04/13/2006 04:20:14 PM (18 years ago)
Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>

Rewrite (by George) the func_validate_configs.sh code.

1 edited


  • common/func_validate_configs.sh

    r21530e9 rb1c7734  
    11# $Id$
    3 validate_target() {
     4validate_target() {          #
    56  local -r ERROR_MSG_pt1='The variable \"${L_arrow}TARGET${R_arrow}\" value ${L_arrow}${BOLD}${TARGET}${R_arrow} is invalid for the ${L_arrow}${BOLD}${ARCH}${R_arrow} architecture'
    67  local -r ERROR_MSG_pt2='  check the config file ${BOLD}${GREEN}\<$(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z])/config\> or \<common/config\>${OFF}'
    72 validate_config()    {       # Are the config values sane (within reason)
     73validate_config() {          # Are the config values sane (within reason)
    7475: <<inline_doc
    107108  }
    109   validate_str() {
     110  validate_against_str() {
    110111     # This is the 'regexp' test available in bash-3.0..
    111112     # using it as a poor man's test for substring
    112113     echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    113      if [[ ! "${validation_str}" =~ "x${!config_param}x" ]] ; then
     114     if [[ ! "$1" =~ "x${!config_param}x" ]] ; then
    114115       # parameter value entered is no good
    115116       write_error_and_die
    117118  }
     120  validate_file() {
     121     # For parameters ending with a '+' failure causes a warning message only
     122     echo -n "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
     123     while test $# -gt 0 ; do
     124       case $1 in
     125        # Failures caused program exit
     126        "-z")  [[   -z "${!config_param}" ]] && echo "${tab_}<-- NO file name given"  && write_error_and_die ;;
     127        "-e")  [[ ! -e "${!config_param}" ]] && echo "${tab_}<-- file does not exist" && write_error_and_die ;;
     128        "-s")  [[ ! -s "${!config_param}" ]] && echo "${tab_}<-- file has zero bytes" && write_error_and_die ;;
     129        "-r")  [[ ! -r "${!config_param}" ]] && echo "${tab_}<-- no read permission " && write_error_and_die ;;
     130        "-w")  [[ ! -w "${!config_param}" ]] && echo "${tab_}<-- no write permission" && write_error_and_die ;;
     131        "-x")  [[ ! -x "${!config_param}" ]] && echo "${tab_}<-- file cannot be executed" && write_error_and_die ;;
     132        # Warning messages only
     133        "-z+") [[   -z "${!config_param}" ]] && echo && return ;;
     134       esac
     135       shift 1
     136     done
     137     echo
     138  }
     140  validate_dir() {
     141     # For parameters ending with a '+' failure causes a warning message only
     142     echo -n "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
     143     while test $# -gt 0 ; do
     144       case $1 in
     145        "-z") [[   -z "${!config_param}" ]] && echo "${tab_}NO directory name given" && write_error_and_die ;;
     146        "-d") [[ ! -d "${!config_param}" ]] && echo "${tab_}This is NOT a directory" && write_error_and_die ;;
     147        "-w") if [[ ! -w "${!config_param}" ]]; then
     148                echo "${nl_}${DD_BORDER}"
     149                echo "${tab_}${RED}You do not have ${L_arrow}write${R_arrow}${RED} access to the directory${OFF}"
     150                echo "${tab_}${BOLD}${!config_param}${OFF}"
     151                echo "${DD_BORDER}${nl_}"
     152                exit 1
     153              fi  ;;
     154        # Warnings only
     155        "-w+") if [[ ! -w "${!config_param}" ]]; then
     156                 echo "${nl_}${DD_BORDER}"
     157                 echo "${tab_}WARNING-- You do not have ${L_arrow}write${R_arrow} access to the directory${OFF}"
     158                 echo "${tab_}       -- ${BOLD}${!config_param}${OFF}"
     159                 echo "${DD_BORDER}"
     160               fi  ;;
     161        "-z+") [[ -z "${!config_param}" ]] && echo "${tab_}<-- NO directory name given" && return
     162       esac
     163       shift 1
     164     done
     165     echo
     166  }
    119168  set +e
    120   for PARAM_GROUP in ${PROGNAME}_PARAM_LIST; do
    121     for config_param in ${!PARAM_GROUP}; do
    122       # This is a tricky little piece of code.. executes a cmd string.
