Changeset 3f990d1 for jhalfs

10/04/2005 06:37:09 PM (19 years ago)
Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
0.2, 1.0, 2.3, 2.3.x, 2.4, ablfs, ablfs-more, legacy, new_features, trunk

Improved code readability.
Many thanks to George Boudreau.

1 edited


  • jhalfs

    r7450da3 r3f990d1  
    328328    # Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
    329329    # as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
    330     echo -e "\n$i:  $PREV" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    331     echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     331    cat << EOF
     333$i:  $PREV
     334        @\$(call echo_message, Building)
     336) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    333338    # Find the version of the command files, if it corresponds with the building of
    345350      # Insert instructions for unpacking the package and to set
    346351      # the PKGDIR variable.
    347       echo -e "\t@\$(call unpack,$FILE)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    348       echo -e "\t@ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    349       echo -e "\tchown -R lfs \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    350       echo -e "\techo \"PKGDIR=\$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    351       echo -e "\techo \"export PKGDIR\" >> envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     353    cat << EOF
     354        @\$(call unpack,$FILE)
     355        @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\
     356        chown -R lfs \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\
     357        echo "PKGDIR=\$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT" > envars && \\
     358        echo "export PKGDIR" >> envars && \\
     360) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    352362    fi
    354364    # Dump the path to the Binutils or TCL sources directory.
    355365    if [ "$i" = "027-binutils-pass1" -o "$i" = "032-tcl" -o "$i" = "036-binutils-pass2" ] ; then
    356       echo -e "\techo \"\$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT\" > sources-dir" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     367    cat << EOF
     368        echo "\$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT" > sources-dir
     370) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    358372    # For the Adjusting phase we must to cd to the binutils-build directory.
    359373    elif [ "$i" = "031-adjusting" ] ; then
    360       echo -e "\t@echo \"PKGDIR=\$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    361       echo -e "\techo \"export PKGDIR\" >> envars" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     375    cat << EOF
     376        @echo "PKGDIR=\$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build" > envars && \\
     377        echo "export PKGDIR" >> envars
     379) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    363381    # For the Expect build we need to set the TCLPATH envar.
    364382    elif [ "$i" = "033-expect" ] ; then
    365       echo -e "\techo \"TCLPATH=\`cat sources-dir\`\" >> envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    366       echo -e "\techo \"export TCLPATH\" >> envars" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     384    cat << EOF
     385        echo "TCLPATH=\`cat sources-dir\`" >> envars && \\
     386        echo "export TCLPATH" >> envars
     388) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    368390    # Everything else, add a true statment so we don't confuse make
    369391    else
    370       echo -e "\ttrue" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    371     fi
    373     # Insert date and disk usage at the top of the log file.
    374     echo -e "\t@echo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >logs/$i && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    376     # Insert the script run
    377     echo -e "\tsu - lfs -c \". /home/lfs/.bashrc && $JHALFSDIR/commands/$file\" >>logs/$i 2>&1 && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    379     # Insert date and disk usage at the bottom of the log file.
    380     echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >>logs/$i" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     393    cat << EOF
     394        true
     396) >> $MKFILE.tmp
     397    fi
     399    # Insert date and disk usage at the top of the log file, the script run
     400    # and date and disk usage again at the bottom of the log file.
     402    cat << EOF
     403        @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\n" >logs/$i && \\
     404        su - lfs -c "source /home/lfs/.bashrc && $JHALFSDIR/commands/$file" >>logs/$i 2>&1 && \\
     405        echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\n" >>logs/$i
     407) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    382409    # Remove the build directory(ies) even if the package build fails, except for
    385412    if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then
    386413      if [ "$i" != "027-binutils-pass1" ] && [ "$i" != "032-tcl" ] && [ "$i" != "036-binutils-pass2" ] ; then
    387         echo -e "\t@ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    388         echo -e "\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    389         echo -e "\tif [ -e \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    390         echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    391         echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     415    cat << EOF
     416        @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\
     417        rm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\
     418        if [ -e \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\
     419                rm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build; \\
     420        fi;
     422) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    392423      fi
    393424    fi
    395426    # Remove the Binutils pass 1 sources after a successful Adjusting phase.
