Opened 15 months ago

Closed 14 months ago

Last modified 11 months ago

#17885 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.0
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New major version.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 14 months ago

8.0.1 – 2023-03-27


When specifying a color in HSV format, it is now possible to give an additional fourth component for the alpha channel (opacity). #510


Graphviz will now exit when encountering a syntactically invalid HTML label instead of attempting to recover and continue. #1311

Breaking: the url_map_n field in the obj_state_t struct is now a size_t. The limit of 5 unique samehead or sametail values per node has been removed. The maximum number of unique samehead or sametail values is now limited only by available memory. #452

Breaking: The size field of the elist struct is now a size_t.

Breaking: The size field of the nlist struct is now a size_t.

Breaking: The n_nodes field of the Agraphinfo_t struct is now a size_t.

Breaking: The nspans field of textlabel_t.u.txt is now a size_t.

Breaking: The sflag and eflag fields of the bezier struct are now uint32_ts.

Breaking: The nvertices field of the stroke_t struct is now a size_t. “no hard-coded metrics” warnings are now only printed once per font. The Autotools build system now discovers Python paths using sysconfig instead of distutils.sysconfig, making it compatible with Python 3.12. This alters the installation path of the Python Graphviz module to something more correct. #2332


The pic output renderer uses PIC or troff comments where appropriate, fixing a problem that resulted in comments being misinterpreted by groff and being visible in the final output. #2341

gv2gxl and gxl2gv correctly detect their mode (gv→gxl or gxl→gv) on Windows when called via an absolute or relative path. #2344

Using C pre-processor line directives (\s*#(line )?\d+) claiming a line number greater than INT_MAX no longer causes an integer overflow. #1318

fdp cluster→cluster edges were correct but now drawn incorrectly. This was a regression in Graphviz 7.0.0. #2345

Failure of arrowhead and arrowtail to respect penwidth #372 Fixed also for the cylinder node shape. Second periphery of a cylinder shaped node is not correct. #2297

Graphs with more than 127 layers no longer cause out of bound writes. #2355

htmltable.c assertions are no longer triggered by using HTML table cells too small to fit their content. #1622

dot2gxl -d no longer crashes when receiving a closing node tag following a closing graph tag. #2094

A buffer overflow in Smyrna when loading GVPR scripts has been corrected. A buffer overflow when loading a plugin with a long type string has been corrected. Graphs that involve more than 2000 stroke points during tapering calculations no longer cause out of bounds writes. Using arrowsize=0.0 no longer triggers an assertion failure or crash during miter calculations. This was a regression in Graphviz 7.0.0. #2342

When using the beautify=true attribute, beautification no longer confuses leaves and dimensions. This previously could have led to skipping calculations or infinite loops. When using the beautify=true attribute, the first and last nodes around a circular layout are no longer placed on top of each other. #2283

Applying concentrate=true to duplicate edges no longer results in errors due to non-normal edges being found. #2087

splines=ortho and concentrate=true when used in combination no longer causes crashes during spline construction. #2361

Externally referenced SVG files with their opening <svg tag on the same line as their XML declaration are no longer ignored. #2352


The VML output renderer has been removed. This format has been superseded by SVG. #799

Legacy man page references to dotty have been removed. dotty was removed in Graphviz 4.0.0.

Breaking: The definition of the elist_fastapp macro has been removed. Versions of Librsvg prior to 2.36.0 are no longer supported. Versions of GDK prior to 2.0.0 are no longer supported. Versions of Glib prior to 2.36.0 are no longer supported.

Breaking: The Agnodeinfo_t.inleaf field and its ND_inleaf accessor have been removed.

Breaking: The Agnodeinfo_t.outleaf field and its ND_outleaf and GD_outleaf accessors have been removed.

Breaking: The Agraphinfo_t.has_sourcerank field and its GD_has_sourcerank accessor has been removed.

Breaking: The Agraphinfo_t.has_sinkrank field and its GD_has_sinkrank accessor has been removed. Support for the legacy Microsoft Visio VDX format has been removed.

Breaking: The arrow_at_start and arrow_at_end parameters from the gvrender_engine_t.beziercurve callback have been removed.

Breaking: The GVRENDER_DOES_ARROWS constant has been removed. The extra cmpnd.c code is no longer shipped in the Graphviz distribution tarball.


Breaking: The stoke_t.flags field has been removed.

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 14 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

comment:4 by Bruce Dubbs, 11 months ago

Milestone: 11.412.0

Milestone renamed

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