Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2490 closed defect (fixed)

libgnome-2.18.0 wants ESounD by default

Reported by: Joe Owned by: Randy McMurchy
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.3
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


configure --help shows --enable-esd is on by default. If ESounD is not installed, the libgnome configure step fails with:

checking whether ESounD support is requested... yes
checking for SOUND_TEST... configure: error: Package requirements (esound >= 0.2.26 audiofile >= 0.2.3) were not met:

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Randy McMurchy, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Randy McMurchy
Status: newassigned

So, it appears we need to add --disable-esd to the configure command and keep ESD as an optional dependency.

Thanks for the report.

comment:2 by alexander@…, 16 years ago

Optional or recommended?

comment:3 by Randy McMurchy, 16 years ago

Summary: ESounD is Required dependency of libgnome-2.18.0libgnome-2.18.0 wants ESounD by default

I've thought about this on and off since I've been updating GNOME. ESD used to be required early in the library stage of a GNOME installation, but it migrated to optional a few releases ago.

My thoughts have been that since it isn't a "required" dep until much later in the Desktop installation (Nautilus now) that optional was prudent because I'd bet just as many folks install the base core GNOME libraries (to support the many applications which require them but don't necessarily need the GNOME desktop) as those that want the full-blown deal.

But it would be a shame if someone didn't install ESD at this early stage (libgnome) and then discovered later she wanted a GNOME desktop, but now with limited sound support because ESD wasn't installed at the early stages (actually I'm not sure what happens to Desktop sound support if you don't install ESD during libgnome and libgnomeui.

So here's sort of a middle-ground idea. We can move it to

Recommended (if you plan on installing a GNOME desktop; also remove the --disable-esd parameter below)

but we'll leave the --disable-esd parm on the configure command. I'll see if there are any other comments about this plan. If not, or no negative comments anyway, this is what I'll do.

comment:4 by alexander@…, 16 years ago

I always thought: "recommended" = "expected to be installed in the default ./configure line and the pages of the depending packages, provides essential functionality, although technically not required". Thus, "add --disable-esd if you don't want to use this recommended dependency" (i.e., something similar to the proposed aRts-related change) looks consistent.

comment:5 by dnicholson@…, 16 years ago

IMO, recommended. Esound is how libgnome plays a random wav file. This is, for instance, how the desktop sounds (login/logout) are played. Both these packages will hopefully be going away in the near future, but until then, I think users would want this functionality. See gnome-sound below:

comment:6 by Randy McMurchy, 16 years ago

I appreciate the quick comments. First to address Alexander:

The way I phrased it, it really isn't a truly "recommended" dep because of the caveat 'if you think you may install a GNOME desktop remove the --disable-esd'.

There will be just as many that don't want it as do want it. My feeling is that we don't recommend something unless there is true missing functionality if it isn't installed. And only those installing the full Desktop need it and we say to do it, and even say to remove the --disable-esd.

Not trying to defend my position, but if we have to consider this an exception to the rule of what may be technically correct or not, then so be it. My belief is that we've adequately described the situation and the pitfalss if you don't make the right decision.

To Dan's comment:

It more reinforces what I was saying in that only if you install the full Desktop does it make any differencde if ESD is installed or not. At least that is how I interpreted what you said.

I appreciate the comments. Like I said, I've gone back and forth with this for *years*. Now you've got me thinking about it again and I'm not sure what to do (everyone so far except me thinks it should be recommened without any caveats). :-)

I'd bet Ken. M. could comment on this as well as he's one that uses GNOME libs, but not the desktop.

Again, thanks for the comments. Pondering....

comment:7 by Randy McMurchy, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Added the --disable-esd to the configure command, but moved the ESoundD package to Recommended (with the caveat that ...)

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