Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#2948 closed task (fixed)

Patch for minor inconsistencies

Reported by: Marcel van den Boer Owned by: Matthew Burgess
Priority: lowest Milestone: 7.0
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: trivial Keywords: gcc mpfr xml


I'd like to offer a patch, which primarily fixes minor inconsistencies in the LFS XML sources:

  • hostreqs.xml: Replaces four occurrences of '>' in the script with '>'
  • ch06/gmp.xml: Removes a leading space from the initial 'sed' command
  • ch06/grep.xml & ch06/iproute2.xml: Adds the 'remap="pre"' attribute to the <userinput> tag of the initial 'sed' command

It also changes the --with-mpfr-include and --with-mpfr-lib options in chapter 5's gcc-pass1.xml and gcc-pass2.xml to use relative paths, rather than absolute paths.

Change History (9)

by Marcel van den Boer, 13 years ago

Attachment: lfs7-consistency.patch added

Fixes the described issues

comment:1 by Matthew Burgess, 13 years ago

Thanks for the patch. It looks good other than the relative-paths for mpfr-lib. I initially tested with that variation, but it failed to configure, as the paths are passed directly from the top-level configure to mpc's configure as-is, at which point the relative paths are no longer correct due to mpc being in a subdirectory.

comment:2 by Marcel van den Boer, 13 years ago

Well, technically my solution also uses absolute paths, since ${PWD} is expanded. I thought this was a little bit cleaner, and worked for me.

comment:3 by bdubbs@…, 13 years ago

Some of these changes are OK, but not that meaningful. The build process does not complain about extra > symbols, but the does for < and &. Adding remap='pre' is OK, but really doesn't change any processing.

I disagree with the path changes. What we have has worked for, IIRC, 2 years and if it's not broke, don't fix it.

comment:4 by Marcel van den Boer, 13 years ago

Actually, the paths never were absolute. This was added last week ( Using ${PWD} (or actually '$(pwd)' in LFS-6.8) has always been the norm as far as I can tell.

comment:5 by bdubbs@…, 13 years ago

I went ahead and made the spacing and xml changes.

Matt, you made the --with-mpfr-* changes. I don't want to change them for 7.0 as I know what is there works. Please either close this ticket (partially fixed) or move it to 7.1.

in reply to:  4 comment:6 by Matthew Burgess, 13 years ago

Replying to synthehol:

Actually, the paths never were absolute. This was added last week ( Using ${PWD} (or actually '$(pwd)' in LFS-6.8) has always been the norm as far as I can tell.

Somehow I missed the fact that your patch actually had ${PWD} in it and that 6.8 had $(pwd) in it! I'll make the change either this evening or tomorrow evening (GMT).

comment:7 by Matthew Burgess, 13 years ago

Owner: changed from lfs-book@… to Matthew Burgess
Status: newassigned

comment:8 by Matthew Burgess, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in r9645.

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