# # ChangeLog for patches.ent # # Generated by Trac 1.5.3.dev0 # 07/02/2024 12:23:49 AM Sat, 22 Jul 2006 03:59:52 GMT Bruce Dubbs [c6861a6] * chapter01/changelog.xml (modified) * chapter05/bash.xml (modified) * chapter06/grub.xml (modified) * patches.ent (modified) Added GRUB disk geometry patch and appied existing bash patch to ... Sat, 22 Jul 2006 03:04:41 GMT Bruce Dubbs [30bdd9c4] * chapter01/changelog.xml (modified) * patches.ent (modified) Updated vim patch set to level 7 git-svn-id: ... Sun, 16 Jul 2006 01:56:42 GMT Bruce Dubbs [519ee45] * INSTALL (added) * Makefile (added) * README (added) * appendices/acknowledgments.xml (added) * appendices/acronymlist.xml (added) * appendices/dependencies.xml (added) * chapter01/askforhelp.xml (added) * chapter01/changelog.xml (added) * chapter01/chapter01.xml (added) * chapter01/how.xml (added) * chapter01/livecd.xml (added) * chapter01/resources.xml (added) * chapter01/whatsnew.xml (added) * chapter02/chapter02.xml (added) * chapter02/creatingfilesystem.xml (added) * chapter02/creatingpartition.xml (added) * chapter02/introduction.xml (added) * chapter02/mounting.xml (added) * chapter03/chapter03.xml (added) * chapter03/introduction.xml (added) * chapter03/packages.xml (added) * chapter03/patches.xml (added) * chapter04/aboutlfs.xml (added) * chapter04/aboutsbus.xml (added) * chapter04/abouttestsuites.xml (added) * chapter04/addinguser.xml (added) * chapter04/chapter04.xml (added) * chapter04/creatingtoolsdir.xml (added) * chapter04/settingenviron.xml (added) * chapter05/adjusting.xml (added) * chapter05/bash.xml (added) * chapter05/binutils-pass1.xml (added) * chapter05/binutils-pass2.xml (added) * chapter05/bison.xml (added) * chapter05/bzip2.xml (added) * chapter05/changingowner.xml (added) * chapter05/chapter05.xml (added) * chapter05/coreutils.xml (added) * chapter05/dejagnu.xml (added) * chapter05/diffutils.xml (added) * chapter05/expect.xml (added) * chapter05/findutils.xml (added) * chapter05/flex.xml (added) * chapter05/gawk.xml (added) * chapter05/gcc-pass1.xml (added) * chapter05/gcc-pass2.xml (added) * chapter05/gettext.xml (added) * chapter05/glibc.xml (added) * chapter05/grep.xml (added) * chapter05/gzip.xml (added) * chapter05/introduction.xml (added) * chapter05/linux-libc-headers.xml (added) * chapter05/m4.xml (added) * chapter05/make.xml (added) * chapter05/ncurses.xml (added) * chapter05/patch.xml (added) * chapter05/perl.xml (added) * chapter05/sed.xml (added) * chapter05/stripping.xml (added) * chapter05/tar.xml (added) * chapter05/tcl.xml (added) * chapter05/texinfo.xml (added) * chapter05/toolchaintechnotes.xml (added) * chapter05/util-linux.xml (added) * chapter06/aboutdebug.xml (added) * chapter06/autoconf.xml (added) * chapter06/automake.xml (added) * chapter06/bash.xml (added) * chapter06/binutils.xml (added) * chapter06/bison.xml (added) * chapter06/bzip2.xml (added) * chapter06/chapter06.xml (added) * chapter06/chroot.xml (added) * chapter06/coreutils.xml (added) * chapter06/createfiles.xml (added) * chapter06/creatingdirs.xml (added) * chapter06/db.xml (added) * chapter06/diffutils.xml (added) * chapter06/e2fsprogs.xml (added) * chapter06/file.xml (added) * chapter06/findutils.xml (added) * chapter06/flex.xml (added) * chapter06/gawk.xml (added) * chapter06/gcc.xml (added) * chapter06/gettext.xml (added) * chapter06/glibc.xml (added) * chapter06/grep.xml (added) * chapter06/groff.xml (added) * chapter06/grub.xml (added) * chapter06/gzip.xml (added) * chapter06/iana-etc.xml (added) * chapter06/inetutils.xml (added) * chapter06/introduction.xml (added) * chapter06/iproute2.xml (added) * chapter06/kbd.xml (added) * chapter06/kernfs.xml (added) * chapter06/less.xml (added) * chapter06/libtool.xml (added) * chapter06/linux-libc-headers.xml (added) * chapter06/m4.xml (added) * chapter06/make.xml (added) * chapter06/man-db.xml (added) * chapter06/man-pages.xml (added) * chapter06/mktemp.xml (added) * chapter06/module-init-tools.xml (added) * chapter06/ncurses.xml (added) * chapter06/patch.xml (added) * chapter06/perl.xml (added) * chapter06/pkgmgt.xml (added) * chapter06/procps.xml (added) * chapter06/psmisc.xml (added) * chapter06/readjusting.xml (added) * chapter06/readline.xml (added) * chapter06/revisedchroot.xml (added) * chapter06/sed.xml (added) * chapter06/shadow.xml (added) * chapter06/strippingagain.xml (added) * chapter06/sysklogd.xml (added) * chapter06/sysvinit.xml (added) * chapter06/tar.xml (added) * chapter06/texinfo.xml (added) * chapter06/udev.xml (added) * chapter06/util-linux.xml (added) * chapter06/vim.xml (added) * chapter06/zlib.xml (added) * chapter07/bootscripts.xml (added) * chapter07/chapter07.xml (added) * chapter07/console.xml (added) * chapter07/hostname.xml (added) * chapter07/hosts.xml (added) * chapter07/inputrc.xml (added) * chapter07/introduction.xml (added) * chapter07/network.xml (added) * chapter07/profile.xml (added) * chapter07/setclock.xml (added) * chapter07/symlinks.xml (added) * chapter07/sysklogd.xml (added) * chapter07/udev.xml (added) * chapter07/usage.xml (added) * chapter08/chapter08.xml (added) * chapter08/fstab.xml (added) * chapter08/grub.xml (added) * chapter08/introduction.xml (added) * chapter08/kernel.xml (added) * chapter09/chapter09.xml (added) * chapter09/getcounted.xml (added) * chapter09/reboot.xml (added) * chapter09/theend.xml (added) * chapter09/whatnow.xml (added) * general.ent (added) * index.xml (added) * obfuscate.sh (added) * packages.ent (added) * patches.ent (added) * prologue/audience.xml (added) * prologue/bookinfo.xml (added) * prologue/dedication.xml (added) * prologue/errata.xml (added) * prologue/foreword.xml (added) * prologue/hostreqs.xml (added) * prologue/organization.xml (added) * prologue/preface.xml (added) * prologue/prerequisites.xml (added) * prologue/typography.xml (added) * stylesheets/dump-commands.xsl (added) * stylesheets/lfs-chunked.xsl (added) * stylesheets/lfs-chunked2.xsl (added) * stylesheets/lfs-l10n.xml (added) * stylesheets/lfs-nochunks.xsl (added) * stylesheets/lfs-pdf.xsl (added) * stylesheets/lfs-print.css (added) * stylesheets/lfs-profile.xsl (added) * stylesheets/lfs-tex.xsl (added) * stylesheets/lfs.css (added) * stylesheets/patcheslist.xsl (added) * stylesheets/pdf/lfs-admon.xsl (added) * stylesheets/pdf/lfs-index.xsl (added) * stylesheets/pdf/lfs-mixed.xsl (added) * stylesheets/pdf/lfs-pagesetup.xsl (added) * stylesheets/pdf/lfs-sections.xsl (added) * stylesheets/pdf/lfs-xref.xsl (added) * stylesheets/xhtml/lfs-admon.xsl (added) * stylesheets/xhtml/lfs-index.xsl (added) * stylesheets/xhtml/lfs-legalnotice.xsl (added) * stylesheets/xhtml/lfs-mixed.xsl (added) * stylesheets/xhtml/lfs-navigational.xsl (added) * stylesheets/xhtml/lfs-sections.xsl (added) * stylesheets/xhtml/lfs-titles.xsl (added) * stylesheets/xhtml/lfs-toc.xsl (added) * stylesheets/xhtml/lfs-xref.xsl (added) * tidy.conf (added) Changing branch name git-svn-id: ...