Custom Query (231 matches)


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Results (201 - 231 of 231)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#3236 Kbd-1.15.4 lfs-book@… enhancement normal 7.3 Book
#3251 glibc-2.16.0 fails to configure lfs-book@… task normal 7.3 Book
#3269 File-5.12 lfs-book@… enhancement low 7.3 Book
#3275 Sync Glibc with Linux 3.7 lfs-book@… enhancement normal 7.3 Book
#3319 dejagnu patch for next test after a test error lfs-book@… task normal 7.4 Book
#3417 copy paste can't be used in chapter 5 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#3419 Suggestion: replace pkg-config with pkgconf lfs-book@… enhancement normal 7.5 Book
#3429 Util-linux now installs nologin lfs-book@… task normal 7.5 Book
#3441 shadow package not available lfs-book@… defect normal 7.5 Book
#3494 Book lacks any discussion/explanation of binutils 'make check' output lfs-book@… task normal 7.5 Book
#3563 gcc build instructions have syntax error lfs-book@… task normal 7.6 Book
#3565 dbus-1.8.2 lfs-book@… task normal 7.6 Book
#3629 gcc uses autogen for fixincludes, autogen not in requirements lfs-book@… task normal 7.6 Book
#3658 ch06-revisedchroot.xml: remove unneeded role="nodump" lfs-book@… task normal 7.6 Book
#3659 ch05-libstdc++.xml: rename the build directory lfs-book@… task normal 7.6 Book
#3841 Use GLIBC xattr for attr tools and acl tools and library lfs-book@… task normal 7.9 Book
#3916 XML-Parser-2.44_01 (Perl module) lfs-book@… task normal Future Book
#3961 Linux-4.7 ask for elfutils lfs-book@… task normal 7.10 Book
#4129 Add 'make firmware_install' to the kernel instructions lfs-book@… task low 8.2 Book
#4235 1.1. How to Build an LFS System lfs-book@… enhancement lowest Future Book
#5 Packages install non-english man pages in /usr/share/man markh@… defect normal Book
#31 lilo-22.3.3 markh@… defect high Book
#102 Change tar bz2 option from -y to -j markh@… defect normal Book
#547 expect-5.44.1 Matthew Burgess defect normal 6.2 Book
#886 iproute2-2.6.15-060110 Matthew Burgess defect normal 6.2 Book
#1935 gcc-4.1.1 upstream bugfixes Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#2722 Mistake on the linux console page Matthew Burgess task normal 6.8 Book
#3021 Make-3.82 fails to build various BLFS packages Matthew Burgess defect normal 7.1 Book
#3212 Binutils-2.23 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal 7.3 Book
#6 No tar.1 man page present nomis80@… defect lowest Book
#4594 Generate security patch for systemd CVE-2020-1712 Douglas R. Reno task high 9.1 Book
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