    396427    if [ "$i" = "031-adjusting" ] ; then
    397       echo -e "\t@rm -r \`cat sources-dir\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    398       echo -e "\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    399       echo -e "\trm sources-dir" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     429    cat << EOF
     430        @rm -r \`cat sources-dir\` && \\
     431        rm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build && \\
     432        rm sources-dir
     434) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    400435    fi
    402437    # Remove the TCL sources after a successful Expect build.
    403438    if [ "$i" = "033-expect" ] ; then
    404       echo -e "\t@rm -r \`cat sources-dir\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    405       echo -e "\trm sources-dir" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     440    cat << EOF
     441        @rm -r \`cat sources-dir\` && \\
     442        rm sources-dir
     444) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    406445    fi
    408447    # Include a touch of the target name so make can check
    409448    # if it's already been made.
    410     echo -e "\t@touch \$@" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     450    cat << EOF
     451        @touch \$@
     453) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    412455    # The next two "if" must be after the touch to can check if the sources
    413456    # directories should be retained or deleted.
    414457    if [ "$i" = "027-binutils-pass1" -o "$i" = "036-binutils-pass2" ] ; then
    415       echo -e "\t@if [ ! -e \$@ ] ; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    416       echo -e "\t\tROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    417       echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    418       echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    419       echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    420     fi
     459    cat << EOF
     460        @if [ ! -e \$@ ] ; then \\
     461                ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\
     462                rm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\
     463                rm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build; \\
     464        fi;
     466) >> $MKFILE.tmp
     467    fi
    421469    if [ "$i" = "032-tcl" ] ; then
    422       echo -e "\t@if [ ! -e \$@ ] ; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    423       echo -e "\t\tROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    424       echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    425       echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     471    cat << EOF
     472        @if [ ! -e \$@ ] ; then \\
     473                ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\
     474                rm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT; \\
     475        fi;
     477) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    426478    fi
    449501       continue
    450502    else
    451       echo -e "\n$i:  $PREV" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    452       echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     504    cat << EOF
     506$i:  $PREV
     507        @\$(call echo_message, Building)
     509) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    453510    fi
    459516    # If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
     517    # Insert instructions for unpacking the package and changing directories
    460518    if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then
    461519      FILE="$name-$vrs.tar.bz2"
    463       # Insert instructions for unpacking the package and changing directories
    464       echo -e "\t@\$(call unpack,$FILE)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    465       echo -e "\t@ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    466       echo -e "\techo \"PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    467       echo -e "\techo \"export PKGDIR\" >> envars\\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     521    cat  << EOF
     522        @\$(call unpack,$FILE)
     523        @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\
     524        echo "PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT" > envars && \\
     525        echo "export PKGDIR" >> envars\\
     527) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    468528    fi
    470530    # For the Re-Adjusting phase we must to cd to the binutils-build directory.
    471531    if [ "$i" = "067-readjusting" ] ; then
    472       echo -e "\t@echo \"PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/binutils-build\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    473       echo -e "\techo \"export PKGDIR\" >> envars" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     533    cat << EOF
     534        @echo "PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/binutils-build" > envars && \\
     535        echo "export PKGDIR" >> envars
     537) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    474538    fi
    477541    # chroot.
    478542    if [ "$i" = "057-kernfs" ] ; then
    479       echo -e "\t@echo \"LFS=\$(LFS)\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    480       echo -e "\techo \"export LFS\" >> envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    481       # Insert date and disk usage at the top of the log file.
    482       echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >logs/$i && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    483       # Insert the script run
    484       echo -e "\t. envars && commands/$file >>logs/$i 2>&1 && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    485       # Insert date and disk usage at the bottom of the log file.
    486       echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >>logs/$i" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     544    cat << EOF
     545        @echo "LFS=\$(LFS)" > envars && \\
     546        echo "export LFS" >> envars && \\
     547        echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\n" >logs/$i && \\
     548        . envars && commands/$file >>logs/$i 2>&1 && \\
     549        echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\n" >>logs/$i
     551) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    487553    # The rest of Chapter06 use CHROOT1 function
    488554    else
    489       # Insert date and disk usage at the top of the log file.
