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Results (187 - 189 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1004 lfs-book@… bojster@… wontfix Info in chapter 6.3. not updated.

In LFS 6.0 (and 6.1-testing) 'mount -t sysfs sysfs $LFS/sys' is performed in chapter 6.2 rather than 'mount devpts $LFS/dev/pts -t devpts' as in 5.1.1. However, in 6.3 there's a sentence saying "(...) remember to first mount the proc and devpts file systems (...)". I guessed that it was simply overlooked so I decided to report it.

#1013 lfs-book@… quinte17@… fixed Configuring the network Script lies about eth0:1

the book says that if u want more than one ip address added to an interface, create a new directory with an alias. iproute cant use interfaces which dont exist at all. instead u could say, if someone wants more addresses added just create another file in the interface-directory like

ifconfig.eth0/ipv4.0 for first address ifconfig.eth0/ipv4.1 for second address

this bug is also in Version 6.1-testing-20041225

have fun! ;)

#1014 lfs-book@… shevek@… fixed Book reference to CD does not include link to where to obtain CD

Book reference to CD does not include link to where to obtain CD

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