $lines, "/^\s+\d\./", "/^\s+([\d\.]+)$/" );
    269278  if ( $package == "XML-Parser" )
    270279  {
    292301     return str_replace( "_", ".", $max );
    293302  }
     304  if ( $package == "libffi" )
     305     return find_max( $lines, "/v\d/", "/^.*v([\d\.]+)$/" );
    295307  if ( $package == "procps-ng" )
  • packages.ent

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    214214<!ENTITY gawk-home "&gnu-software;gawk/">
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    413 <!ENTITY libpipeline-home "">
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    428428<!--<!ENTITY linux-version "&linux-major-version;.&linux-minor-version;">-->
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  • part3intro/generalinstructions.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    8383          <para>Place all the sources and patches in a directory that will be
    8484          accessible from the chroot environment such as
    85           <filename class="directory">/mnt/lfs/sources/</filename>.<!-- Do
     85          <filename class="directory">/mnt/lfs/sources/</filename>.<!-- Do
    8686          <emphasis>not</emphasis> put sources in
    87           <filename class="directory">/mnt/lfs/tools/</filename>. --></para>
     87          <filename class="directory">/mnt/lfs/tools/</filename>. --></para>
    8888        </listitem>
    8989        <listitem>
  • prologue/prerequisites.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    3131    <listitem>
    3232      <para>Software-Building-HOWTO
    33       <ulink url=""/></para>
     33      <ulink url=""/></para>
    3535      <para>This is a comprehensive guide to building and installing
    4141    <listitem>
    4242      <para>Beginner's Guide to Installing from Source
    43       <ulink url=""/></para>
     43      <ulink url=""/></para>
    4545      <para>This guide provides a good summary of basic skills and
  • prologue/standards.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1919    <itemizedlist>
    2020      <listitem>
    21         <para><ulink url="">
     21        <para><ulink url="">
    2222        POSIX.1-2008</ulink>.</para>
    2323      </listitem>
    2424      <listitem>
    2525        <para><ulink
    26         url="">
     26        url="">
    2727        Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) Version 3.0</ulink></para>
    2929      </listitem>
    3030      <listitem>
    31         <para><ulink url="">Linux
     31        <para><ulink url="">Linux
    3232        Standard Base (LSB) Version 5.0 (2015)</ulink></para>
  • prologue/why.xml

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    596596        <para>Wheel</para>
    598         <para>This package contains a Python module that is the 
     598        <para>This package contains a Python module that is the
    599599        reference implementation of the Python wheel packaging standard.
    600600        </para>
  • stylesheets/lfs-xsl/

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    1515a:link {
    1616  color:           #22b;
    17   font-weight:     bold; 
     17  font-weight:     bold;
    1818  text-decoration: none;
    2121a.ulink:link {
    22   font-weight:     bold; 
     22  font-weight:     bold;
    2323  color:           #55f;
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    87 div.chapter, 
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  • udev-lfs/ChangeLog

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    99     allow build with util-linux in LFS's /tools directory.
    11 2010-01-26      Matt Burgess <>
    12         * 55-lfs.rules: Remove lots of rules that have been merged upstream.
    13         * 61-cdrom.rules: Remove as upstream has a replacement.
    14         * doc/*: Cleanup and rewrite now that the rules are much simpler.
    16 2009-09-25      Bryan Kadzban <>
    17         * 55-lfs.rules: Make the RTC rule (which runs setclock) work for people
    18           that don't use the RTC-class driver -- add another copy of the rule,
    19           using KERNEL=="rtc" instead of SUBSYSTEM=="rtc".  Also move the ACTION
    20           match before the assignment to MODE.
    22 2009-05-23      Bruce Dubbs <>
    23         * 55-lfs.rules: Set the rtc by udev upon boot.  Removed aio device from
    24           udev configuration so defaults are used.
    26 2009-05-16      Bryan Kadzban <>
    27         * 55-lfs.rules: Adopt udev permissions for random, urandom, kmsg, and
    28           input devices (including psaux, which probably doesn't exist anymore
    29           anyway).
    31 2009-05-16      Matt Burgess <>
    32         * 55-lfs.rules: Remove the block rule as it was only setting
    33           permissions that Udev will set by default
    34         * 55-lfs.rules: Remove the rfcomm rule as the group it sets is already
    35           included in upstream's rule
    36         * 55-lfs-rules: Remove the tape rules as the group they sets is already
    37           included in upstream's rules
    39 2009-03-15      Bryan Kadzban <>
    40         * 55-lfs.rules: Remove the ISDN-handling rules (replaced with upstream's
    41           version, which has a better match via SUBSYSTEM).
