Custom Query (619 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 619)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#730 alfs-log@… shevek@… duplicate flag to silently ignore failure

It would be useful to have a flag to silently ignore failure of any given command. The flag should be the same for all commands.


#734 alfs-log@… ookaze@… fixed Temp file rename does not work properly

The rename() in get_url can not work when nALFS is launched on a different filesystem than the one where the file should be downloaded. The temp_file_name seems to be created in the current directory, which is not my "destination" directory, and they are on different filesystems. Hence, the rename fails. I've patched the get_url utility for it to add the destination path, but perhaps it is not optimal. The URL is the location of my patch. If it doesn't break some nALFS rule, it would be good to have an official patch. Thanks

#735 alfs-log@… ookaze@… fixed stage and su users works only with /etc/passwd

I have a problem with some packages (courier-imap for example). These packages need some users other than root, and all my users, except root, are in LDAP. So, the stage just fails. I've made a quick and dirty hack (see patch in bug #734) to use getpwent instead of fgetpwent, so nALFS can work with nss on Linux with glibc. It's just a hack and I know it is not good, but works for me for now.

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