Opened 15 months ago

Closed 15 months ago

Last modified 10 months ago

#17768 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.0
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by martyj19, 15 months ago

As I read it you are proposing a development release. The stable release is 22.6.6 (2022Q4). At the very least you are going to be disappointed with how often these development releases come out (sometimes weekly).

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

I might be misreading too (typing this as I'm walking out the door), I just looked at Debian and they have 23.1.2 in sid, and 23.1.3 in Bookworm, and Arch and Gentoo both have this one. I suspect this might be due to bugs in 2022Q4, or hardware support, or maybe both. I haven't found anything that specifies that these are development releases either though, after I'm done with this update I'll bring it up on Github

comment:4 by Tim Tassonis, 15 months ago

Since we're already on development release in the book (23.1.2), might we not just as well upgrade?

comment:5 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

I don't really consider it a development release honestly since everyone else is using it :)

I plan on updating it later this weekend

comment:6 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

Summary: intel-media-23.1.3intel-media-23.1.4

Now 23.1.4

comment:7 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago


[CP] Add new huc auth param 
  New huc param is added as per new uAPI
[Encode] Enable av1 error resilient mode 
  Add error resilient mode support in Driver
[Decode] Fix kw issue by removing useless nullptr check 
  reference of array element should not be null. No need to check.
[Encode] Fix HuC off failures 
  added construction of PicState BB and refreshing frame internal buffers when HuC is disabled
  moved context buffer functions from Vp9HpuPkt to Vp9EncodeHpu
  fixed check for number of passes
[Decode] Fix jpeg decode MD5 mismatch 
  1. Remove memset for Jpeg Decode Scan Parameter
  2. Add memset for Jpeg BSD OBJECT params
  3. Initialize Jpeg NumScans for each frame
[VP] Add DI Config : SameSample/FirstField/PastRef All True Case 
  DI case : SameSample=true, FirstField=True, PastRef=True. In this case, we reset the
            state and treate it as SameSample=False. We recalculate the two frames.
[Media Common] [VP] Add surface size check in MCPY 
  Calc minimal required surface size for MCPY and compare it with the given size. 
  Return error if the given size is smaller.
[VP] Refine SR with Replacing Standalone Internal Buffer to Common Internal Buffer
  Replace internal buffer used by SR to commonly created internal buffer
[Media Common] [VP] enable MediaPerfProfiler for media copy 
  Add MediaPerfProfiler for media copy to capture performance data
Revert "[Media Common] [VP] Add surface size check in MCPY" 
[VP] update HDR kernel multi layer 
  update HDR kernel multi layer, enable the HDR_LUT_refineE_3D for sub layers.
[Media Common] [VP] common dll enabling - d12 cleanup 
  common dll enabling -  d12 failure cleanup
[Decode] Fix NULL pointer issue 
  Refine FreeResource for HucS2lPkt
[Media Common] [VP] [MCPY] Add surface size check in MCPY 
  Calc minimal required surface size for MCPY and compare it with the given size. 
  Return error if the given size is smaller.
[Decode] Fix GetResourceInfo Crash Issue 
  Get sfc output surface directly from current output surface list instead of quering 
  once more
[Media Common] Bump up version to 23.1.3 
[VP] add_key_for_ve_dump 
  add key for ve dump
[Decode] Enhance robustness of slice parameter 
  Refine num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 and num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 check
[CP] Fix the issue of nullptr 
  Add the condition to judge if the current pointer is nullptr.
[Media Common] Add dispaly caps VADisplayPCIID 
  Add missing VADisplayPCIID caps in APO path .
[Encode] VP9 VDEnc CModel matching for Xe_Lpm 
  * [Encode] VP9 VDEnc CModel matching for Xe_Lpm
  - Aligned cmd1/cmd2 programming
  - Multi-ref matching
  - Enabled TemporalMvp
[Decode] Fix decode perf tag issue for Jpeg 
  The perf tag for Jpeg decode was not set with correct picture type and fixed here. 
  Also removed some unused code for Jpeg perf profiling.
[Encode] Enable resolve metadata process 
  - enbaled resolved metadata proccess for AVC for next version direct 3d graphics tech
[Encode] Fix AVC perf tags 
  - Add correct perf tags for brc_init and brc_update packets
  - Add 2nd PAK pass tracking
[VP] fix clearview first frame time not meeting target 
  fix clearview first frame time not meeting target, ~12/13ms
[VP] Add BB Start and End in VP Render Cmd Packet 
  VpRenderCmdPacket missing BatchBuffer Start and End function. Add On1stLevelBBStart 
  and On1stLevelBBEnd.
[Media Common] [VP] Add report key for cache usage 
  The cache usage of vp output surface will be reported
[Media Common] [VP] Common DLL separation: Modify cm files 
  Move and modify cm files for common dll
[Encode] Additional check for allocated surface size and SPS parameters 
  Allocated surface size cannot be less than SPS width and height
Fix gcc debug build. 
[Decode] Fix typo for AV1 surface number 
  Fix typo for AV1  surface number
Revert "[Encode] VP9 VDEnc CModel matching for Xe_Lpm" 
[Decode] Add more conditons check for AV1 reference frame index 
  In order to fix memleak issue on VPL AV1,pr is intel-
  innersource/, we will not allocate surfaces for 1s 
  frame. Thus need driver need to do change , otherwise it will return invalid 
  parameter for 1st frame

