Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#4512 closed task (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: lfs-book
Priority: normal Milestone: 9.0
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 6 years ago

Summary: man-db-2.8.6man-db-

Now version

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 6 years ago

man-db (5 August 2019)

Major changes since man-db 2.8.6:

  • Fix missing memory copies in ult_src that caused segfaults in mandb.

Major changes since man-db 2.8.5:

  • If more than one of "../man", "man", "../share/man", and "share/man" exist relative to a directory on $PATH, then all of them are now added to the automatically-determined manpath; previously, only the first was considered.
  • Remove arbitrary limit on manpath size.
  • The systemd database maintenance service now runs mandb with the --quiet option, avoiding excess log messages.
  • Default to --without-systemdsystemunitdir and --without-systemdtmpfilesdir on non-Linux systems.
  • Fix failure to link libman using the Darwin linker.
  • "apropos -w" now works when given a non-lower-case pattern.
  • Convert most list and hash table code to Gnulib's container types: these are more flexible and normally more concise than home-grown equivalents.
  • There is a new configure option --disable-manual, which causes the man-db manual not to be built or installed.

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed at revision 11656.

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