Opened 3 weeks ago

Closed 3 weeks ago

#19818 closed defect (overcomebyevents)

Security advisory: QStringConverter

Reported by: Joe Locash Owned by: blfs-book
Priority: elevated Milestone: 12.2
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:



QStringConverter has an invalid pointer being passed as a callback which can allow modification of the stack and has been assigned the CVE id CVE-2024-33861.

Qt itself is not vulnerable to remote attack however an application using QStringDecoder either directly or indirectly can be vulnerable. This affects Qt 6.5.0->6.5.5, 6.6.x and 6.7.0.

This requires:

1) the attacker be able to tell the application a specific codec to use

2) the attacker be able to feed the application data in a specific way to cause the desired modification

3) the attacker what in the stack will get modified, which requires knowing the build of the application (and not all builds will be vulnerable)

4) the modification do anything in particular that is useful to the attacker, besides maybe crashing the application

Qt does not automatically use any of those codecs, so this needs the application to implement something using QStringDecoder to be vulnerable.

Solution: Apply the following patch or update to Qt 6.5.6 or Qt 6.7.1.


dev: 6.7: or 6.6: 6.5: or

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 weeks ago

For qt-6.7:

sed -e '/ucnv_set.*UCallBack/s/&state/state/' \
    -i qtbase/src/corelib/text/qstringconverter.cpp

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 weeks ago

Resolution: overcomebyevents
Status: newclosed

qt-6.7.1 has been released. See #19822.

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