# Begin /etc/default/rc # Author: DJ Lucas - dj@linuxfromscratch.org # Version: 1.0 LSB V.3.1 # Global variable inherited by initscripts are in caps # Local variables for the rc script are in lowercase # Source site specific rc configuration . /etc/default/rc.site # Set base directory information RC_BASE="/etc" # Location of network device scripts and config files NETWORK_DEVICES="/etc/network" # This sets default terminal options. # stty sane - this has been removed as nobody recalls # the reason for it in the first place - if no problems arize, # then it will be removed completely at a later date. # Setup default values for the environment umask 022 PATH="/bin:/sbin" # Find current screen size if [ -z "${COLUMNS}" ]; then COLUMNS=$(stty size) COLUMNS=${COLUMNS##* } fi # When using remote connections, such as a serial port, stty size returns 0 if [ "${COLUMNS}" = "0" ]; then COLUMNS=80 fi ## Measurements for positioning result messages COL=$((${COLUMNS} - 8)) WCOL=$((${COL} - 2)) # Set Cursur Position Commands, used via echo -e SET_COL="\\033[${COL}G" # at the $COL char SET_WCOL="\\033[${WCOL}G" # at the $WCOL char CURS_UP="\\033[1A\\033[0G" # Up one line, at the 0'th char # Distro Information DISTRO="Linux From Scratch" # The distro name DISTRO_CONTACT="lfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org" # Bug report address DISTRO_MINI="lfs" # Short name used in filenames for distro config # Define custom colors used in messages printed to the screen BRACKET="\\033[1;34m" # Blue FAILURE="\\033[1;31m" # Red INFO="\\033[1;36m" # Cyan NORMAL="\\033[0;39m" # Grey SUCCESS="\\033[1;32m" # Green WARNING="\\033[1;33m" # Yellow # Prefix boot messages for easier reading on framebuffer consoles PREFIX_SUCCESS=" ${SUCCESS}*${NORMAL} " PREFIX_WARNING="${WARNING}**${NORMAL} " PREFIX_FAILURE="${FAILURE}***${NORMAL}" # Export the environment variables so they are inherited by the scripts export RC_BASE NETWORK_DEVICES PATH SET_COL SET_WCOL CURS_UP export DISTRO DISTRO_CONTACT DISTRO_MINI export BRACKET FAILURE INFO NORMAL SUCCESS WARNING export PREFIX_SUCCESS PREFIX_WARNING PREFIX_FAILURE # Interactive startup dlen="29" # The total length of the distro welcome string ilen="38" # The total length of the interactive message welcome_message="Welcome to ${INFO}${DISTRO}${NORMAL}" i_message="Press '${FAILURE}I${NORMAL}' to enter interactive startup" # Error message displayed when a script's exit value is not zero print_error_msg() { # ${link} and ${error_value} are defined by the rc script echo -e "${FAILURE}FAILURE: You should not be reading this error message." echo -e "" echo -e -n "${FAILURE}It means that an unforseen error took place in" echo -e -n "${INFO} ${link}" echo -e "${FAILURE}," echo -e "${FAILURE}which exited with a return value of ${error_value}." echo -e "" echo -e -n "${FAILURE}If you are able to track this error down to a bug" echo -e "${FAILURE}in one of the files" echo -e -n "provided by ${INFO}${DISTRO}${FAILURE}, " echo -e -n "${FAILURE}please be so kind to inform us at " echo -e "${INFO}${DISTRO_CONTACT}${FAILURE}.${NORMAL}" echo -e "" echo -e "${INFO}Press Enter to continue..." echo -e "${NORMAL}" $FAILURE_ACTION } # End /etc/default/rc