    42         * 55-lfs.rules: Replace "uucp" with "dialout" now that udev has decided
    43           to standardize on a Debian-like setup (uucp is for UUCP daemons to use
    44           for privilege separation; dialout is for users and devices).
     112010-01-26  Matt Burgess <>
     12   * 55-lfs.rules: Remove lots of rules that have been merged upstream.
     13   * 61-cdrom.rules: Remove as upstream has a replacement.
     14   * doc/*: Cleanup and rewrite now that the rules are much simpler.
     162009-09-25  Bryan Kadzban <>
     17   * 55-lfs.rules: Make the RTC rule (which runs setclock) work for people
     18     that don't use the RTC-class driver -- add another copy of the rule,
     19     using KERNEL=="rtc" instead of SUBSYSTEM=="rtc".  Also move the ACTION
     20     match before the assignment to MODE.
     222009-05-23  Bruce Dubbs <>
     23   * 55-lfs.rules: Set the rtc by udev upon boot.  Removed aio device from
     24     udev configuration so defaults are used.
     262009-05-16  Bryan Kadzban <>
     27   * 55-lfs.rules: Adopt udev permissions for random, urandom, kmsg, and
     28     input devices (including psaux, which probably doesn't exist anymore
     29     anyway).
     312009-05-16  Matt Burgess <>
     32   * 55-lfs.rules: Remove the block rule as it was only setting
     33     permissions that Udev will set by default
     34   * 55-lfs.rules: Remove the rfcomm rule as the group it sets is already
     35     included in upstream's rule
     36   * 55-lfs-rules: Remove the tape rules as the group they sets is already
     37     included in upstream's rules
     392009-03-15  Bryan Kadzban <>
     40   * 55-lfs.rules: Remove the ISDN-handling rules (replaced with upstream's
     41     version, which has a better match via SUBSYSTEM).
     42   * 55-lfs.rules: Replace "uucp" with "dialout" now that udev has decided
     43     to standardize on a Debian-like setup (uucp is for UUCP daemons to use
     44     for privilege separation; dialout is for users and devices).
    46462008-12-07  Bruce Dubbs <>
    47         * 55-lfs.rules: Change one line to use continuation so it does
    48           not overflow the book's width.
     47   * 55-lfs.rules: Change one line to use continuation so it does
     48     not overflow the book's width.
    50502008-12-07  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    51         * 55-lfs.rules: Remove several rules that are either provided by upstream,
    52           or that don't have any effect (there is no /dev/js or /dev/djs according
    53           to devices.txt).
    54         * 55-lfs.rules, 61-cdrom.rules: Replace ACTION=="add" with "add|change"
    55           everywhere, per upstream's general request.
     51   * 55-lfs.rules: Remove several rules that are either provided by upstream,
     52     or that don't have any effect (there is no /dev/js or /dev/djs according
     53     to devices.txt).
     54   * 55-lfs.rules, 61-cdrom.rules: Replace ACTION=="add" with "add|change"
     55     everywhere, per upstream's general request.
    57572008-11-11  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    58         * 55-lfs.rules, 61-cdrom.rules: Fix comments to use the right rule
    59           numbers.  Thanks to Trent Shea for the fix.  Closes #2278.
     58   * 55-lfs.rules, 61-cdrom.rules: Fix comments to use the right rule
     59     numbers.  Thanks to Trent Shea for the fix.  Closes #2278.
    61612008-10-15  DJ Lucas <>
    62         * 55-lfs.rules: Override default perms on floppy disk devices provided
    63           by 50-udev-default.rules.  Thanks to Bruce Dubbs for the fix.  Closes
    64           LFS ticket #2076.
     62   * 55-lfs.rules: Override default perms on floppy disk devices provided
     63     by 50-udev-default.rules.  Thanks to Bruce Dubbs for the fix.  Closes
     64     LFS ticket #2076.
    66662008-05-21  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    67         * 81-firmware.rules, doc/81-firmware.txt: Remove.  This rule is
    68           already handled by udev's 50-udev-default.rules file.  The docs
    69           can be added back later if needed.
    70         * Makefile: Don't install the above deleted files.
    71         * 55-lfs.rules: Remove the device-mapper rule, since the upstream
    72           50-udev-default.rules file handles it properly.
