Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#9510 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: bdubbs@… Owned by: Pierre Labastie
Priority: normal Milestone: 8.1
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Pierre Labastie, 7 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Pierre Labastie
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Pierre Labastie, 7 years ago

  * headless support and reworked dialogues engine - This is major think. The hart of ITW dialogs 
was reworked.
     * most of the dialogues have now (working!) remember/remember per doc|code-base option with 
some good afterwards manipulation options in itw-settings  (inducing desktop integration)
     * greatest on it is, that ITW is again fully headless capable.
       * all dialogues can be fully viewed and controlled from command line
       * if the target application is headless, ITW can happily live without X (works also on 
windows). If application isn't headless, itw will start it, but it will probably crash.
       * some more info at:
  * http 511 support - this protocol is older then my grand grand grand parents, and so it is 
useful. But, it is being still used. Its implementation was finally added
     * with http 511 support come "cool" itw mode --browser. It launches perfect html 3 compatible 
browser :)

  * jnlp protocol - support for jnlp:// and jnlps:// was added. No meter how the ITW code changes 
were simple, it is not easy to integrate.
   * gnome-based Linuxes may find inspiration in fedora spec file:
   * windows have it from msi
   * all others must integrate on its own
  * cache - again big touching. I recommend to clear all cache before update or manually adapt your 
offline apps. Now port is included in path (except defautl ones) and nested jars are unpacked into 
subdirectories. Also https is preffered over http.

  * javascript and javafx made more close to usefulness
  * experimental support for windows - yes open source javaws for windows is here and is working. 
Currently there are only .bat launchers and exist many known bugs, but should be really good enough 
for more thendeveloper preview. And a lot of will be done here in future. Stay tuned!
  * GUI and usage of PolicyEditor made much more user friendly
  * JDK9. Indeed! Its here! Itw have nearly full capabilities with new modular jdk. You can see the 
story here:
   * you can build javaws with jdk9
   * when you build javaws+plugin (even native) with jdk8 and it will work fine with jdk9
   * although ITW runs fine, the application it is running may not. But really, it is no longer 
ITW's fail.
  * windows - javaws and plugin.jar cna be built (and run) in cygwin. Built like this, they provide 
redistribute-able windows binaries and installer.
   * windows launchers are now bat files with its pros and (mostly) cons (se future work below)
   * you can not register .jnlp files to them (but commandlien work just find, isn't it?
   * jnlp protocol works great even with bats

comment:3 by Pierre Labastie, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at r18973

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