Custom Query (619 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 619)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#667 kpfleming@… kpfleming@… fixed <patch> element support for download and uncompression

<patch> element should be extended to support the following:


<file>path-to-patch-file</file> <digest>md5-or-other-sum-of-file</digest> <reference>URL-to-get-patch-file</reference>


The element will then download the file if necessary, checks its digest, and issue the patch command as follows:

patch -N -p1 path-to-patch-file

in the current or specified <base>, of course. If the file is compressed, it will be decompressed as it is passed to the patch command (just as the <unpack> element does). Should support a <mode> attribute, of "forward" (the default) or "reverse", and also a <strip> attribute (default of 1). Any other patch options can be specified by using <param> attributes, which will be appended to the constructed command line.


  • should this be syntax version 3.2?
  • should this be a new element name, or is changing the existing element acceptable?
#686 alfs-log@… nduteil@… fixed download handler error when wget is used

On Version 1.1.8, the file new_download.c contains the following code in methode get_url.


status = load_url(file, url);


status = execute_command("wget --progress=dot -O %s %s%s", file, url);


The last %s should be removed to avoid random characters to be added to url parameter

#689 alfs-log@… neven@… wontfix Profile creator

Adding new elements to the profile, by choosing them from the list of known ones (after parsing nalfs.dtd for example). Also add necessary elements for a new <package>.

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