     67   * 81-firmware.rules, doc/81-firmware.txt: Remove.  This rule is
     68     already handled by udev's 50-udev-default.rules file.  The docs
     69     can be added back later if needed.
     70   * Makefile: Don't install the above deleted files.
     71   * 55-lfs.rules: Remove the device-mapper rule, since the upstream
     72     50-udev-default.rules file handles it properly.
    74742008-04-02  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    75         * Makefile: Make the package DESTDIR-friendly by installing the docs
    76           into a fixed $(PREFIX)/share/doc/udev-config directory, instead of
    77           trying to figure out what version of udev was just installed.
     75   * Makefile: Make the package DESTDIR-friendly by installing the docs
     76     into a fixed $(PREFIX)/share/doc/udev-config directory, instead of
     77     trying to figure out what version of udev was just installed.
    79792007-10-30  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    80         * 55-lfs.rules: Since the dialout group was renamed to uucp, delete
    81           the rules that override upstream's assignment of the dialout group.
    82           Replace "dialout" with "uucp" on the remaining rules.
     80   * 55-lfs.rules: Since the dialout group was renamed to uucp, delete
     81     the rules that override upstream's assignment of the dialout group.
     82     Replace "dialout" with "uucp" on the remaining rules.
    84842007-10-29  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    85         * 51-lfs.rules: Move to 55-lfs.rules.
    86         * doc/51-lfs.rules: Move to doc/55-lfs.rules.
     85   * 51-lfs.rules: Move to 55-lfs.rules.
     86   * doc/51-lfs.rules: Move to doc/55-lfs.rules.
    88882007-10-27  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    89         * 25-lfs.rules: Some rules in here are duplicates of rules from udev's
    90           new 50-udev-defaults.rules file; remove them. Override permissions
    91           where needed elsewhere (and document overrides in comments).
    92         * 26-modprobe.rules: Provided by udev's 80-drivers.rules and built-in
    93           modaliases for SCSI device-type modules in 2.6.22+ kernels; remove.
    95         * 25-lfs.rules: Move to 51-lfs.rules.
    96         * 27-firmware.rules: Move to 81-firmware.rules.
    97         * 81-cdrom.rules: Move to 61-cdrom.rules.
    99         * doc/25-lfs.txt: Rename to 51-lfs.txt.
    100         * doc/26-modprobe.txt: Rename to 80-drivers.txt, and modify to reflect
    101           the upstream rules.
    102         * doc/27-firmware.txt: Rename to 81-firmware.txt.
    103         * doc/81-cdrom.txt: Rename to 61-cdrom.txt.
    105         * Makefile: Use new filenames.
     89   * 25-lfs.rules: Some rules in here are duplicates of rules from udev's
     90     new 50-udev-defaults.rules file; remove them. Override permissions
     91     where needed elsewhere (and document overrides in comments).
     92   * 26-modprobe.rules: Provided by udev's 80-drivers.rules and built-in
     93     modaliases for SCSI device-type modules in 2.6.22+ kernels; remove.
     95   * 25-lfs.rules: Move to 51-lfs.rules.
     96   * 27-firmware.rules: Move to 81-firmware.rules.
     97   * 81-cdrom.rules: Move to 61-cdrom.rules.
     99   * doc/25-lfs.txt: Rename to 51-lfs.txt.
     100   * doc/26-modprobe.txt: Rename to 80-drivers.txt, and modify to reflect
     101     the upstream rules.
     102   * doc/27-firmware.txt: Rename to 81-firmware.txt.
     103   * doc/81-cdrom.txt: Rename to 61-cdrom.txt.
     105   * Makefile: Use new filenames.
    1071072007-07-31  Dan Nicholson <>
    108         * 25-lfs.rules: Changed the usb_device rule tto create /dev/bus/usb
    109           nodes if the usb_device in 2.6.22+ kernels. The rule was also changed
    110           to only trigger on "add" events. This change is not backwards
    111           compatible with older kernels.
     108   * 25-lfs.rules: Changed the usb_device rule tto create /dev/bus/usb
     109     nodes if the usb_device in 2.6.22+ kernels. The rule was also changed
     110     to only trigger on "add" events. This change is not backwards
     111     compatible with older kernels.
    1131132007-06-12  Dan Nicholson <>
    114         * 25-lfs.rules: Fix the CPUID nodes from cpu/%n/cpu to cpu/%n/cpuid,
    115           which is what's expected in userspace apps such as x86info.
