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Results (130 - 132 of 4874)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#595 lfs-book@… lizardo@… fixed Entering the chroot environment: missing warning to remount devpts

The last but one paragraph says: "You have to make sure all the commands in the rest of this chapter and in the following chapters are run from within the chroot environment. If you ever leave this environment for any reason (rebooting for example), you must remember to again enter chroot and mount proc (discussed later) before continuing with the installations." Although, devpts also needs to be remounted if you exit and enter chroot again.

#596 jwrober@… lizardo@… fixed Creating passwd and group: the book does not explain why we reload bash

The section "Creating the passwd and group files", Chapter 6, does not have an explanation on why bash is reloaded after the creation of the /etc/{passwd,group} files.

#602 jwrober@… jwrober@… fixed Fix text on static - vs - dynamically linked binaries

The URL is a conversation that answers any doubts. Thanks Ian for keeping us straight.

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