Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#14426 closed enhancement (fixed)

opencv opencv_contrib 4.5.1

Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 10.1
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

version:4.5.1 - December, 2020

New Year's update for OpenCV 4.x has been released.

Highlights of this release:

  • Continued merging of GSoC 2020 results:
    • Develop OpenCV.js DNN modules for promising web use cases together

with their tutorials

  • OpenCV.js: WASM SIMD optimization 2.0
  • High Level API and Samples for Scene Text Detection and Recognition
  • SIFT: SIMD optimization of GaussianBlur 16U

DNN module:

  • Improved layers / activations / supported more models:
    • optimized: 1D convolution, 1D pool
    • fixed: Resize, ReduceMean, Gather with multiple outputs, importing of Faster RCNN ONNX model
    • added support: INT32 ONNX tensors
  • Intel® Inference Engine backend ( OpenVINO™ ):
    • added support for OpenVINO 2021.2 release
    • added preview support for HDDL
  • Fixes and optimizations in DNN CUDA backend (thanks to @YashasSamaga): PRs

G-API module:

  • G-API Framework:
    • Introduced serialization for cv::RMat, including serialization for user-defined memory adapters
    • Introduced desync, a new Operation for in-graph asynchronous execution - to allow different parts of the graph run with a different latency ;
    • Introduced a notion of "in-graph metadata", now various media-related information can be accessed in graph directly (currently only limited to timestamps and frame IDs);
    • Introduced a new generic task-based executor, based on Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
    • Extended infer<>() API to accept a new cv::GFrame data structure to allow handling of various media formats without changes in the graph structure
    • Made copy() an intrinsic where real copy may not happen (optimized out) based on graph structure, extended it to support cv::GFrame
    • Various fixes, including addressig static analysis, documentation, and test issues;

G-API Operations:

  • Introduced new operations morphologyEx, boundingRect, fitLine,

kmeans, Background Subtractor, Kalman filter

Intel® Inference Engine backend ( OpenVINO™ ):

  • Extended cv::gapi::ie::Params<> to import CNN networks (e.g. pre-compiled ones) instead of passing .XML and .BIN files; also enabled configuring Inference Engineuplugins via this structure
  • Added a new overload to infer<>() to run inference over a single region of interest
  • Added support for cv::MediaFrame input data type (projected from cv::GFrame) and handling for NV12 input image format

Microsoft® ONNX Runtime backend:

  • Introduced a new inference backend, powered by Microsoft ONNX Runtime, follow this instruction to enable ONNX Runtime support in G-API;

Python bindings:

  • Exposed G-API's Inference and Streaming APIs in the OpenCV Python bindings;
  • Added initial Python support for cv::GArray data structure

Significant progress on RISC-V port.

  • much more complete RISC-V backend of universal intrinsics has been contributed. It is based on the latest RVV (RISC-V vector extension) 0.9.


  • Updated structure of tutorials
  • Revised installation tutorials content

And many other great contributions from OpenCV community:

  • objdetect: Detection and decoding of curved QR-codes:
  • calib3d: Added SQPnP algorithm to SolvePnP
  • stitching: add warpPointBackward to warpers
  • stitching: support similarity masks
  • stitching: add WAVE_CORRECT_AUTO
  • (opencv_contrib) Color Calibration Algorithm Implementation Revised
  • (opencv_contrib) Tbmr features (purely topological adaptation on MSER)
  • (opencv_contrib) Added Python wrapping and documentation for alphamat module
  • video: added definition of Tracking API with ported GOTURN and MIL trackers from opencv_contrib
  • (opencv_contrib) Add libSGM into cudastereo
  • (opencv_contrib) Add BEBLID local feature descriptor

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at revision 24044.

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