     114   * 25-lfs.rules: Fix the CPUID nodes from cpu/%n/cpu to cpu/%n/cpuid,
     115     which is what's expected in userspace apps such as x86info.
    1171172007-06-08  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    118         * 25-lfs.rules: Add rules for DVB devices (create nodes in /dev/dvb/)
    119           and floppies (create extra nodes based on CMOS type), copied from
    120           the SuSE rules file.  Thanks to Alexander Patrakov for the bugreport.
    122 2007-03-04  Matthew Burgess     <>
    123         * Makefile: Use `udevd --version' to work out what version of Udev is
    124           installed (requires Udev >= 106)
     118   * 25-lfs.rules: Add rules for DVB devices (create nodes in /dev/dvb/)
     119     and floppies (create extra nodes based on CMOS type), copied from
     120     the SuSE rules file.  Thanks to Alexander Patrakov for the bugreport.
     1222007-03-04  Matthew Burgess <>
     123   * Makefile: Use `udevd --version' to work out what version of Udev is
     124     installed (requires Udev >= 106)
    1261262007-01-02  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    127         * 25-lfs.rules: Change CPU devices (cpu, msr, microcode) to be in
    128           /dev/cpu/ and /dev/cpu/N/, to match Documentation/devices.txt.
     127   * 25-lfs.rules: Change CPU devices (cpu, msr, microcode) to be in
     128     /dev/cpu/ and /dev/cpu/N/, to match Documentation/devices.txt.
    1301302006-10-21  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    131         * Makefile: Add a missing backslash in install-extra-doc.
    133         * 05-udev-early.rules, 60-persistent-input.rules,
    134           60-persistent-storage.rules, 95-udev-late.rules: Remove.  The book
    135           will install these files from udev's etc/udev/rules.d directory
    136           instead.
    137         * Makefile: Don't install these rules files after all.  Also, only
    138           install corresponding docs if requested.
     131   * Makefile: Add a missing backslash in install-extra-doc.
     133   * 05-udev-early.rules, 60-persistent-input.rules,
     134     60-persistent-storage.rules, 95-udev-late.rules: Remove.  The book
     135     will install these files from udev's etc/udev/rules.d directory
     136     instead.
     137   * Makefile: Don't install these rules files after all.  Also, only
     138     install corresponding docs if requested.
    1401402006-10-20  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    141         * Makefile: Added; contains targets to install rules and doc files.
    142           From Dan Nicholson.
     141   * Makefile: Added; contains targets to install rules and doc files.
     142     From Dan Nicholson.
    1441442006-10-14  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    145         * 05-udev-early.rules, 60-persistent-storage.rules: Sync up with
    146           upstream sample rules files (from udev-102), except for one rule
    147           which is more specific in our tarball and should probably be changed
    148           upstream.
    149         * doc/60-persistent-storage.txt: Modify to match the changes.  Also
    150           fix a couple typos.
    152         * 25-lfs.rules: Remove duplicate rules (ttyS[0-9]* is also matched by
    153           tty[BC...S...][0-9]*, and ttyUSB[0-9]* is in there twice).
    155         * 25-lfs.rules: Fix Alsa device KERNEL rules.  Udev uses shell-style
    156           glob matching, not regular expressions, so the old rules would match
    157           nonsense device names like hw0asdf and pcmDzxcv.  As long as the first
    158           character after the "fixed" portion was in the list, the rule would
    159           match; it wouldn't apply the same character range to later characters.
    161         * doc/25-lfs.txt: Add a note on interaction between permissions and
    162           symlinks.
     145   * 05-udev-early.rules, 60-persistent-storage.rules: Sync up with
     146     upstream sample rules files (from udev-102), except for one rule
     147     which is more specific in our tarball and should probably be changed
     148     upstream.
     149   * doc/60-persistent-storage.txt: Modify to match the changes.  Also
     150     fix a couple typos.
     152   * 25-lfs.rules: Remove duplicate rules (ttyS[0-9]* is also matched by
     153     tty[BC...S...][0-9]*, and ttyUSB[0-9]* is in there twice).
     155   * 25-lfs.rules: Fix Alsa device KERNEL rules.  Udev uses shell-style
     156     glob matching, not regular expressions, so the old rules would match
     157     nonsense device names like hw0asdf and pcmDzxcv.  As long as the first
     158     character after the "fixed" portion was in the list, the rule would
     159     match; it wouldn't apply the same character range to later characters.
