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#921 lfs-book@… randy@… wontfix Shadow Installed Libraries

In the Chapter 6 section of Shadow-, "Contents of Shadow", the libmisc* libraries are not identified, nor is there a short description.

#922 lfs-book@… tivarsson@… fixed book doens't explain how to unpack a package

In chapter 5, "Constructing a temporary system" and the "Introduction" part, the 4th paragraph reads:

"Before issuing the build instructions for a package, you are expected to have already unpacked it (explained shortly) as user lfs, and to have performed a cd into the created directory. The build instructions assume that you are using the bash shell."

How to unpack a package is never "explained shortly". While not being a biggie, since most people doing LFS probably know how to unpack, the tar options can be somewhat tricky. I think you should add ("explain shortly") an example where you "tar xvjf <package_name.tar.bz2>" to show the user how to do it. Maybe even have that instruction (and the cd part again) for the first package and reiterate that this is expected for every package.

#924 lfs-book@… azfkubsdob@… invalid don't expand acronyms so much

Writing things like "Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE)" is goofy for several reasons:

1) If the reader isn't already familiar with the term "IDE", they should have stopped reading several chapters back 2) The standard CMS (Chicago Manual of Style) rule about expanding acronyms assumes that the expansion of the acronym carries more information than the acronym itself. That is not the case here, where the acronym is essentially a word in and of itself, no one *ever* uses the expansion, and all of the related terms (SCSI, SATA, etc) are built from completely orthogonal sets of words. 3) Knowing what IDE stands for is useless in the context of LFS anyway. It will not make users more linux-guru-ish (I bet Linus doesn't know what IDE stands for), it will not let them ask for help more coherently, etc.

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