Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#2876 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: pedro Owned by: Matthew Burgess
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Change History (10)

comment:1 by pedro, 14 years ago

Glib is not embedded anymore in that release but is a required dependancy. So glib2 should be added to the book...

comment:2 by Matthew Burgess, 14 years ago

According to my notes, the latest version of Glib2 requires Dbus, which, in turn, requires expat. So, we'd need to add expat, dbus, pcre, glib2 and then upgrade pkg-config!

comment:3 by Bryan Kadzban, 14 years ago

According to the investigation I just did, glib checks for dbus, but does *not* require it. (Good thing too. I hate that package. :-) ) The comments in claim that it's only required for parts of the testsuite.

There's also a built-in PCRE, though it's probably a better idea to use the system one if possible (for security reasons).

comment:4 by bdubbs@…, 14 years ago

I agree with Bryan. I don't really have a problem with pcre or glib2 as both are fairly common library needs. I suppose we need both these in Chapter 6 right before phg-config. Right now, it doesn't look like they are needed in Chapter 5.

comment:5 by Gilles Espinasse, 14 years ago

Adding pcre early have the benefit that grep will be compiled with pcre support.

We compile glib2 actually on ipcop (after LFS packages) and have no issue not having dbus, except 2 or 3 errors in glib test suite.

comment:6 by DJ Lucas, 14 years ago

Pcre libs need to go in /lib for now (FHS 2.3). Hopefully that can be ditched soon, but for now...

comment:7 by Matthew Burgess, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from lfs-book@… to Matthew Burgess
Status: newassigned

comment:8 by Matthew Burgess, 14 years ago

Summary: pkg-config 0.26Pkg-config-0.26
Type: taskenhancement

comment:9 by Matthew Burgess, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in r9547.

comment:10 by (none), 14 years ago

Milestone: 6.9

Milestone 6.9 deleted

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