     161   * doc/25-lfs.txt: Add a note on interaction between permissions and
     162     symlinks.
    1641642006-10-09  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    165         * 25-lfs.rules: Fix fb[0-9]* device permissions (should use the default
    166           0660).
    168         * doc/25-lfs.txt: Fix typo: /dev/ptmx is given mode 0666, not 0660.
    169           Also tweak the comment about other TTY devices.
     165   * 25-lfs.rules: Fix fb[0-9]* device permissions (should use the default
     166     0660).
     168   * doc/25-lfs.txt: Fix typo: /dev/ptmx is given mode 0666, not 0660.
     169     Also tweak the comment about other TTY devices.
    1711712006-10-04  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    172         * 05-udev-early.rules: Remove WAIT_FOR_SYSFS="bus" rule.  With kernel
    173           2.6.18, this rule is no longer required.
    175         * doc/05-udev-early.txt: Update to match.
     172   * 05-udev-early.rules: Remove WAIT_FOR_SYSFS="bus" rule.  With kernel
     173     2.6.18, this rule is no longer required.
     175   * doc/05-udev-early.txt: Update to match.
    1771772006-09-28  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    178         * doc/60-persistent-storage.txt: Explain persistent storage rules, or
    179           at least the parts I understand.  (I don't use DASD or netblock or
    180           several other supported configurations.)
    182         * doc/81-cdrom.txt: Explain 81-cdrom.rules.
    184         * doc/95-udev-late.txt: Explain 95-udev-late.rules.  Documentation is
    185           now finished.
     178   * doc/60-persistent-storage.txt: Explain persistent storage rules, or
     179     at least the parts I understand.  (I don't use DASD or netblock or
     180     several other supported configurations.)
     182   * doc/81-cdrom.txt: Explain 81-cdrom.rules.
     184   * doc/95-udev-late.txt: Explain 95-udev-late.rules.  Documentation is
     185     now finished.
    1871872006-09-26  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    188         * doc/60-persistent-input.txt: Explain (in probably too much detail)
    189           60-persistent-input.rules.
     188   * doc/60-persistent-input.txt: Explain (in probably too much detail)
     189     60-persistent-input.rules.
    1911912006-09-24  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    192         * doc/05-udev-early.txt: Rewrap to fit 80 columns.
    194         * doc/26-modprobe.txt: Explain 26-modprobe.rules, and modaliases.
    196         * doc/27-firmware.txt: Explain 27-firmware.rules.
     192   * doc/05-udev-early.txt: Rewrap to fit 80 columns.
     194   * doc/26-modprobe.txt: Explain 26-modprobe.rules, and modaliases.
     196   * doc/27-firmware.txt: Explain 27-firmware.rules.
    1981982006-09-24  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    199         * doc/25-lfs.txt: Explain 25-lfs.rules.
    201         * 25-lfs.rules: Use SYMLINK+= for isdn/capi20 also.
     199   * doc/25-lfs.txt: Explain 25-lfs.rules.
     201   * 25-lfs.rules: Use SYMLINK+= for isdn/capi20 also.
    2032032006-09-23  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    204         * doc: New subdirectory to contain documentation of rules
    205         * doc/README: New file, top-level documentation
    206         * doc/*.txt: New documentation files, one for each rules file.  Only
    207           05-udev-early.txt has anything in it.
     204   * doc: New subdirectory to contain documentation of rules
     205   * doc/README: New file, top-level documentation
     206   * doc/*.txt: New documentation files, one for each rules file.  Only
     207     05-udev-early.txt has anything in it.
    2092092006-09-23  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    210         * 25-lfs.rules: Add "ignore_device" to OPTIONS for DRI devices, instead
    211           of setting NAME to an empty string.  This matches the way we ignore
    212           devmapper / LVM devices.
     210   * 25-lfs.rules: Add "ignore_device" to OPTIONS for DRI devices, instead
     211     of setting NAME to an empty string.  This matches the way we ignore
     212     devmapper / LVM devices.
    2142142006-09-22  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    215         * 60-persistent-input.rules, 95-udev-late.rules: Import from udev-100.
    216           60-persistent-input.rules creates persistent symlinks for input
    217           devices, and 95-udev-late.rules enables udevmonitor.
    219         * 60-persistent-storage.rules: Replace ATTRS{../removable} with just
    220           ATTRS{removable} on partition devices. Replace ATTRS{removable}
    221           with ATTR{removable} on whole-disk devices.