    490       echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >logs/$i && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    491       # Insert the script run
    492       echo -e "\t\$(CHROOT1) 'cd /jhalfs && . envars && commands/$file >>logs/$i 2>&1' && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    493       # Insert date and disk usage at the bottom of the log file.
    494       echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >>logs/$i" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     556    cat << EOF
     557        echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\n" >logs/$i && \\
     558        \$(CHROOT1) 'cd /jhalfs && source envars && commands/$file >>logs/$i 2>&1' && \\
     559        echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\n" >>logs/$i
     561) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    495563    fi
    497565    # Remove the build directory(ies) even if the package build fails.
    498566    if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then
    499       echo -e "\t@ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    500       echo -e "\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    501       echo -e "\tif [ -e \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    502       echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    503       echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     568    cat << EOF
     569        @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\
     570        rm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\
     571        if [ -e \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\
     572                rm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build; \\
     573        fi;
     575) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    504576    fi
    506578    # Remove the Binutils pass 2 sources after a successful Re-Adjusting phase.
    507579    if [ "$i" = "067-readjusting" ] ; then
    508       echo -e "\t@rm -r \`cat sources-dir\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    509       echo -e "\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
    510       echo -e "\trm sources-dir" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     581    cat << EOF
     582        @rm -r \`cat sources-dir\` && \\
     583        rm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build && \\
     584        rm sources-dir
     586) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    511587    fi
    513589    # Include a touch of the target name so make can check
    514590    # if it's already been made.
    515     echo -e "\t@touch \$@" >> $MKFILE.tmp
     592    cat << EOF
     593        @touch \$@
     595) >> $MKFILE.tmp
    517597    # Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
    519599  done
    521   # Add a header to the top of the real Makefile
    522   echo -e "$HEADER\n" > $MKFILE
    524   # Add some variables and include the functions file
    525   echo "SRC= /sources" >> $MKFILE
    526   echo -e "LFS= $BUILDDIR\n" >> $MKFILE
    527   echo -e "include functions\n" >> $MKFILE
     601  # Add a header, some variables and include the function file
     602  # to the top of the real Makefile.
     604    cat << EOF
     607SRC= /sources
     608LFS= $BUILDDIR
     610include functions
     613) > $MKFILE
    529616  # Add chroot commands
    538625  # Drop in the main target 'all:' and the chapter targets with each sub-target
    539626  # as a dependency.
    540   echo "all:  chapter4 chapter5" >> $MKFILE
    541   echo -e "\t@echo -e \"\\\n\\\tYour new LFS system has been successfully built\"\n" >> $MKFILE
    542   echo -e "chapter4:  020-creatingtoolsdir 021-addinguser 022-settingenvironment\n" >> $MKFILE
    543   echo -e "chapter5:  chapter4 $chapter5\n" >> $MKFILE
    544   echo -e "chapter6:  chapter5 $chapter6\n" >> $MKFILE
    546   # Clean targets
    547   echo "clean-all:  clean" >> $MKFILE
    548   echo -e "\trm -rf ./*\n" >> $MKFILE
    550   echo -e "clean:  clean-chapter5 clean-chapter4\n" >> $MKFILE
    552   echo "clean-chapter4:" >> $MKFILE
    553   echo -e "\t-userdel lfs" >> $MKFILE
    554   echo -e "\trm -rf /home/lfs" >> $MKFILE
    555   echo -e "\trm -rf \$(LFS)/tools" >> $MKFILE
    556   echo -e "\trm -f /tools" >> $MKFILE
    557   echo -e "\trm -f envars" >> $MKFILE
    558   echo -e "\trm -f 02* logs/02*.log\n" >> $MKFILE
    560   echo "clean-chapter5:" >> $MKFILE
    561   echo -e "\trm -rf \$(LFS)/tools/*" >> $MKFILE
    562   echo -e "\trm -f envars" >> $MKFILE
    563   echo -e "\trm -f $chapter5" >> $MKFILE
    564   echo -e "\tcd logs && rm -f $chapter5 && cd ..\n" >> $MKFILE
    566   # The chapter4 sub-targets are hard-coded to create the lfs user,
    567   # to make the scripts executable, and to create a clean environment
    568   # for the lfs user.
