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Results (160 - 162 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#888 lfs-book@… rodolfo@… invalid neither tcl, dejagnu nor expect get installled in chapter 6

Is this the intent? I've build my lfs system using ALFS and I've noticed that those packages aren't installed. Since they're built on chapter 5 inside "/tools", it should be rebuild in chapter 6 on the final location. This way we can run test suites of packages we install later in blfs.

#889 lfs-book@… stef@… fixed Chapter 6 typo in IP Route 2

ip mroute allows you to set, change, or delete the mutlicast routing.

Should read multicast.

#890 lfs-book@… power83@… invalid kernel 2.6.x compiling and run problems! HELP ME!!!

Hi, I-va a LFS system with 2.4.22 kernel and I want to upgrade my system with the 2.6.x kernel.

I tried all 2.6 kernel today, from 2.6.0 to 2.6.7, compiling it with gcc 3.3.1 and gcc 2.95.3, but the 2.6.x kernel give me some problems:

if I type "lsmod" or "modprobe xxxxxx" or "depmod" or "depmod -a" the result is an error like this:

lsmod: QM_MODULES functions not implemented

whit it do that?

what I can do to fix this?

please help me, I absolutely need a 2.6.x kernel now!!!

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