Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#14042 closed enhancement (fixed)

bind9 and bind-utils 9.16.7

Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 10.1
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 years ago

9.16.7 released 

5501. [func]      Log CDS/CDNSKEY publication. 

5500. [bug]    Fix (non-)publication of CDS and CDNSKEY records.

5499. [func]      Add '-P ds' and '-D ds' arguments to dnssec-settime.

5497. [bug]    'dig +bufsize=0' failed to disable EDNS. 

5496. [bug]    Address a TSAN report by ensuring each rate limiter
         object holds a reference to its task. 

5495. [bug]    With query minimization enabled, named failed to
         resolve names that had extra labels to the
         left of the IPv6 part. 

5494. [bug]    Silence the EPROTO syslog message on older systems.

5493. [bug]    Fix off-by-one error when calculating new hash table size.

5492. [bug]    Tighten LOC parsing to reject a period (".") and/or "m"
         as a value. Fix handling of negative altitudes which are
         not whole meters. 

5491. [bug]    rbtversion->glue_table_size could be read without the
         appropriate lock being held. 

5489. [bug]    Named erroneously accepted certain invalid resource
         records that were incorrectly processed after
         subsequently being written to disk and loaded back, as
         the wire format differed. Such records include: CERT,

5488. [bug]    NTA code needed to have a weak reference on its
         associated view to prevent the latter from being deleted
         while NTA tests were being performed. 

5486. [func]      Add 'rndc dnssec -checkds' command, which signals to
         named that the DS record for a given zone or key has
         been updated in the parent zone. 

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at revision 23730.

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