    569   echo "020-creatingtoolsdir:" >> $MKFILE
    570   echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE
    571   echo -e "\t@mkdir -v \$(LFS)/tools && \\" >> $MKFILE
    572   echo -e "\tln -sv \$(LFS)/tools / && \\" >> $MKFILE
    573   echo -e "\ttouch \$@\n" >> $MKFILE
    575   echo "021-addinguser:  020-creatingtoolsdir" >> $MKFILE
    576   echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE
    577   echo -e "\t@groupadd lfs && \\" >> $MKFILE
    578   echo -e "\tuseradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m -k /dev/null lfs && \\" >> $MKFILE
    579   echo -e "\tchown lfs \$(LFS)/tools && \\" >> $MKFILE
    580   echo -e "\tchown lfs \$(LFS)/sources && \\" >> $MKFILE
    581   # Make the scripts executable
    582   echo -e "\tchmod -R +x $JHALFSDIR/commands && \\" >> $MKFILE
    583   echo -e "\ttouch \$@\n" >> $MKFILE
    585   echo "022-settingenvironment:  021-addinguser" >> $MKFILE
    586   echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE
    587   echo -e "\t@echo \"exec env -i HOME=\\\$\$HOME TERM=\\\$\$TERM PS1='\u:\w\$$ ' /bin/bash\" > /home/lfs/.bash_profile && \\" >> $MKFILE
    588   echo -e "\techo \"set +h\" > /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE
    589   echo -e "\techo \"umask 022\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE
    590   echo -e "\techo \"LFS=/mnt/lfs\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE
    591   echo -e "\techo \"LC_ALL=POSIX\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE
    592   echo -e "\techo \"PATH=/tools/bin:/bin:/usr/bin\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE
    593   echo -e "\techo \"export LFS LC_ALL PATH\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE
    594   # Source the file where we place changing variables.
    595   echo -e "\techo \". $JHALFSDIR/envars\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE
    596   echo -e "\tchown lfs:lfs /home/lfs/.bash* && \\" >> $MKFILE
    597   echo -e "\ttouch envars && \\" >> $MKFILE
    598   echo -e "\ttouch \$@" >> $MKFILE
     628    cat << EOF
     629all:  chapter4 chapter5
     630        @echo -e "\n\tYour new LFS system has been successfully built"
     632chapter4:  020-creatingtoolsdir 021-addinguser 022-settingenvironment
     634chapter5:  chapter4 $chapter5
     636chapter6:  chapter5 $chapter6
     638clean-all:  clean
     639        rm -rf ./*
     641clean:  clean-chapter5 clean-chapter4
     644        -userdel lfs
     645        rm -rf /home/lfs
     646        rm -rf \$(LFS)/tools
     647        rm -f /tools
     648        rm -f envars
     649        rm -f 02* logs/02*.log
     652        rm -rf \$(LFS)/tools/*
     653        rm -f envars
     654        rm -f $chapter5
     655        cd logs && rm -f $chapter5 && cd ..
     658        @\$(call echo_message, Building)
     659        @mkdir -v \$(LFS)/tools && \\
     660        ln -sv \$(LFS)/tools / && \\
     661        touch \$@
     663021-addinguser:  020-creatingtoolsdir
     664        @\$(call echo_message, Building)
     665        @groupadd lfs && \\
     666        useradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m -k /dev/null lfs && \\
     667        chown lfs \$(LFS)/tools && \\
     668        chown lfs \$(LFS)/sources && \\
     669        chmod -R +x $JHALFSDIR/commands && \\
     670        touch \$@
     672022-settingenvironment:  021-addinguser
     673        @\$(call echo_message, Building)
     674        @echo "exec env -i HOME=\\\$\$HOME TERM=\\\$\$TERM PS1='\u:\w\$$ ' /bin/bash" > /home/lfs/.bash_profile && \\
     675        echo "set +h" > /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
     676        echo "umask 022" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
     677        echo "LFS=/mnt/lfs" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
     678        echo "LC_ALL=POSIX" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
     679        echo "PATH=/tools/bin:/bin:/usr/bin" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
     680        echo "export LFS LC_ALL PATH" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
     681        echo ". $JHALFSDIR/envars" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
     682        chown lfs:lfs /home/lfs/.bash* && \\
     683        touch envars && \\
     684        touch \$@
     686) >> $MKFILE
    600688  # Bring over the items from the Makefile.tmp
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