Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#14594 closed enhancement (fixed)

audacious audacious-plugins 4.1

Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 10.1
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

New in this release:

    Following the lead of Debian and Fedora, we've made ./configure default to a dual Qt+GTK build.
    Switching between Qt and GTK modes can now be done right from the Settings window, without editing .desktop files.
    The Qt UI now provides a much more polished experience on Windows and has been made the default on that platform.
    Support for the Meson build system is now feature complete (at least for Linux).
    Preliminary Qt 6 support (requires some manual setup at build time)
    New Global Hotkeys plugin for Qt, courtesy of GitHub user iDarkTemplar (#820)
    OpenMPT (added in 4.0) is now preferred over ModPlug (#848)
    Album art in the info bar can be disabled (#884)
    Symbolic links are now followed when adding folders (#892)
    The currently playing track is displayed in bold font (#970)
    The playlist drag-and-drop indicator is now more visible (#991)
    Queue Manager, Equalizer, and Equalizer Presets windows are now dockable (#1022)
    Entry, Track, and Queue Number columns now display abbreviated header text (#1024)
    The Song Info window now displays channel count, also courtesy of iDarkTemplar.
    The mouse wheel can be used to seek in the Qt UI, courtesy of Simon Pilkington.
    The Channel Mixer can now convert 2 to 4 channels, courtesy of Kent Ross.
    Desktop notifications can have a custom timeout set, courtesy of Daniel Kamil Kozar.
    Scrobbler submissions now include album artist, courtesy of GitHub user arcctgx.

Bugs fixed since 4.0.5:

    Cuesheet entries read incorrectly from .m3u playlists (#1012)
    Null pointer dereference in Lyrics plugin (#1019)
    Album cover image does not display from ID3v2.2 tag (#1030)
    Crash in headless mode with status icon enabled (#1042)

Changes since 4.1-beta1:

    Qt translations are loaded correctly (#569)
    Errors with autoconf >= 2.70 have been fixed (#1052)
    Hidden files are skipped when importing folders
    Meson support for macOS and Windows
    New translations: Albanian, Slovenian

Known caveats:

    Users of the WinAmp UI may still want to use Audacious in GTK mode due to features that are still missing from the Qt port of this UI.
    Support for the LyricWiki database, which has shut down, has been removed.

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at r24174

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