Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#15839 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: thomas
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version

Change History (4)

comment:1 by thomas, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to thomas
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by thomas, 3 years ago


Linux after kernel version 5.10 has a io-uring regression causing a write to storage to be lost, or not acknowledged. As such innodb_use_native_aio will default to 0 (off) until 5.16. If innodb_use_native_aio is enabled in your configuration, a warning will be logged, however it will continue with the io-uring enabled, potentially resulting in a hang, or an assertion later. The long term support kernel 5.14.14 we haven't observed failures, and 5.15.0-rc7 failures have been observed, though less frequently. If you have innodb_use_native_aio explicitly enabled, and are using watch out for a lack of InnoDB updates followed by a 10 minute timeout. See MDEV-26674 for details. ALTER TABLE…IMPORT TABLESPACE fixes (MDEV-18543, MDEV-20931, MDEV-26131, MDEV-26621) innodb_undo_log_truncate fixes (MDEV-26445, MDEV-26450, MDEV-26672, MDEV-26864) Page I/O performance fixes (MDEV-25215, MDEV-26547, MDEV-26626, MDEV-26819) Replication timeouts with XA PREPARE (MDEV-26682) Improved DDL and data dictionary (MDEV-25919) Performance fixes (MDEV-26356, MDEV-26467, MDEV-26826)


Memory hogging on slave by ROW event applier is eliminated (MDEV-26712) mysql --binary-mode now properly handles
0 in data (MDEV-25444) Fixes race condition between SHOW BINARY LOGS and RESET MASTER (MDEV-20215) Missed statement rollback in case transaction drops or create temporary table is corrected (MDEV-26833)

Audit Plugin

The QUERY_DDL server_audit_events setting now logs CREATE/DROP [PROCEDURE / FUNCTION / USER] statements. See MariaDB Audit Plugin - Log Settings. (MDEV-23457)

Packaging & Misc

Session tracking flag in OK_PACKET (MDEV-26868) Some views force server (and mysqldump) to generate invalid SQL for their definitions (MDEV-26299)

comment:3 by thomas, 3 years ago

I assume that the "innodb_use_native_aio" should be an issue for now as we don't set it in the configuration.

comment:4 by thomas, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in [11e5cd4]

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