Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#4443 closed enhancement (fixed)

update contents of packages

Reported by: Xi Ruoyao Owned by: lfs-book
Priority: normal Milestone: 9.0
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


It seems we rarely update "Contents of <package>" section. I've noticed several missing libraries in GCC, and there have been several threads in lfs-dev about these kind of issues.

I'll build a LFS on my "new" workstation (actually just some assembled old server parts, E5-2650v2 for e.g.). In the progress I'll DESTDIR install each packages so I can investigate libraries, paths, and programs installed by it.

I'll submit the patch in next week.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 6 years ago

Actually I have an automated list of packages. I can check that tomorrow. I want to update the new packages anyway.

comment:2 by Xi Ruoyao, 6 years ago

I just build Chapter 6 GCC and gathered all updates before this section.

comment:3 by Pierre Labastie, 6 years ago

Looks good, except something weird in commit 7458215 "/usr/include/misc in linux headers): /usr/include/misc/*.h is correctly in <term>, but there is still "mtd" in <indexterm> and in sortas attribute.

For anybody who would want to make patches: click on one of the commits. Edit the url by adding .patch at the end of the shasum. I do not know whether there is a way to make a single patch from several commits...

Another possibility is to git clone Xy's repo, and use "git format-patch" or "git diff".

in reply to:  3 ; comment:4 by Bruce Dubbs, 6 years ago

Replying to pierre.labastie:

Looks good, except something weird in commit 7458215 "/usr/include/misc in linux headers): /usr/include/misc/*.h is correctly in <term>, but there is still "mtd" in <indexterm> and in sortas attribute.

For anybody who would want to make patches: click on one of the commits. Edit the url by adding .patch at the end of the shasum. I do not know whether there is a way to make a single patch from several commits...

Another possibility is to git clone Xy's repo, and use "git format-patch" or "git diff".

Pierre, do you want to do the patches and update the book?

in reply to:  4 ; comment:5 by Pierre Labastie, 6 years ago

Replying to bdubbs:

Replying to pierre.labastie:

Looks good, except something weird in commit 7458215 "/usr/include/misc in linux headers): /usr/include/misc/*.h is correctly in <term>, but there is still "mtd" in <indexterm> and in sortas attribute.

For anybody who would want to make patches: click on one of the commits. Edit the url by adding .patch at the end of the shasum. I do not know whether there is a way to make a single patch from several commits...

Another possibility is to git clone Xy's repo, and use "git format-patch" or "git diff".

Pierre, do you want to do the patches and update the book?

I can do that, but I wouldn't want to step on Xi's toes. Xi, you might want to make the patch(s) and send it(them) yourself, maybe...

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by Xi Ruoyao, 6 years ago

Replying to pierre.labastie:

Replying to bdubbs:

Replying to pierre.labastie:

Looks good, except something weird in commit 7458215 "/usr/include/misc in linux headers): /usr/include/misc/*.h is correctly in <term>, but there is still "mtd" in <indexterm> and in sortas attribute.

For anybody who would want to make patches: click on one of the commits. Edit the url by adding .patch at the end of the shasum. I do not know whether there is a way to make a single patch from several commits...

Another possibility is to git clone Xy's repo, and use "git format-patch" or "git diff".

Pierre, do you want to do the patches and update the book?

I can do that, but I wouldn't want to step on Xi's toes. Xi, you might want to make the patch(s) and send it(them) yourself, maybe...

I'll submit one consolidated patch after I finish all Chapter 6 packages.

by Xi Ruoyao, 6 years ago

consolidated patch of all contents and short descriptions update

comment:7 by Pierre Labastie, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed at r11558. Thanks.

comment:8 by Bruce Dubbs, 6 years ago

Milestone: 8.59.0

Milestone renamed

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