     215   * 60-persistent-input.rules, 95-udev-late.rules: Import from udev-100.
     216     60-persistent-input.rules creates persistent symlinks for input
     217     devices, and 95-udev-late.rules enables udevmonitor.
     219   * 60-persistent-storage.rules: Replace ATTRS{../removable} with just
     220     ATTRS{removable} on partition devices. Replace ATTRS{removable}
     221     with ATTR{removable} on whole-disk devices.
    2232232006-09-20  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    224         * 05-early.rules: Missed a rule in the last change.  ENV{PHYSDEVBUS}
    225           in the rule that waits for the "bus" symlink should be replaced by
    226           SUBSYSTEMS.
     224   * 05-early.rules: Missed a rule in the last change.  ENV{PHYSDEVBUS}
     225     in the rule that waits for the "bus" symlink should be replaced by
     226     SUBSYSTEMS.
    2282282006-09-20  Bryan Kadzban  <>
    229         * Adapted rules to the new matches used in udev-098 and above (e.g.,
    230           SYSFS becomes ATTRS).  Prevents warnings, and support for the old
    231           matches will be removed eventually.  These rules will not work with
    232           udev-097 and before!
    233         * Fixed several bugs in the rules left over from previous udev
    234           versions (missing commas, overwriting user symlinks using ="..."
    235           instead of +="...", and matching against "*" instead of "?*").
    237         * Renamed CHANGELOG to ChangeLog, started using pseudo-GNU-format
    238           entries.  (See; search it for "changelog" to get
    239           the general gist.)
     229   * Adapted rules to the new matches used in udev-098 and above (e.g.,
     230     SYSFS becomes ATTRS).  Prevents warnings, and support for the old
     231     matches will be removed eventually.  These rules will not work with
     232     udev-097 and before!
     233   * Fixed several bugs in the rules left over from previous udev
     234     versions (missing commas, overwriting user symlinks using ="..."
     235     instead of +="...", and matching against "*" instead of "?*").
     237   * Renamed CHANGELOG to ChangeLog, started using pseudo-GNU-format
     238     entries.  (See; search it for "changelog" to get
     239     the general gist.)
    241241dnicholson - Jul 14, 2006
    242         * Fixed usbdev PROGRAM so that it works with the BusyBox sh. Thanks
    243           to Anthony Wright.
     242   * Fixed usbdev PROGRAM so that it works with the BusyBox sh. Thanks
     243     to Anthony Wright.
    245245n/a - Jul 12, 2006
    246         * Added options so temporary nodes are not created with device-mapper
    247         * Adapted cdrom rules to identify CD-ROM drives correctly by adding
    248           SUBSYSTEM=="block" test.
    249         * Added simple 81-cdrom.rules file to set cdrom group ownership
     246   * Added options so temporary nodes are not created with device-mapper
     247   * Adapted cdrom rules to identify CD-ROM drives correctly by adding
     248     SUBSYSTEM=="block" test.
     249   * Added simple 81-cdrom.rules file to set cdrom group ownership
    251251n/a - Jun 07, 2006
    252         * Removed nvidia rules
    253         * Removed bug reporting rule
    254         * Moved Debian-based persistent CD-ROM rules to contrib
    255         * Adapted firmware rule to udev-093
     252   * Removed nvidia rules
     253   * Removed bug reporting rule
     254   * Moved Debian-based persistent CD-ROM rules to contrib
     255   * Adapted firmware rule to udev-093
    257257n/a - May 15, 2006
    258         * Part one of 25-lfs.rules rewrite
    259         * Some minor tweaking of the layout
     258   * Part one of 25-lfs.rules rewrite
     259   * Some minor tweaking of the layout
    261261n/a - May 12, 2006
    262         * Initial import of the udev-config directory.
    263         * Reorganized and modularized the rules files.
    264         * Added explanatory comments
     262   * Initial import of the udev-config directory.
     263   * Reorganized and modularized the rules files.
     264   * Added explanatory comments
  • udev-lfs/contrib/debian/write_cd_aliases

    rc6df98a1 rf4facc4  
    108108comment="$ID_MODEL ($ID_PATH)"
    110                           write_rule "$match" "cdrom$link_num" "$comment"
     110                          write_rule "$match" "cdrom$link_num" "$comment"
    111111[ "$ID_CDROM_CD_RW" ]  && write_rule "$match" "cdrw$link_num"
    112112[ "$ID_CDROM_DVD" ]    && write_rule "$match" "dvd$link_num"
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.