Change History (8)
comment:1 by , 4 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
Status: | new → assigned |
comment:2 by , 4 years ago
comment:3 by , 4 years ago
I have not yet done a real install of this, nor tried to use it, but the build has regressed to needing -j1 which makes a horribly slow build (8.1 SBU on this machine). Also, the test results are unclear (5 failed, 5 uncertain, but I cannot identify which tests failed, 'FAIL ' and 'FAILED' appear too often in the output.
Strangely, the tests used less additional space (only 96MB) and only 20 SBU.
For playing with firefox-beta I'm starting to wonder if I should perhaps use the shipped nss, nspr although for the book that doesn't seem a sensible idea re certificates.
comment:5 by , 4 years ago
It looks as if nss is trying to move from the 'legacy' build system which we use to using the supplied which uses gyp (part of chromium) and ninja and therefore probably uses all cores. However, the link to shows builds failing on the last master commit, which was 9 months ago. There is no release of gyp, the master branch would need to be cloned.
I see that Arch are using, but I'm not convinced that the effort will be worthwhile. So, for the moment expect building with more than 1 job in the 'legacy' build system to fail.
comment:6 by , 4 years ago
comment:8 by , 4 years ago
Just to confirm here, I did get five test failures too:
Tests summary:
Passed: 8553
Failed: 5
Failed with core: 0
ASan failures: 0
Unknown status: 6
TinderboxPrint:Unknown: 6
Will be needed for firefox-86 ;-)