#17084 closed enhancement (fixed)

gcr-4.0.0 (add it as a new package, don't update gcr-3)

Reported by: Xi Ruoyao Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: gnome-43
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


gcr-3 and gcr-4 are API/ABI incompatible. While gnome-shell-43.0 requires gcr-4.x, some other packages will still use gcr-3.x in GNOME-43 era.

Create a ticket early to note the issue.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Xi Ruoyao, 20 months ago

Summary: gcr-4.0.0 (wait for the release) (add it as a new package, don't update gcr-3)gcr-4.0.0 (add it as a new package, don't update gcr-3)

Now 4.0.0.

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 19 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 19 months ago


gcr 3.90.0:
- WARNING: this is the alpha release of gcr4, which is a major version bump
  with several API and ABI breaks.
- The "gcr" pkgconfig package now no longer contains the UI widgets (i.e. the
  former "gcr-base" package).
- "gcr-ui" no longer exists. There is now "gcr-gtk3" and "gcr-gtk4" for the
  GTK3 and GTK4 versions respectively. These might be removed from by the beta
  release however, in favor of widgets for each DE (e.g. libadwaita or
  libgranite or ...).
- All deprecated API has been removed, as well as most UI-related code. This
  includes most widgets, GcrColumn and any icons.
- Most GObject-based code has been updated to use modern constructs like the
  `G_DECLARE_*` macros
- "pkcs11.h" and "pkcs11.vapi" have been removed. If you used "pcks11.h", this
  is provided by the p11-kit package. If you used pkcs11.vapi, you'll have to
  copy it directly in your repository.
- The org.gnome.crypto.pgp schema is no longer shipped. The options provided in
  it are part of GPG configuration files.
- The minimally required version of Meson is now 0.59
- All `GcrCollection` based APIs are now ported to `GListModel`.
- Added lookup of trust assertions for distrusted certs
- Updated translations


gcr 3.92.0:
- This is the beta release of gcr4, which is a major version bump after gcr3
  with several API and ABI breaks.
- `GcrCertificateSection` and `GcrCertificateField` have been added, which now
  allow consumers to more easily create their own GcrCertificate-based UIs.
- gcr4 will no longer ship UI libraries, i.e. gcr-gtk3 or gcr-gtk4.
- `GcrComparable` and `GckList` have been removed


gcr 4.0.0:
- This the first stable release of gcr4 and gck2
- Updated translations

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 19 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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