Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2365 closed task (fixed)

Clarification about the result of expect command

Reported by: chris@… Owned by: lfs-book@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.0
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


In Chapter 6 Binutils, it says to run expect -c "spawn ls", then describes an error message that might pop up. A number of users (at least in the #lfs-support chat room), when getting "spawn ls" after that command, have asked whether that's correct. I think the text on this page should be clearer - it should specify that "spawn ls" is in fact the desired output, and that anything else should be considered bad. I've attached a patch where I have altered the wording to match what I've put in CLFS.

Change History (2)

by chris@…, 16 years ago

Attachment: ptys.patch added

Update text about ptys

comment:1 by Matthew Burgess, 16 years ago

Milestone: 7.0
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in r8838.

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