#17513 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.3
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 17 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 17 months ago

# PipeWire 0.3.64 (2023-01-12)

This is a bugfix release that is API and ABI compatible with previous
0.3.x releases.

## Highlights
  - Clear old buffer memory on ports to fix some SIGBUS errors.
  - It is now possible to assign custom port names to the ports from an
    adapter. This feature is helpful to those who use a multichannel
    interface with long-term connections. This way they can label each
    port with its designation, such as an instrument name or anything else
    to be displayed in a patchbay or DAW.
  - Fix some issues with node suspend and quantum and rate calculations.
  - Fix some regressions in pulse-tunnel and RTP-source adaptive resampling
    that could cause synchronization problems.
  - UCM devices now also have a Pro Audio profile.
  - NODE_TARGET (with the object.id) is now deprecated, use TARGET_OBJECT
    (with the object.serial, which is not reused and can avoid races).

## PipeWire
  - Clear all peer input port buffers when suspending. This fixes some
    SIGBUS errors when some plugins were using old memory. (#2914)
  - Fix a case where nodes that were not supposed to be suspended, were
    kept suspended on a rate change. (#2929)
  - Fix an error in the quantum and rate calculations that could cause
    nodes to run with wrong quantum and rates when multiple rates were
    allowed. (#2925)

## Tools
  - pw-dump will now sort dictionaries to make it easier to compare
    different outputs.
  - Improve output of pw-reserve.
  - pw-loopback uses TARGET_OBJECT so you will need to use the serial
    id (or better the name) as the target instead of the object id.

## modules
  - The filter-chain modules has seen some cleanups, refactoring and
    optimizations in the various DSP functions.
  - The ROC module now supports setting a custom samplerate.
  - ROC 0.2.X is now required.
  - The pulse tunnel and RTP source were not updating the rate field
    correctly which could cause synchronization problems. (#2891)
  - The filter-chain now supports an arbitrary number of control
    properties. (#2933)
  - It is now possible to assign custom port names to the ports from an
    adapter with the PW_KEY_NODE_CHANNELNAMES.
  - Support was added for capture and playback props in echo-cancel.

## SPA
  - The ACP code now has an option to set the probe samplerate. (#1599)
  - UCM devices now also have a Pro Audio profile.
  - Filtering of Step ranges is now implemented.

## Pulse-Server
  - The channel-map is now set correctly on the echo-cancel module.
  - source_master and sink_master are now correctly handled in module
  - Fix a regression in DRAIN where resuming after a DRAIN would fail.
    This caused problems for espeak. (#2928)
  - TARGET_OBJECT is now used to make it possible to use the indexes
    as a target.
  - ladspa-source and remap-source can now also link to monitors.

  - The ALSA plugin now handles the target.object correctly when set to
    -1. (#2893)

## V4L2
  - The v4l2 replacement library now also follows symlinks.
  - Support for getting and setting controls was added.
  - Support for G_PARM was added.
  - The environment variable PIPEWIRE_V4L2_TARGET can be used to force
    an application onto a specific camera.

## Bluetooth
  - Fix compilation without ldac_abr.
  - Fix a missing brace in CIND reply. This could cause some devices to
  - Fix configuration of the initial latency.

## GStreamer
  - The device provider now supports setting an fd so that it can connect
    to PipeWire sessions from the portal.
  - DMABuf support was re-enabled in gstpipewiresrc.

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 17 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at commits:

c0589340b5 Update to apache-ant-1.10.13
d3494cd621 Update to NetworkManager-1.40.10.
5ee0432a2e Update to gtksourceview5-5.6.2
592bd5cbb8 Update to libwebp-1.3.0
f7182cd4b8 Update to libpcap-1.10.3
abe5f54a90 Update to tracker-miners3-3.4.3
898a61ec88 Update to pipewire-0.3.64.
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