    123       case $config_param in
    124         BUILDDIR) # We cannot have an <empty> or </> root mount point
    125             echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    126             if [[ "xx x/x" =~ "x${!config_param}x" ]]; then
    127               write_error_and_die
    128             fi
    129             continue  ;;
    130         TIMEZONE)   continue;;
    131         MKFILE)     continue;;
    132         HPKG)       validation_str="x0x x1x";          validate_str; continue ;;
    133         RUNMAKE)    validation_str="x0x x1x";          validate_str; continue ;;
    135         COMPARE)    if [[ ! "$COMPARE" = "1" ]]; then
    136                       validation_str="x0x x1x"; validate_str
    137                     else
    138                       if [[ ! "${RUN_ICA}" = "1" ]] && [[ ! "${RUN_FARCE}" = "1" ]]; then
    139                          echo  "${nl_}${DD_BORDER}"
    140                          echo  "You have elected to analyse the build but have failed to select a tool." >&2
    141                          echo  "Edit /common/config and set ${L_arrow}${BOLD}RUN_ICA${R_arrow} and/or ${L_arrow}${BOLD}RUN_FARCE${R_arrow} to the required values" >&2
    142                          echo  "${DD_BORDER}${nl_}"
    143                          exit 1
    144                       fi
     170  for config_param in ${!PARAM_GROUP}; do
     171    # This is a tricky little piece of code.. executes a cmd string.
     172    case $config_param in
     173      BUILDDIR) # We cannot have an <empty> or </> root mount point
     174                  echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
     175                  [[ "xx x/x" =~ "x${!config_param}x" ]] &&
     176                       write_error_and_die
     177                  ;;
     178      TIMEZONE)   ;;
     180      # Validate general parameters..
     181      HPKG)       validate_against_str "x0x x1x" ;;
     182      RUNMAKE)    validate_against_str "x0x x1x" ;;
     183      COMPARE)    if [[ ! "$COMPARE" = "1" ]]; then
     184                    validate_against_str "x0x x1x"
     185                  else
     186                    if [[ ! "${RUN_ICA}" = "1" ]] && [[ ! "${RUN_FARCE}" = "1" ]]; then
     187                       echo  "${nl_}${DD_BORDER}"
     188                       echo  "You have elected to analyse your build but have failed to select a tool." >&2
     189                       echo  "Edit /common/config and set ${L_arrow}${BOLD}RUN_ICA${R_arrow} and/or ${L_arrow}${BOLD}RUN_FARCE${R_arrow} to the required values" >&2
     190                       echo  "${DD_BORDER}${nl_}"
     191                       exit 1
    145192                    fi
    146                     continue ;;
    147         RUN_ICA)    [[ "$COMPARE" = "1" ]] && validation_str="x0x x1x" && validate_str
    148                     continue ;;
    149         RUN_FARCE)  [[ "$COMPARE" = "1" ]] && validation_str="x0x x1x" && validate_str
    150                     continue ;;
    151         ITERATIONS) [[ "$COMPARE" = "1" ]] && validation_str="x2x x3x x4x x5x" && validate_str
    152                     continue ;;
    154         TEST)       validation_str="x0x x1x x2x x3x";  validate_str; continue ;;
    155         STRIP)      validation_str="x0x x1x";          validate_str; continue ;;
    156         VIMLANG)    validation_str="x0x x1x";          validate_str; continue ;;
    157         DEPEND)     validation_str="x0x x1x x2x";      validate_str; continue ;;
    158         MODEL)      validation_str="xglibcx xuclibcx"; validate_str; continue ;;
    159         PAGE)       validation_str="xletterx xA4x";    validate_str; continue ;;
    160         GRSECURITY_HOST)  validation_str="x0x x1x";    validate_str; continue ;;
    161         METHOD)     validation_str="xchrootx xbootx";  validate_str; continue ;;
    162         ARCH)       validation_str="xx86x xx86_64x xx86_64-64x xsparcx xsparcv8x xsparc64x xsparc64-64x xmipsx xmips64x xmips64-64x xppcx xppc64x xalphax"; validate_str; continue ;;
    163         TARGET)     validate_target; continue ;;
    164       esac
    166       if [[ "${config_param}" = "LC_ALL" ]]; then
    167          echo "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    168          [[ -z "${!config_param}" ]] && echo -e "\nVariable LC_ALL cannot be empty!" && write_error_and_die
    169           # See it the locale values exist on this machine
    170          if [[ "`locale -a | grep -c ${!config_param}`" > 0 ]]; then
    171            continue
    172          else  # If you make it this far then there is a problem
    173            write_error_and_die
    174          fi
    175       fi
    177       if [[ "${config_param}" = "LANG" ]]; then
    178          echo "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    179          [[ -z "${!config_param}" ]] && echo -e "\nVariable LANG cannot be empty!" && write_error_and_die
    180           # See it the locale values exist on this machine
    181          if [[ "`locale -a | grep -c ${!config_param}`" > 0 ]]; then
    182            continue
    183          else  # If you make it this far then there is a problem
    184            write_error_and_die
    185          fi
    186       fi
    189       if [[ "${config_param}"  = "KEYMAP" ]]; then
    190          echo "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    191          [[ "${!config_param}" = "none" ]] && continue
    192          if [[ -e "/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/${!config_param}" ]] &&
