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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1651 lfs-book@… alexander@… fixed Don't kill udevd on the host

Currently, the book kills all instances of udevd, including the host's one, at least twice:

1) When doing a "make install" for udev. Avoidable by using "make DESTDIR=/ EXTRAS=extras/run_directory install", as the LiveCD does. 2) Exlicitly in "9.3. Rebooting the System", in urder to unmount filesystems.

LiveCD avoids (2) by never issuing "udevstart", but that is not acceptable for the book because udevstart is needed before installing GRUB as the boot loader. No solution suitable for the book is currently known other than (very suboptimal) reverting to static /dev. Ideas are welcome.

Killing the hosts's udevd is bad, because on the current Debian Sid and on other hosts that set /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug to empty string this completely breaks the hosts's ability to process hotplug events.

On hosts that set /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug to either /sbin/hotplug or /sbin/udevsend, the problem is of absolutely no severety, as the next hotplug event will re-execute udevd.

#1672 Matthew Burgess alexander@… fixed Network card order becomes random when hotplug is removed

This is a duplicate of, reported even though hotplug is not removed from the LFS book yet.

To reproduce:

  1. buy two network cards of different brands
  2. compile both drivers as modules in linux-2.6.15-rc6
  3. upgrade udev to 078 with all extras enabled, remove hotplug
  4. Replace the mountkernfs and udev initscripts with the attached ones
  5. Add to udev rules:
    SUBSYSTEM=="firmware", ACTION=="add", RUN+="firmware_helper"
    ACTION=="add", MODAILAS=="?*", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe $modalias"
  6. Configure some static IP addresses on eth0 and eth1 as the book says
  7. Reboot several times and watch which address is assined to which card. The results may not be stable.

This bug was not visible with hotplug, since it (unlike udev) doesn't run many "modprobe" commands in parallel.

Upstream reaction: WONTFIX, please create udev rules that assign stable interface names based on e.g. MAC addresses or bus positions. It is also a good idea to bring interfaces up from udev rules, this will catch the currently-unhandled "I need to be root to connect to my Sharp Zaurus" annoyance. But please also be careful with firewalling.

This, obviously, applies not only to network cards, but to any device type (e.g. you can also reproduce this numbering instability with two sound cards of different brands).

#1708 lfs-book@… anonymous invalid discard 1707

please discard 1707

kindly accept my apologies for ticket 1707

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