comment:8 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago


[Decode] Refine mos gpu ctx to init each type of ctx respectively 
  This will help re-create and recover the ctx when it becomes guilty.
[Media Common] [VP] common dll: enable ddi dll on d12 
  use mos/ddi lib to build ddi dll on d12 and add needed interface
[Decode] Fix perf tag set issue during decode+render workload usage 
  Relocate SetPerfTag function to starting status report stage, otherwise when adding 
  perf collect cmd the tag is reusing previous tag possibly coming from other engines. 
  In this case, the workload sequence is decode - render - decode - render, so without 
  this fix decode will wrongly reuse the tag set by VE in current implementation. It 
  will write wrong perf tag into perf report and influence FPS caculation.
[Media Common] [VP] Linux Compression sku/wa update 
  add WA details on cross platforms
[Decode] Add more conditons check for AV1 reference frame index for softleft
  In order to fix memleak issue on VPL AV1,pr is intel-
  innersource/, we will not allocate surfaces for 1s 
  frame. Thus need driver need to do change , otherwise it will return invalid 
  parameter for 1st frame
[Decode] Add strict check for array index 
  To avoid buffer overflow
Revert "[Encode] Additional check for allocated surface size and SPS parameters"
[VP] clean up critical message print in clearview of playback 
  * [VP] clean up critical message print in clearview of playback
  clean up critical message print in clearview of playback.
[Media Common] [VP] Common dll: enable vulkan ddi dll and refine d12 ddidll include 
  Common dll: enable vulkan ddi dll and refine d12 ddidll include dirs
[Encode] add Gen10 specific macro in linux ULT 
  add Gen10 specific macro in linux ULT.
[VP] WSL CSC crash 
  WSL crash on VECS in legacy path
[CP] Add stale protected gem context check 
  As per uapi, protected gem context should be recreated if corresponding protected 
  session has been destroyed
[Encode] Fix patch list calculation 
  Fix patch list calculation for BRC
[Media Common] [VP] Common DLL separation: clean static mos functions 
  Clean static mos functions for common dll
[Media Common] [VP] Common DLL separation: refine mos resource is null 
  Refine mos resource is null for common dll
[Encode] Fix surface lock segment fault 
  Fix vp9 regression when trying to lock a NV12 surface, add protection for transform 
  from tileY to tileLinear
[Script] refine file line to avoid noise failure in code comparison 
  refine file line to avoid noise failure in code comparison
Disable Gen10 driver code when -DGEN10=OFF 
  Allowing the driver code to be disabled for Gen10 reduces the
  binary size by an additional 6.6 MiB over the 4 MiB reduction when
  removing the media kernels alone.
Revert "Revert "[Encode] VP9 VDEnc CModel matching for Xe_Lpm "" 
[Decode] Close the hanle if return error to avoid file handles leak 
[VP] add dump surface for VPsolo 
  add dump surface for VPsolo to get the yuv output to compare with lucas output.
[VP] fix memleak issue 
  fix memleak issue.
[Media Common] Bump up version to 23.1.4 
[Decode] Port AV1 Robustness to apo path 
  port AV1 Robustness to apo path to deploy
[Media Common] [VP] Common dll enabling: ddi dll build on d11 