    193             [[ -s "/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/${!config_param}" ]]; then
    194             continue
    195          else
    196             write_error_and_die
    197          fi
    198       fi
    200       if [[ "${config_param}" = "SRC_ARCHIVE" ]]; then
    201          echo -n "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    202          if [ ! -z ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ]; then
    203            if [ ! -d ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ]; then
    204              echo "   -- is NOT a directory"
    205              write_error_and_die
    206            fi
    207            if [ ! -w ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ]; then
    208              echo -n "${nl_} [${BOLD}${YELLOW}WARN$OFF] You do not have <write> access to this directory, ${nl_}${tab_}downloaded files can not be saved in this archive"
    209            fi
    210         fi
    211         echo
    212         continue
    213       fi
    215       if [[ "${config_param}" = "FSTAB" ]]; then
    216          echo "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    217          [[ -z "${!config_param}" ]] && continue
    218          if [[ -e "${!config_param}" ]] &&
    219             [[ -s "${!config_param}" ]]; then
    220            continue
    221          else
    222            write_error_and_die
    223          fi
    224       fi
    226       if [[ "${config_param}" = "BOOK" ]]; then
    227          echo "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    228          [[ ! "${WC}" = 1 ]] && continue
    229          [[ -z "${!config_param}" ]] && continue
    230          if [[ -e "${!config_param}" ]] &&
    231             [[ -s "${!config_param}" ]]; then
    232            continue
    233          else
    234            write_error_and_die
    235          fi
    236       fi
    238       if [[ "${config_param}" = "CONFIG" ]]; then
    239          echo "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    240          [[ -z "${!config_param}" ]] && continue
    241          if [[ -e "${!config_param}" ]] &&
    242             [[ -s "${!config_param}" ]]; then
    243            continue
    244          else
    245            write_error_and_die
    246          fi
    247       fi
    249       if [[ "${config_param}" = "BOOT_CONFIG" ]]; then
    250         if [[ "${METHOD}" = "boot" ]]; then
    251             echo "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    252            # There must be a config file when the build method is 'boot'
    253            [[ -e "${!config_param}" ]] && [[ -s "${!config_param}" ]] && continue
    254            # If you make it this far then there is a problem
    255           write_error_and_die
    256         fi
    257       fi
    258     done
     193                  fi ;;
     194      RUN_ICA)    [[ "$COMPARE" = "1" ]] && validate_against_str "x0x x1x" ;;
     195      RUN_FARCE)  [[ "$COMPARE" = "1" ]] && validate_against_str "x0x x1x" ;;
     196      ITERATIONS) [[ "$COMPARE" = "1" ]] && validate_against_str "x2x x3x x4x x5x" ;;
     197      TEST)       validate_against_str "x0x x1x x2x x3x" ;;
     198      STRIP)      validate_against_str "x0x x1x" ;;
     199      VIMLANG)    validate_against_str "x0x x1x" ;;
     200      DEPEND)     validate_against_str "x0x x1x x2x" ;;
     201      MODEL)      validate_against_str "xglibcx xuclibcx" ;;
     202      PAGE)       validate_against_str "xletterx xA4x" ;;
     203      METHOD)     validate_against_str "xchrootx xbootx" ;;
     204      ARCH)       validate_against_str "xx86x xx86_64x xx86_64-64x xsparcx xsparcv8x xsparc64x xsparc64-64x xmipsx xmips64x xmips64-64x xppcx xppc64x xalphax" ;;
     205      TARGET)     validate_target ;;
     206      GRSECURITY_HOST)  validate_against_str "x0x x1x" ;;
     208      # Validate directories, testable states:
     209      #  fatal   -z -d -w,
     210      #  warning -z+   -w+
     211      SRC_ARCHIVE) validate_dir -z+ -d -w+ ;;
     213      # Validate files, testable states:
     214      #  fatal   -z -e -s -w -x -r,
     215      #  warning -z+
     216      FSTAB)       validate_file -z+ -e -s ;;
     217      CONFIG)      validate_file -z+ -e -s ;;
     218      BOOK)        [[ "${WC}" = 1 ]] && validate_file -z -e -s  ;;
     219      BOOT_CONFIG) [[ "${METHOD}" = "boot" ]] && validate_file -z -e -s ;;
     221      # Treatment of 'special' parameters
     222      LANG | \
     223      LC_ALL)  # See it the locale values exist on this machine
     224               echo -n "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
     225               [[ -z "${!config_param}" ]] &&
     226                 echo " -- Variable $config_param cannot be empty!" &&
     227                 write_error_and_die
     228               [[ ! "`locale -a | grep -c ${!config_param}`" > 0 ]] &&
     229                  write_error_and_die
     230               echo
     231               ;;
     232      KEYMAP)  [[ ! "${!config_param}" = "none" ]] &&
     233                  KEYMAP="/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/${KEYMAP}" &&
     234                  validate_file -z -e -s
     235               ;;
     236    esac
    259237  done
    261238  set -e
    262239  echo "$tab_***${BOLD}${GREEN} ${PARAM_GROUP%%_*T} config parameters look good${OFF} ***"
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.