#17435 closed enhancement (fixed)

bind9-9.18.10 bind

Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: thomas
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.3
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by thomas, 18 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to thomas
Status: newassigned

--- 9.18.10 released ---

  1. [bug] The key file IO locks objects would never get

deleted from the hashtable due to off-by-one error. [GL #3727]

  1. [bug] ANY responses could sometimes have the wrong TTL.

[GL #3613]

  1. [bug] Speed up the named shutdown time by explicitly

canceling all recursing ns_client objects for each ns_clientmgr. [GL #3183]

  1. [bug] Removing a catalog zone from catalog-zones without

also removing the referenced zone could leave a dangling pointer. [GL #3683]

  1. [bug] nslookup and host were not honoring the selected port

in TCP mode. [GL #3721]

  1. [func] Deprecate alt-transfer-source, alt-transfer-source-v6

and use-alt-transfer-source. [GL #3694]

  1. [bug] Move the "final reference detached" log message

from dns_zone unit to the DEBUG(1) log level. [GL #3707]

  1. [bug] Fix assertion failure in isc_http API used by

statschannel if the read callback would be called on HTTP request that has been already closed. [GL #3693]

  1. [cleanup] Deduplicate time unit conversion factors.

[GL !7033]

  1. [bug] Copy TLS identifier when setting up primaries for

catalog member zones. [GL #3638]

  1. [func] Deprecate 'auto-dnssec'. [GL #3667]
  1. [performance] The decompression implementation in dns_name_fromwire()

is now smaller and faster. [GL #3655]

  1. [bug] Use the current domain name when checking answers from

a dual-stack-server. [GL #3607]

  1. [bug] Ensure 'named-checkconf -z' respects the check-wildcard

option when loading a zone. [GL #1905]

  1. [func] Deprecate coresize, datasize, files, and

stacksize named.conf options. [GL #3676]

  1. [bug] The view's zone table was not locked when it should

have been leading to race conditions when external extensions that manipulate the zone table where in use. [GL #3468]

  1. [bug] Some browsers (Firefox) send more than 10 HTTP

headers. Bump the number of allowed HTTP headers to 100. [GL #3670]

  1. [func] NXDOMAIN cache records are no longer retained in

the cache after expiry, even when serve-stale is in use. [GL #3386]

comment:2 by thomas, 18 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in [84142849bc]

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