  Common dll enabling:  ddi dll build on d11
[Encode] Fix for avc apcket 
  - function ReportSliceSizeMetaData moved from public section to protected
  - added flush command to make sure all registers has been updated
  - removed usefull checking for vdbox
Remove unnecessary Gen9 #includes 
  These place an unnecessary dependence on Gen9 driver code from the Gen8
  driver code.
Disable Gen9 driver code when -DGEN9=OFF 
Remove unnecessary Gen11 #includes 
  This places an unnecessary dependence on Gen11 driver code.
Disable Gen11 driver code when -DGEN11=OFF 
[Script] refine open file to avoid failure in code comparison 
  refine file line to avoid noise failure in code comparison
[Decode] Update AVP Chroma Format 
  Use avpChromaFormatYuv instead of HCP_CHROMA_FORMAT_YUV in AV1 scope.
[Media Common] [VP] Common DLL separation: clean global functions 
  Clean global functions for common dll
[VP] fix corruption when interlaced input surface with mmc on and force di to render
  fix corruption when interlaced input surface with mmc on and force di to render!
Remove stale cmake subdirectory 
[Encode] Fix AV1/HEVC transcode segfault issue 
[Decode] In VD+SFC case, Honor the region height from the setting of API instead of 
  apply the change to refactored path
[Decode] fix fast dump less surfaces than expected 
  fix fast dump less surfaces than expected.
Revert "[Decode] Update AVP Chroma Format" 
[Decode] Add strict check for mmc using 
  MMC build option is default off when enabling free build
[Decode] Delay after each frame by miliseconds 
  This change is for debug purpose, setting miliseconds by regkey and make a milisecond 
  delay after each frame submit.
[Media Common] [VP] Common DLL separation: refine some static variables 
  Refine some static variables for common dll
[Decode] virtual node assigment optimization 
  virtual node assigment optimization for platform
[Decode] Add Decode AV1 Chroma Format Definition 
  Add chroma format definition for decode AV1.
Revert "[VP] fix corruption when interlaced input surface with mmc on and force di to 
[CP] Add relative mmio addr check 
  1. Rename GCS to TEECS.
  2. Add relative mmio addr check for TEECS.
[Encode] Fix an issue that GopPicSize may be 0 
  Fix an issue when intra_period in VAAPI is not set, GopPicSize is 0, which may casue 
  divided by 0 issue in Huc BRC update kernel.
[Encode] Refine SR feature definition - part1 
  Feature refinement part 1
  SR will create its own surface in feature, not packet
  SR need basic feature properties
[Decode] Fix memory out-of-bounds issue for JPEG 
  Add checking of acTableSelector and dcTableSelector size by spec.
[Encode] Enable HEVC resolve metadata 
  enbaled resolved metadata for HEVC.
Revert "[Encode] Refine SR feature part1 - interface refinement" 
[Media Common] [VP] remove Tile4 flag for Linux 
  remove Tile4 flag for Linux, just keep Gmm keep the tiled4 surface for YUV and 
  RGBP/GBRP format.
use possible upstream definition of CCS modifier 
  description: use possible upstream definition of CCS modifier

comment:9 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

comment:10 by Bruce Dubbs, 10 months ago

Milestone: 11.412.0

Milestone renamed

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