Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#1769 closed defect (fixed)


Reported by: alexander@… Owned by: archaic@…
Priority: highest Milestone: 6.2
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Version increment. This version includes the "udevsettle" program that is supposed to be used instead of our custom waiting loop.

Change History (16)

by alexander@…, 19 years ago

Attachment: udev added

Modified udev script

by alexander@…, 19 years ago

Attachment: udev_retry added

New udev_retry script

by alexander@…, 19 years ago

Attachment: bug.c added

Modified bug reporter

comment:1 by alexander@…, 19 years ago

Modified udev script that uses the new udevsettle program, the new udev_retry script that retries failed uevents (to be started after mountfs, i.e. at S45), and the modified bug.c program are attached. Now all USB-related leaks are ignored because they do happen and nothing can be done about them. Kernel issue.

comment:2 by alexander@…, 19 years ago

Avtually not sure if the "mkdir -p /dev/.udev/queue" is still needed. If it is needed, the attached scripts are buggy. But they work for me, and the need for mkdir will certainly show up as a red bugreport.

comment:3 by, 19 years ago

Just so this doesn't get forgotten: For udev >=089, we should add extras/path_id to the EXTRAS variable in the udev commands. It's a script in the same vein as ata_id, edd_id, scsi_id, usb_id, and vol_id.

We don't install any udev rules that use any of these programs today, but the sample 60-persistent-storage.rules file in the udev source tree uses all of them. (Not that that's the only way to do persistent device links, though.) In that file, path_id is used to create /dev/disk/by-path/ symlinks ("shortest physical device path").

comment:4 by archaic@…, 19 years ago

Alex has been working on this on one of my systems and I'm in the process of packaging up his work into a digestable form for the list and book. We tested id capability rules and persistent rules with 4 cd/dvd devices. Once I get those unplugged, I can plug the 3 scsi disks back in and run a couple more tests.

comment:5 by archaic@…, 19 years ago

Owner: changed from lfs-book@… to archaic@…
Status: newassigned

comment:6 by Matthew Burgess, 19 years ago

Summary: Udev-090Udev-091

Now udev-091:

Some more keys require the correct use of '==' and '=' depending on the kind of operation beeing an assignment or a match. Rules with invalid operations are skipped and logged to syslog. Please test with udevtest if the parsing of your rules throws errors and fix possibly broken rules.

comment:7 by Chris Schwemmer, 19 years ago

The two following lines need fixing with udev-091:

diff /etc/udev/rules.d/25-lfs.rules /sources/udev-config-6.rules
< ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi" , SYSFS{type}=="0|7|14", \
> ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM="scsi" , SYSFS{type}=="0|7|14", \
< ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi" , SYSFS{type}=="1", \
> ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM="scsi" , SYSFS{type}=="1", \

(note the extra '=' after SUBSYSTEM)

comment:8 by alexander@…, 19 years ago

I never understood the purpose of those rules. They were copied from Jim's udev-cross-lfs tarball, and they got there from SuSE.

Proposal: remove them unless Jim can explain their purpose without references to SuSE (in which case they indeed need fixing, not removing).

comment:9 by archaic@…, 19 years ago

Fixed in r7569.

comment:10 by archaic@…, 19 years ago

Correction. The update is fixed in r7569. The comments about SUBSYSTEM= vs SUBSYSTEM== are valid, but so is Alex's comment about the need for those rules. Keeping open pending discussion.

comment:11 by archaic@…, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Opened ticket #1785 to address rule file changes. Closing this ticket as fixed.

comment:12 by alexander@…, 19 years ago

Priority: normalhighest
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Reopening: the new bug.c file is not in the book yet. Please fix ASAP to avoid USB-related SPAM.

comment:13 by archaic@…, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Fixed in r7584.

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