12/19/2021 04:30:10 PM (3 years ago)
Pierre Labastie <pierre.labastie@…>
ablfs-more, legacy, trunk
Pierre Labastie <pierre.labastie@…> (12/19/2021 04:24:52 PM)
Pierre Labastie <pierre.labastie@…> (12/19/2021 04:30:10 PM)

Better document the loop on "after" deps

Add also a description of that loop in the general header

1 edited


  • BLFS/libs/func_dependencies

    re0bbc6e ra78cfc9  
    3030#   on A with a "before" qualifier, C may need B to be able to use A. So the  #
    3131#   only safe way to consider "after" qualifiers is to consider that they are #
    32 #   "before" deps for any parent of the packages considered.                  #
     32#   "before" deps for any parent of the packages considered. There is an      #
     33#   exception to that rule: if B depends on C (possibly through a chain of    #
     34#   several dependencies), then C should still be built before B.             #
    3335# We'll therefore have a 3 pass procedure. First build the set of nodes       #
    3436# reachable from the root set. Second, remove dangling edges (those pointing  #
    7476# - The qualifier (for printing)                                              #
    7577#                                                                             #
     78# Pass 2: graph transformation                                                #
     79# ============================                                                #
     80# We now have three loops over nodes of the graph                             #
     81# Loop 1: Remove dead edges                                                   #
     82# -------------------------                                                   #
     83# Since some nodes have not been created because the edge leading to them     #
     84# had too high a weight, the edges leading to them have to be suppressed.     #
     85# For each existing node file, we make a list of lines to remove by           #
     86# testing whether the destination exists. We then remove the lines.           #
     87# Another approach would be to make a temporary file and output only          #
     88# lines that should stay, then rename the file. This would save a loop.       #
     89# All in all it is an N*e process, where N is the number of nodes and e       #
     90# the average number of edges originating from a node.                        #
     91# Loop 2: Treat "after" edges                                                 #
     92# ---------------------------                                                 #
     93# If a node is the origin of edges qualified as "after", we want the          #
     94# nodes which are the destination of those edges to be built after            #
     95# the origin node, but before any node that depend on the origin              #
     96# node. For that, the general rule is to change:                              #
     97#             P---b--->A---a--->D                                             #
     98# to:                                                                         #
     99#             P---b--->Agroupxx---b--->A                                      #
     100#                             |                                               #
     101#                              ---b--->D                                      #
     102# But there is a problem if D depends on P, possibly through a chain,         #
     103# because we create a cycle which shouldn't exist. If this is the case,       #
     104# we leave A as a dependency of P:                                            #
     105#                             P---b--->A                                      #
     106#                                                                             #
     107#                      Agroupxx---b--->A                                      #
     108#                             |                                               #
     109#                              ---b--->D                                      #
     110# Doing so, it may happen that Agroupxx has no parent. We then add            #
     111# Agroupxx as a dependency of root. The problem with this algorithm is        #
     112# the search for paths from D to A, which may be exponential in the           #
     113# number of nodes in the graph.                                               #
    76114# TODO: document other passes                                                 #
    77115# TODO: needs also to document the .tree files                                #
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