Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#14408 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 10.1
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Pierre Labastie, 4 years ago

Summary: elogind-246.9elogind-246.9.1

Now 246.9.1:

This is a small service release, that fixes the default log target back to syslog.
A stupid mistake while cleaning up code lead to elogind logging to kmsg again.

Version 246.9 Release

This is the first release of the new version 246 series.
We start with 246.9 to be in sync with upstream systemd tagging.

The latest upstream commit this version is synced to is systemd-stable/v246-stable:90f7f6c577

One important note: If you have a localized Linux with translated man pages installed, you have to use LC_ALL=C when calling man for elogind manuals about logind.conf or loginctl. Otherwise you will see the translated pages for the systemd versions.
Changes and Additions

    Removed unused source files and headers.
    pam_elogind: Do not ask for 'elogind-user-record', nothing sets that up.
    suspend/hibernate: Read current config before acting. This way users can change their configurations and have them applied without the need to restart or SIGHUP elogind.
    Enable checking for BTRFS before calculating an offset to a swap_file before hibernating.
    Makefile: Allow parallel debug and release builds.
    cgroup controller detection has been enhanced to be more reliable.
    Makefile: Fully wrap meson/ninja to be compatible with JetBrains CLion IDE.
    Support config files in .d directories: (#170, #172)
    Configuration loading has been enhanced to additionally search for configuration files (*.conf) in:
        /lib/elogind/logind.conf.d (if split-usr is set)
        Additionally elogind now looks into the following paths for configuration files with [Sleep] configurations:
        /lib/elogind/sleep.conf.d (if split-usr is set)
        Additional to the system shutdown skript directory, elogind will now also look into /etc/elogind/system-shutdown for shutdown hook skripts.
    Add functionality to try to lay present nvidia cards to sleep when suspending/hibernating (#140)
    New logind.conf entry: HandleNvidiaSleep default: no
    Actually heed SuspendMode= settings in logind.conf
    Prefer syslog over kmsg, elogind is a daemon, not a kernel module.
    Make broadcasting of PowerOff/Suspend cancellation optional. (#175)
    New logind.conf entryies:
        BroadcastPowerOffInterrupts default: yes
        BroadcastSuspendInterrupts default: yes

Fixed Bugs

    Fix two potential NULL pointer issues.
    Execute wakeup skripts in serial order. (#72)
    Fix creation of user runtime directories.
    Fix elogind double fork, so logging works as expected.
    Make privilege check on suspend/hibernate optional. (#167)
    man logind.conf: Document sleep modes/states (#180)
    (You might need to use LC_ALL=C to actually see this, as translations installed are for systemd logind.conf.)

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at revision 24010.

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